- curl;rotation;vorticity;rotor

You have first to compute the curl of F.
That means I am integrating the z component of curl .
That 's the z component of curl F.
And what 's the z component of curl ?
The zero wind stress curl is more northward in winter than in summer between 85 ° E and 105 ° E.
So , recall we 've seen if F is a gradient field & then its curl is zero .
In this new language , the conditions that we had over there , 0 this condition says curl F equals zero .
Maxwell 's equations actually tell you about div and curl of these fields .
What this one says is the curl of E is not zero but rather it is the derivative of the magnetic field with respect to time .
So , I will & compute the double integral over the region inside of curl F dA .
And through plenty of simulation result of Fluent , guide blade leaf with rounded airfoil can produce strong rotary stream jet .
The FDTD algorithm is based on the finite difference expression of the set of Maxwell 's time-dependent curl equations .
It says if the curl of F equals zero in , sorry , and F is defined & No , is not the logical in which to say it .
And , of course , in a complicated motion you might have more rotation at some point than at some others , which is why the curl will depend on x and y.
The specific rotation of synthetic borneol is - 17.3 °~ - 2.3 ° .
This paper presents a time domain semi-analysis method based on the precise integration ( PI ) technique for solving Maxwell 's curl equations .
So , Green 's theorem says that if I have a closed curve , then the line integral of F is equal to the double integral of curl on the region inside .
And that is indeed going to be the curl of F.In practice , if you have to compute the curl of a vector field , you know , don 't try to remember this formula .
The paper gives a proof for the fundamental theorem of algebra from the theorem of rotation of continuos field in R ~ 2 .
In this paper , from the two vortices equation of Maxwell equation group , the authors analyze the characteristics of the ground penetrating radar two-dimensional TM electromagnetic wave , apply K.
The Ekman pumping deduced by the curl of wind stress accounts mainly for the formation of the east branch .
So , one of them says the line integral for the work done by a vector field along a closed curve counterclockwise is equal to the double integral of a curl of a field over the enclosed region .
We don 't really have to because we could have chosen the disk , it would be easier , but if we want to do it this way we will compute the flux of curl F through our paraboloid .
The Function Differential , Partial Differentiation , Grads , Divergence , and Curl in Mizar
Now , if you compute the curl of this guy , you will get zero , zero , two , two k.And so k is the axis of rotation , two is twice the angular velocity .
In order to analyze the electromagnetic wave propagation properties in anisotropic layered media , the characteristic waves are studied in the heterogeneous anisotropic medium on the basis of the Maxwell curl equations in the source free region .
On the other hand , the wind stress curl anomaly also strengthens the subpolar gyre so as to cool the Kuroshio / Oyashio Extension region ( KOE ) .
The shape of an automobile side mirror for low aerodynamic noise using vorticity function in frequency domain is optimized . After the improvement of the shape , about 10 dB reduction in fluctuation pressure level is obtained .
By making use of rotate degress of vector field to determine non-existence of closed orbit about plane , space differential system , we obtain a kind of new determinate method , It is similar to Bendixson , Dulac determinate method .
The magnitude of seasonally meridional migration in the location of the primary Polar Front ( PF1 ) is much less than that of the climatic monthly mean zero wind stress curl , but is near the mean position of zero wind stress curl .