
  • 网络moves china;moving china
  1. “感动中国”人物作为人格的典范,以其为人格教育素材有助于增强教育的实效性。

    " moves China " the character to take the personality the model , is helpful take it as the personal education source material to the enhancement education effectiveness .

  2. 从《感动中国》看媒体活动的运作

    On the Operation of the Media Activites from the Perspective of the Program Chinese Inspiring China

  3. 大家可能对这个名字不太熟悉,但他是2007年感动中国十大人物之一。

    You may not know this name , but in2007 he was moved by one of China's10 figures .

  4. 价值传播与社会认同&《感动中国》年度人物价值观呈现与传播分析

    Value Transmission and Social Identity : an Analysis on the Value Expression of the " Who Moved China " Nomination

  5. 正是由于他们这种几十年如一日的清贫与奉献,他们当选为2008年“感动中国”十大人物之一。

    Their dedication and love have won them the honor as one of the top ten people touching China in2009 .

  6. 每一年的感动中国都是一场精神的盛宴,每一次的播出都能在社会上引起热议。

    Each year ," Moved China " is a feast for the spirit , every broadcast can be a hot topic in the community .

  7. 徐本禹,贵州的一名志愿者教师,曾被评为“感动中国人物”之一。是他激发我想去边远山区支教的想法。

    Xu Benyu , a volunteer teacher in Guizhou who was honored as one of the " People Who Moved China ", inspired me to become a volunteer teacher in a rural area .

  8. 本文通过对《感动中国》进行深入研究,探寻其成功之处,以期能够对典型人物报道的创新和发展给予经验和启发。

    This article explores its success through in-depth research of " Moved China ", with a view to find out some experience and inspiration of innovation and development of reports on typical characters .

  9. 清华大学一名退休教授被诊断为肺癌晚期,却将自己毕生的积蓄捐献给贫困学生,他的故事感动了中国网民。

    The story of a retired Tsinghua University professor who anonymously donated his life savings to poor students despite being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer has touched Chinese netizens .

  10. 歌剧《白毛女》以“旧社会把人逼成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人”的真实故事,感动了中国千千万万的老百姓。

    The opera " white haired girl " moved millions of Chinese to tears with this true story that castigated the old society which turned humans into ghosts and celebrated the liberated society which turned the ghosts back into humans .

  11. 日前,一个小男孩在地铁上把自己的手给疲惫的妈妈当枕头,感动了整个中国社交媒体。

    A boy who used his hand as a pillow for his exhausted mother has warmed hearts across Chinese social media .

  12. 无论多么困难,他总是象父亲一样照顾他的妹妹,这一点感动了全中国。

    No matter how difficult it is , he always looks after his sister like a father , which moves the people all over China .

  13. 新华网上周二报道,璐璐的行动已经感动了数千万中国网友。

    Her act has moved millions of Chinese netizens , Xinhua reported on last Tuesday .

  14. 其实我想,生活中,有太多太多的人在自己平凡的生命中感动着别人,也感动着中国。

    In fact , I think , in life , there are far too many people in their ordinary lives touched by the others , but also moved the Chinese .

  15. 这段经典的凄美旋律感动了所有演奏者,感动了中国人,同时也感动了远在他乡的华人们。

    This classic poignant melody touched by all the players , touched the Chinese , and also touched the Chinese far away from home .