
  • 网络basso continuo;figured bass
  1. 安东尼奥·维瓦尔第的e小调奏鸣曲最初是为大提琴与通奏低音创作的,是典型的巴洛克音乐。

    Sonata in E minor from Antonio Vivaldi is originally composed for Cello and basso continuo in Baroque Style .

  2. 大调为人声4,合唱队,双簧管2,弦乐组和通奏低音而作的弥撒曲。

    Mass for4 voices , chorus , 2 oboes , strings & continuo in G major .

  3. 大调为合唱队,小号3,定音鼓,双簧管2,弦乐组和通奏低音而作的圣哉经。

    Sanctus , for chorus , 3 trumpets , timpani , 2 oboes , strings & continuo in C major .

  4. 因通奏低音流行了一百余年之久,所以有人称巴洛克时期为通奏低音时代。

    As a result of Bass-playing being fashioned more than 100 years , there is a call for the Baroque-era as bass playing .

  5. 在攻读神学著作的同时,他还有一项爱好,就是想把在教堂音乐和通奏低音记谱法方面的粗浅技巧发展起来,能达到相当准确地按谱合乐参加合唱的水平。

    As a hobby , auxiliary to his readings in Divinity , he developed his slight skill in church-music and thorough-bass , till he could join in part-singing from notation with some accuracy .