
ɡuàn xìnɡ jǔ
  • Moment of inertia;processional moment moment;of inertia momentofinertia
  1. 国标H型钢和剖分T型钢截面扭转惯性矩计算

    Calculation of torsional moment of inertia for hot rolled h and cut T section steel in national standard

  2. 用H型钢梁截面惯性矩较精确的近似计算公式来代替其精确计算公式,从而建立了楔形H型钢梁内力分析的传递矩阵法。

    Exact calculating formula of area moment of inertia of H-section steel beam is instead of its approximate calculating formula , So transfer matrix method of tapered H-section steel beam about its internal force analysis is established .

  3. 该文首先计算机械手各杆件的质量、重心坐标和惯性矩,然后在adams中建立机械手的最简模型。

    The paper first calculates the quality , barycenter and inertia couple of the manipulator 's sticks , then sets up the most simple model of the manipulator in adams .

  4. 介绍了在AutoCAD中计算平面图形形心、惯性矩、惯性积等几何量的方法与技巧。

    A novel method and some tips were proposed to calculate the ichnography geometry quality such as center of shape , moments of inertia , product of inertia , and so on in AutoCAD .

  5. 通过纹理分析,利用灰度共生矩阵惯性矩特征值能够反映图像灰度空间复杂度的特性,成功获取了LOG边缘检测算子最佳空间系数,抑制了图像中的大部分噪声。

    Characteristic number of inertia moment of gray level co-occurrence matrix can reflect the feature of complexity of image gray space . Optimum space coefficient of LOG operator can be ac-quired effectively and most noise of images can be removed .

  6. 根据材料力学的基本原理,针对重型结构钢截面的形式,推导出其扭转时极惯性矩Jρ的计算公式。

    According to the general principle of material mechanics and section form of heavy steel structure , derives the calculation formula of polar moment of inertia J_ ρ of heavy steel structure on torsion .

  7. 设计中用CAD的概念设计技术生成了全部零件的实体模型、生成了带有零件体积,密度、重量、重心、惯性矩、惯性积等属性的文件。

    The solid modeling for all parts has been created in terms of the concept design of CAE . The files which give the attributes such as volume weight , center of gravity moment of inertia , product of inertia for every part are generated .

  8. 对由实测频率求解轴力N和惯性矩I的可能性进行分析,得出如下结论:轴力随着频率误差的变化十分明显,而惯性矩随频率误差的变化不很明显。

    The possibility of the measured frequency to calculate the axial force N and the inertial moment I is analyzed , and some conclusions are reached : the axial force varies significantly as the frequency error varies , but the inertial moment varies slightly as the error varies .

  9. 形状特征提取出了Hu矩的7个特征参数;纹理特征提取出二阶矩、惯性矩、逆差矩和灰度相关性的4个特征值。

    There were 7 characteristic parameters of Hu moments in shape feature . And 4 characteristic values of texture feature were picked up such as second moment , moment of inertia , inverse difference moment and grayscale correlation . 4 .

  10. 利用SOP(小尺寸封装)芯片的外形轮廓信息,在灰度惯性矩基础上实现了芯片偏角检测。

    Then implement rapid component partition basing it . By means of the grayscale inertia moment theory , this system calculate chip rotation angle through the contour information of SOP ( Small Outline Package ) chips .

  11. 从理论上讲,作为一款发动机前置的汽车,由于质量的分布和更低的极惯性矩,F-Type在拐弯时应该比发动机后置的保时捷911慢。

    Theoretically , being a front-engine car , the F-Type should be slower to rotate in a corner than the rear-engine 911 , due to F-Type 's distribution of mass and lower polar moment .

  12. 复杂薄壁断面的自由扭转惯性矩的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Free Torsion Constant for Complicated Thin-Walled Cross Section

  13. 求惯性矩和惯性积的图解法

    Diagram Method to Get Moment of Inertia and Product of Inertia

  14. 惯性矩的图像融合的新方法

    A New Image - Fusion Method Based on Inertia Quadrature

  15. 特殊腹杆系统塔架的扭转惯性矩

    The Torsional Inertia of the Space Tower Frames with Specific webbing System

  16. 双体船的横摇阻尼与附连质量惯性矩估算

    Prediction of Rolling Damping and Added Moment of Mass Inertia for Catamaran

  17. 惯性矩与惯性张量的关系

    Relationship of moment of inertia and tensor of inertia

  18. 梯形截面箱梁畸变惯性矩的计算

    Aberration inertia moment calculation on trapezoidal section box girder

  19. 小型弹箭惯性矩的测定

    The Measurement of Moment of Inertia for Small Missiles

  20. 机器底座的设计方法&惯性矩单位特性法

    The designing method of machine bases & moment of inertia by unit properties

  21. 片体干扰对三体船附加质量和附加惯性矩的影响研究

    On interaction among three bodies to trimaran additional mass and additional inertia moment

  22. 有限元法计算惯性矩及转动惯量

    Calculating the Moment of Inertia and the Gyration of Inertia by Finite Element Method

  23. 此方法可以精确地计算弹射座椅的惯性矩及惯性积。

    Inertia of seat / man system can be calculated accurately by this method .

  24. 总惯性矩可变电气传动系统动态特性的优化

    The optimization of the dynamic characteristics of general inertial moment changeable electric transmission system

  25. 闭口薄壁箱梁截面扭转惯性矩的计算方法

    Calculation method of the inertia torsion moment of the closed thin wall box beam

  26. 被动式陀螺转子惯性矩的测定

    Determining Moment of Inertia for the Passive Gyrorotor

  27. 单线扭摆测定惯性矩的问题

    Problems about Determining Inertia Moment with Torsion Pendulum

  28. 惯性矩(积)的转轴公式的图解分析

    The diagrammatical analysis of moment of inertia & product of inertia 's rotation axis formula

  29. 内核晃动对地球主惯性矩的时变性影响

    Temporal influence of the inner core wobble on the Earth 's principle moments of inertia

  30. 簧上质量横摆惯性矩

    Yawing moment of inertia of sprung mass