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  • 网络sensory stimulation;sensory stimuli;sensational;sensory stimulus
  1. 其实疲惫的往往都是感官刺激带来的;

    Actually the fatigue is very often brought by sensory stimulation .

  2. 新鲜的感官刺激,比形式的创新更重要。

    Fresh sensory stimulation is more important than formal creativity .

  3. 这通常与一个人“寻求感官刺激”的程度有关。寻求感官刺激是指某人尝试新食物和冒险的意愿。

    It is often related to an individual 's level of sensation-seeking , meaning a person 's willingness to try new things and take risks .

  4. 虚拟现实(VR:virtualReality)是计算机生成的给人多种感官刺激的虚拟世界(环境),是一种高级的人机交互系统。

    Virtual Reality ( VR ) can be defined as the simulation of the real world , and an advanced interactive system .

  5. G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)在体内介导着多种配体引起的生理反应,如激素、神经递质和感官刺激。

    G protein-coupled receptors ( GPCRs ) mediate physiological responses to various ligands , such as hormones , neurotransmitters and sensory stimuli .

  6. 她出生于加拿大,最近发行了第二十张专辑&“寂静的夜晚”,这张唱片结合了英国bossanova的感官刺激与爵士乐的平滑舒缓的节奏。

    The Canadian-born performer recently released her twelfth album . " Quiet Nights " combines the sensual beat of Brazilian bossa nova with the smooth sound of jazz .

  7. 当下的文学写作普遍宣泄感官刺激,德性品质匮乏。

    The literature writing is right now universally short of morality .

  8. 一个完美的儿童的感官刺激发展。

    A perfect stimulus of children 's sensory development .

  9. 感官刺激的快乐如过眼云烟,短暂而空虚;

    Joy from stimulation of the senses is like clouds or smoke passing before our eyes ;

  10. 本发明提供一种便携式多感官刺激装置,包括:壳体;

    The invention provides a portable multi-sense organ stimulation device , which comprises : a shell body ;

  11. 借鉴体验经济的理论,结合内蒙古区域实际,进行保持稀缺性、重视游客的感官刺激等体验设计,以增加内蒙古草原旅游的体验价值。

    Drawing lessons from theory of experience economy , author plans experience design of Inner Mongolia steppe tourism .

  12. 其健康危害主要包括感官刺激、过敏反应和各种基因毒性。

    Its critical health effects on health include sensory irritation , allergenic reaction and a variety of genotoxic actions .

  13. 在给酒类竞赛做评委,评判他们的感官刺激和奖项时,我非常享受花整天时间品酒。

    I greatly enjoy entire days spent tasting wine when judging wine competitions for their sensual challenges and rewards .

  14. 情境对消费者进行感官刺激,从而改变了消费者行为过程的方式。

    The situation for consumers to stimulate the senses , thereby it changed the course of consumer behavior the way .

  15. 高清晰的画面与高品质的声音相结合,带给观众更加震撼的视听享受与感官刺激。

    By integrating High-definition screen with high quality sound , the audiences are brought more shocking audio-visual enjoyment and sensory stimulation .

  16. 另一方面,“运动感官刺激”方法指儿童通过肢体运动对英语命令和指示做出反应。

    In addition , the kinaesthetic approach involves the child in physically responding to commands and directions given in the English language .

  17. 方法将来自福利院的48例8~9月龄婴儿随机分为对照组与干预组。干预组予游泳、抚触、早教与多感官刺激训练;

    Methods Forty-eight infants aged 8 to 9 months from an orphanage of Chongqing were randomly divided into control group and treatment group .

  18. 尽管它在原剧的前提下加上了足以胜任壮观的大屏幕电子游戏感官刺激的高技术含量。

    Instead it s a high-tech hybrid of the original premise with enough sensory overload to qualify as a spectacular big-screen video game .

  19. 感官刺激与声色享乐的唯美主义,在人生观、文艺观以及偏重艺术形式上都影响了新感觉派。

    The Aestheticism that sense organs incitement influenced The Chinese Neo-Sensationalism in the philosophy of life , literature view and over-emphasized art formalities .

  20. 因此,本发明的多功能感官刺激装置不仅在房间内使用,还可以用于户外。

    Therefore , the multi-functional sense organ stimulation device of the invention can be used in the room as well as the outside .

  21. 这种设计表现形式可以以多重的感官刺激使消费者对产品加深印象,从而提高信息传播的效率。

    This design forms can be multiple sensual lasting impression of products to consumers , so as to improve the efficiency of information transmission .

  22. 然而,它也可以应用于各种形式的艺术,其它的感官刺激,如音乐,艺术的听觉。

    However it can also be applied to forms of art that stimulate the other senses , such as music , an auditory art .

  23. 这样一来,线条给人在视觉上的感官刺激更能把人指向一种不可见的遐想。

    In this way , the line gives the visual sensory stimulation to be more people point to an " invisible " in reverie .

  24. 对一些人来说,这其中有寻求感官刺激的因素,而另一些人则醉心于创造某种持久事物的挑战,或者去证明怀疑者的错误。

    For some , there is an element of sensation-seeking ; others relish the challenge of creating something enduring , or proving the doubters wrong .

  25. 在网络教学实施的过程中,学习者会受到多重的感官刺激,这些刺激主要来自于网页的视觉要素。

    In the process of the actualization of network teaching , the learners receive much physical stimuli , which mainly come from the page-visional elements .

  26. 这种文化所带来的一些负面影响也影响着80后,娱乐化、追求感官刺激,深刻的东西被冷落了。

    The negative effect of the consumption culture has affected them , entertainment , stimulate to the sense organs , profound thoughts have been desolated .

  27. 而这些充满魅力的黑白作品也使欣赏者产生强烈的感官刺激,在传递信息的同时给人带来美的享受。

    These charming black and white works also appreciate those who have strong sensory stimulation , while at the transmission of information brings beauty to enjoy .

  28. 他提出人格学的这个方面可以从生理学上找到原因,内向的人有更高的大脑皮质兴奋的水准,使他们对感官刺激反应更为强烈;

    He proposedthat this aspect of personality has a physiological basis and that introvertshave higher baseline cortical arousal , which makes them react more strongly tostimulation ;

  29. 恐怖片旨在引起观众强烈的感官刺激,挑起神经撕裂般的紧张,影片把主角置身于似乎无法逃离的险境中来制造悬念。

    Designed to elicit intense excitement and nerve-racking tension , thrillers create suspense by placing the protagonist in a perilous situation from which escape seems impossible .

  30. 有包括脑成像研究等充分的证据表明,内向的人往往对噪音或者其他感官刺激反应强烈。

    There is ample evidence , includingfrom brain imaging studies , to show that introverts tend to respond morestrongly to loud noises and other sensory stimulation .