
xuán lǜ
  • melody;rhythm;cantus;canto
旋律 [xuán lǜ]
  • [melody;rhythm] 单个音符或乐音的节奏上的编排和有含义的连续,彼此间有明确的关系并形成美学上的整体

旋律[xuán lǜ]
  1. 回荡在他脑海里的旋律都走调了。

    The melody that ran through his brain was composed of bad notes

  2. 大量不为人知的优美旋律正等着这批新听众来发掘。

    A vast treasure-trove of virtually unheard melody awaits discovery by this new audience .

  3. 她能听见窗户里飘出的莫扎特的旋律。

    She could hear the strains of Mozart through the window .

  4. 主旋律由两支单簧管奏出。

    The melodic line is carried by the two clarinets .

  5. 她能听见室内管弦乐队尖细的旋律。

    She could hear the tinny strains of a chamber orchestra .

  6. 他的歌旋律优美、悦耳动听,让我潸然泪下。

    Wonderfully melodic and tuneful , his songs have made me weep .

  7. 空气中飘荡着探戈舞曲的旋律。

    The sounds of tango filled the air .

  8. 有一些圣歌以切分节奏为主旋律。

    Some spirituals are based on syncopated rhythms .

  9. 整张选辑在最后一曲优美的旋律中结束。

    The last track finishes this compilation beautifully .

  10. 仅凭旋律优美并不见得就是一首杰出的音乐作品。

    Just because it has a good tune does not mean it is great music

  11. 电影音乐要想让人记住不难,因为它的主旋律贯穿影片始终。

    Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film .

  12. 事实证明他先前融合了爵士乐、流行乐和非洲旋律的作品非常成功。

    His previous fusions of jazz , pop and African melodies have proved highly successful .

  13. 第一小提琴奏出第一主题,旋律轻柔动听。

    The first violins introduced the first theme , a soft and beautiful melody .

  14. 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。

    A slow theme introduces the first movement .

  15. 这是个优美的旋律。

    This is a beautiful melody .

  16. 7.Thisisthesimilarcasewith/when这恰如;正如;也会(比较类经典句)这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。

    This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke6 a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration7 despiteour disability to understand the score of Mozart ’ s musical pieces .

  17. 那部电影挥之不去的主题旋律多日来萦绕于我的脑际

    The film 's haunting musical theme stayed in my head for days .

  18. 结构的旋律并自动识别其关键与和谐

    Parses structure of melody and automatically recognizes its key and harmony . 2 . parses

  19. 斯卡林建议尽量别在睡前听音乐,以免那些朗朗上口的旋律占据我们的脑海。

    Scullin suggests avoiding listening to music right before bed to limit the chance of a catchy tune8 taking hold in our minds .

  20. 基于分层次聚类的MIDI音乐主旋律提取方法

    Melody extraction method of MIDI music files based on layer clustering

  21. 反对垄断、维护竞争,是市场经济的内在需求,是WTO规则的实质性要求,也是当今世界经济发展的主旋律。

    Fighting against monopoly to protect competition is the instinct demand of market economy , the reflection of WTO regulations , also the melody of the times in the world .

  22. 分析WAV格式的音频,并提取音频中的旋律等信息。

    Analyze the audio of WAV format and Extract information such as Audio melody .

  23. GB:为什么“客户成功”是您销售模型中的哲学,并且您是如何在该主旋律下稳固住企业文化的?

    GB : Why was " customer success " the overarching philosophy in your selling model and how did you anchor the company 's culture in that theme ?

  24. 分析了MIDI文件的结构,然后提出了确定主音轨的方法,并从中提取出音乐文件的旋律轮廓。

    After analyzing the MIDI file format , proposed the method of determining the main track , and extracted melodic contour from the MIDI music file . 2 .

  25. 正如他说的那样,他声音沙哑,但唱得很不错。那首歌曲调慷慨激昂,旋律有点介于“Clementine”和“LaCucaracha”之间。

    As he had said , his voice was hoarse , but he sang well enough , and it was a stirring tune , something between ' Clementine ' and ' La Cucaracha ' .

  26. 在旋律匹配模块,分析了哼唱输入可能具有的四种常见错误以及对检索算法的要求,设计了基于N-Gram索引的动态时间弯折(DynamicTimewarping,DTW)检索算法;

    In the melody matching module , analyzed four familiar errors that occur to the humming and the requirement to the search algorithm , by which we designed a retrieval method of Dynamic Time Warping ( DTW ) algorithm based on N-Gram index ;

  27. 不远的将来,3G数据业务的爆炸式增长将带来电信市场整体规模的扩大,不同制式网络的技术和产业链之间的竞争将是后重组时代电信市场竞争的主旋律。

    In the near future , the explosive growth of 3G data services will lead the expansion of the telecommunication market , the competition between different standard network technologies and the industrial chain will be the main theme of telecommunication competition market in the beyond-restructure era .

  28. 介绍了一个音乐风格识别系统MSC,系统以MIDI乐曲为数据源提取出乐曲的旋律,对不同风格乐曲的旋律进行了频繁模式的挖掘和对测试乐曲的风格识别。

    A music style identification system MSC is introduced . The system bases on music melody mining . The system takes MIDI as data source , mines frequent patterns of different style songs , and identifies the style of testing songs .

  29. 指出了ICF是王淦昌科学生涯后期30多年的主旋律以及他最出色的科学贡献当数开创ICF。

    And showed that the ICF was few scientific topics that was set up first by Chinese scientists over the world , and was his main melody of life and brilliant contribution to science in his late 30 years research career .

  30. 《女神》:五四的时代旋律

    " Goddess ": the melody of times of May 4th Movement