
  • 网络a revolving stage
  1. 剧院有一个旋转舞台。

    The theatre has a revolving stage .

  2. 我想他们用一种旋转舞台。

    I think they are using a revolving stage .

  3. 大型全自动升降旋转舞台设计与安装技术

    Design and Installation Technology of Large-scale Full Automation Lift & Circumrotation Stage

  4. 他向麦迪逊广场花园聚集在旋转舞台的人群发表了演说。

    He addressed crowds from a rotating stage at Madison Square Garden .

  5. 摆动齿轮箱自动压紧摩擦驱动旋转舞台

    A Rotary Stage Driven by Swing Gear Box

  6. 昨晚现场演出中的新奇玩意包括全息图和旋转舞台。

    Among the gimmicks in last night 's live act were holograms and a revolving stage .

  7. 场景:《红楼梦》中的旋转舞台&《红楼梦》中场景描写的戏曲化色彩

    Scene : Revolving Stage in Dream of Red Chamber & Dramatised Colour of Scene Description in Dream of Red Chamber

  8. 他们这儿有旋转舞台,架设布景不需要很长时间。

    They have a evolving stage here , and it won 't take long for them to put up the settings .

  9. 结合东莞玉兰大剧院工程实践,介绍全自动升降旋转舞台设计与安装技术。

    Based on the Dongguan Yulan Opern , authors state the design and installation technology of the full automation lift & circumrotation stage .

  10. 大量的剧本材料表明,近代传奇杂剧在服装、道具、烟火、灯光、场幕、布景等方面发生了根本性的变化,旋转舞台也开始出现。

    Lots of play scripts show that modern legendary variety plays have undergone fundamental changes in terms of costume , props , smoke and fire , lighting , stage scenes and setting , etc.

  11. 对摆动齿轮箱自动压紧摩擦驱动旋转舞台的传动原理和特点作详细的介绍,并给出了主要参数的选择和计算方法。

    This paper introduces the working principle and characteristics of the rotary stage driven by friction force and the pressure for friction force provided by the swinging gear box automatically in detail . And it also presents the methods of main parameters selection and calculation .

  12. 液压旋转升降舞台设计与应用

    Design and Operation on Hydraulic Rotation Vertically Reciprocation Stage

  13. 她以脚尖旋转着上了舞台。

    She pirouetted on to the stage .