
  • 【航天】inertial coordinate
  1. CCD用于建立惯性坐标系(Ⅵ)误差累积分析

    To Build up the Inertial Coordinate System with A CCD (ⅵ) Analysis of Error Accumulation

  2. 在惯性坐标系下应用卡尔曼滤波法的对准方案。惯导系统初始对准的H∞滤波器设计

    The means of the alignment with the Kalman filter in inertial frame is studied . Application of H_ ∞ filter in INS Alignment

  3. CCD用于建立惯性坐标系(Ⅰ)测定河外星系与定标星的相对位置

    To Build Up the Inertial Coordinate System With A CCD (ⅰ) Measuring the Relative Position of An Extragalactic System with Respect to the Reference Stars

  4. 以航天器在惯性坐标系下位置速度向量误差为输入量,给出了一种全状态反馈控制律,利用Lyapunov方法证明该闭环系统是渐进稳定的;

    The tracing errors are required based on mean elements . The asymptotic stability of the feedback system is proved with Lyapunov method .

  5. 论文建立了发射惯性坐标系中的SINS导航解算模型,推导了该坐标系中的SINS误差传播方程。

    In this paper , the mathematics model of SINS in the Launch Inertial Coordinate System is established , and the error propagation function .

  6. 其中计算得到的动平台的四个独立自由运动分别为绕着惯性坐标系的X轴和Y轴方向上的转动,以及沿着X轴和Z轴方向上的移动。

    Which calculated four independent and free movement of the moving platform to move the rotation around the X-axis and Y-axis direction of the inertial coordinate system , as well as along the X-axis and Z-axis direction .

  7. 文中还对CCD测量和照相测量进行了比较,结论是用CCD重迭测量可以以较高的精度建立惯性坐标系。

    The CCD measurements are also compared with the photographic measurements , and the conclusion is that the inertial coordinate system with higher accuracy can be set up by the overlap exposure measurements obtained with a CCD .

  8. 将时域有限差分(FDTD)方法用于非惯性坐标系下光子晶体理论研究,给出了非惯性坐标系下的差分方程和理想匹配层(PML)边界条件。

    The finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method is developed for analyzing the photonic crystals in the non-inertial frame . The difference equations and the perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition equations in the non-inertial frame are given .

  9. 以分布式InSAR为例,着重研究了从地心惯性坐标系到卫星质心轨道坐标系的转换方法,详细地推导了具体的转换公式。

    Taking the distributed InSAR as an example , this paper lays a strong emphasis on the research of the coordinate transformation methods from the inertial coordinate system to the centroid orbit coordinate system , and deduces the idiographic formulas of them in detail .

  10. 为了能有利于卫星等航天器高精度自主导航本文采用1978年由Friedland提出的基于惯性坐标系下的惯性系统误差理论推导出另外一种基于惯性坐标系下的惯性导航系统。

    In order to make sure the spacecraft can fly in any condition here adopted the error model was derived by Friedland in 1978 , which was based on the Earth Centered Inertial ( ECI ) Frame .

  11. 关于非惯性坐标系中的动力学基本定理

    About the basic dynamic theorems in non & inertial coordinates

  12. 用时域有限差分方法研究非惯性坐标系下光子晶体传输特性

    Transmission Properties Research of Photonic Crystals in the Non-Inertial Frame Using FDTD Method

  13. 惯性坐标系下的旋翼气弹稳定性建模

    Rotor Aeroelastic Stability Modeling Based on Inertial Coordinate Frame

  14. 在非惯性坐标系中抛射体的偏移与抛射角的关系

    The Relationship Between Deviation and Projectile-angle of the Projectile in the Non-inertia Coordinate System

  15. 非惯性坐标系中的边界层方程

    Boundary layer equations in noninertial reference frame

  16. 在非惯性坐标系中建立了起落架支柱的动力学模型。

    A dynamic model of landing gear struts is introduced in a non-inertial coordinate system .

  17. 惯性坐标系与测地对应

    Inertial coordinate systems and geodesic correspondence

  18. 基于这两种运动规则,第四章为机器人惯性坐标系下的速度设计了一参考速度。

    Based on the two motion rules , a reference velocity is designated for the robot .

  19. 针对机载主惯导以地理坐标系为导航坐标系,而弹载子惯导以准惯性坐标系为导航坐标系的实际情况,研究了主惯导速度匹配量的实时构造问题。

    The on-line construction problem of the velocity matching data of the airborne master inertial navigation system is researched .

  20. 本文简述了建立惯性坐标系的运动学方法和动力学方法。

    In this article , the kinematic and dynamic methods for setting up the inertial coordinate system are simply described .

  21. 用惯性坐标系作为整体坐标系描述多体系统的刚体位移,在每个柔性体上附着一个局部坐标系。

    An inertial frame serves as a global reference frame for describing the rigid body motion of the multi-body system .

  22. 在第五章和第六章中,对双臂空间机器人系统在惯性坐标系内进行轨迹跟踪控制问题进行研究。

    In the fifth and sixth chapter , trajectory tracking control in inertia space of the dual-arm space robot system is studied .

  23. 应用等效转动矢量法解算弹体坐标系和惯性坐标系之间的姿态转换矩阵,消除了不可交换误差;

    Firstly , equivalent rotating vector algorithm is applied to calculate the attitude transfer matrices between the body coordinates and the inertial coordinates , restraining the noncommutativity error .

  24. 本文通过简单的数学变换对时序问题进行了讨论,得出了适用于任何惯性坐标系的通解,并例举了在特殊坐标系中的特解。

    In this article , time sequence is discussed by simple mathematics transformation , general solution in arbitrarily coordinate is obtained and is used in the particular coordinate .

  25. 根据流体力学的输运公式推导出非惯性坐标系的动量方程,讨论了其在一些条件下的应用。

    Based on the conveying formula of fluid mechanics , the equation of momentum in noninertial coordinate is deducted , and for more its application in engineering subjects is discussed .

  26. 本文首先对加速度和力进行了狭义相对论变换,然后研究了加速度和力在不同惯性坐标系中的性质。

    We , in this paper , first of all , transformed acceleration and force of special relativity , then further studied acceleration and force property under different inertial ordinate system .

  27. 在一个惯性坐标系中与物体静止质量相当的能量;等于静止质量乘以光速的平方。

    The energy equivalent to the mass of a particle at rest in an inertial frame of reference ; equal to the rest mass times the square of the speed of light .

  28. 在系统的软件算法设计方面,首先设计建立了空间姿态矩阵,实现了运载体坐标系数据到空间惯性坐标系的转换;

    About the software programmed in this system , it has programmed about the space attitude matrix , which can realize the conversion from the measurement reference frame to the inertial reference frame ;

  29. 根据空中目标飞行控制的基本规律,首先建立了空中目标航迹分布的理论模型,并在惯性坐标系中建立了基于随机微分方程的目标运动模型。

    The trajectory theory model of air target was made up according to its basic rule of flight control . A stochastic difference equation to model the air target movement in inertial frame coordinates was introduced .

  30. 捷联导引头只能测得弹体视线角信号,无法直接测定惯性坐标系下的视线角速率,因此需要对含有噪声的体视线角测量信息进行求导,然后与速率陀螺数据相加获得目标视线角速率。

    The LOS rate in inertial coordinate system can not be measured directly by Strapdown seeker . So we have to add the derivative of body LOS angle with measurement noise and data of rate gyro to obtain LOS rate .