
tōnɡ yònɡ cí huì
  • generally used words
  1. 有一些计算机术语成了社会上的通用词汇,“循环”就是其中一个。

    ' Loop ' is one of those computer words that has gained currency in society .

  2. 因为企业不再能够依赖于EA架构的通用词汇表,这也许会导致他们构建冗余的,不相容的,或是不完整EA模型。

    Since organizations cannot rely on a common vocabulary for their EA architects , they may end up producing redundant , inconsistent , and poorly integrated EA models .

  3. 本体驱动的虚拟企业目标描述与分解方法,为不同企业之间的谈判提供了通用词汇;

    The VE ontology provides a common vocabulary for enterprise negotiation .

  4. 壮语通用词汇中的动物名词音义关系考察

    Pronunciation and Acceptation of Animal Nouns in Universal Vocabulary of Zhuang Language

  5. 业务术语将定义业务与技术用户之间的通用词汇表。

    Business terms define a common vocabulary between business and technical users .

  6. 他主演的角色所讲的一些台词已成为通用词汇。

    Some of the lines spoken by the characters he played have entered the popular language .

  7. 只是这些语义现象在术语词汇和通用词汇中的体现有所不同。

    What is different is that these semantic phenomena find different expression in terminology and general vocabularies .

  8. 它通过为你的用例描述提供具有精确含义的通用词汇术语,来连接你的各个用例。

    It interconnects your use cases by providing a common vocabulary of terms with precise meanings for your use case descriptions .

  9. 利用XML技术,设计了一套描述工艺卡片表格的通用XML词汇表,基于这套词汇表和DTD灵活构建了所需工艺文件模板,并以XML文档形式存储。

    Using XML technology , the authors design a vocabulary list to describe the tables of process cards . The card template is constructed with the vocabulary list and DTD .

  10. 约定共同提出一种以Microdata格式为基础的通用标记词汇集&Schema.org,正打算给自家网页内容增加语义标记的各位网站管理员,今后的工作会轻松许多。

    Have decided to propose a common markup vocabulary , Schema . org , based on the Microdata format , simplifying the job of webmasters who want to give meaning to their web pages content .

  11. 业务术语表建立一个通用的词汇表来控制词汇的定义,从而消除误解。

    A business glossary eliminates misinterpretations by establishing a common vocabulary which controls the definition of terms .

  12. 词组“源代码静态分析工具”是一个通用的词汇,它表示用于在未执行程序的情况下从源代码提取信息的工具。

    The phrase " source-code static analysis tool " is a general term for a tool that extracts information from the source code itself without executing the program .

  13. “目前他只懂几个通用语词汇,”琼恩说。“他们在家乡说的是古语。”

    " He only knows a few words of the Common Tongue as yet ," said Jon . " In their own land , giants speak the Old Tongue . "

  14. 设计模式探测从程序原始数据中提取设计模式实例,设计模式为设计者们交流讨论、书写文档以及探索各种不同设计提供了一套通用的设计词汇。

    Design patterns detection is the processes of identifying the design pattern instances in existing source code .

  15. 该项目由本文作者为课题负责人主持承担,最终成果主要体现为:1。人机通用多功能词汇知识库;

    The author of this paper was in charge of the project , the final achievements for which include : 1 . a multi-functional lexicon suitable for both humans and computers ;

  16. XML名称空间使得公司可以为他们的XML数据使用一个通用的惟一标记词汇表(元素和属性名称),并可以与其他组织共享这个词汇表。

    XML namespaces potentially provide organizations a universally unique markup vocabulary ( element and attribute names ) for their XML data , as well as the ability to share this vocabulary with others .

  17. 例如,服务概要的某一通用部分是标准词汇,它作为附加在服务注册记录之上的关键字。

    For example , a common part of service profiles is a standard vocabulary used for keywords that are attached to the service registry records .

  18. (计算机科学)文件描述标记的标准语言;通用于一切标记词汇的一套规则。

    ( computer science ) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents ; a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted .