
  • 网络Direct measurement;direct measure
  1. 花岗岩近表层~(134)Cs活度直接测量

    Direct measurement of 134 CS activity on superficial stratification of granite fracture

  2. 效率示踪法直接测量~(137)Cs核素的活度

    Direct Measurement of ~ ( 137 ) Cs Radionuclide Activity with Efficiency-Tracing Method

  3. 量子力学本身就存在着许多不能直接测量的概念。

    In quantum mechanics itself there are many constructs that we cannot measure directly .

  4. 如果能用仪器设备直接测量结构应变和相对位移将具有更大的优越性。

    It would be highly advantageous to have instrumentation to directly measure structural strains and relative displacements .

  5. 以太阳为射电源直接测量天线G/T

    Directly measuring antenna g / t by using sun as a radio source

  6. 直接测量~(109)Cd活度

    Direct Measurements of Activity of the ~ ( 109 ) Cd Solution

  7. 因此肺部组织或血中氧自由基的直接测量比较困难,所以通常测量氧自由基损伤的肺部或血中的生物分子,如脂质、蛋白质和DNA。

    The alternative has been to measure damage inflicted by oxygen radicals upon various lung biomolecules , usually lipids , proteins , or DNA .

  8. 近日,一个由16位科学家组成的国际性团队报道了首例人的个体DNA序列总基因突变速率的直接测量数据。

    An international team of16 scientists today reports the first direct measurement of the general rate of genetic mutation at individual DNA letters in humans .

  9. 铜加工冷轧机液压AGC技术和辊缝直接测量控制

    Hydraulic AGC techniques and the gap direct measurement and control for copper cold rolling mills

  10. 同时,磁熵变和直接测量的绝热温变也随着B含量的增加而增大了,在低磁场具有较大的磁热效应。

    Simultaneity , the magnetic entropy change and adiabatic temperature change which measured directly also increase as increasing B content , and show large magnetocaloric effect at lower magnetic field .

  11. 通过该系统可直接测量激光工作波长单次通过Nd∶YAG晶体时所引起的光损耗。

    This system is different from that before and can directly measure the laser single pass loss coefficient through light loss .

  12. 晶体球法直接测量KTP晶体第Ⅰ类相位匹配曲线

    Direct Measurement of Type ⅰ Phase-Matching Curve of KTP Crystal Using Sphere Method

  13. 在X射线衍射仪中X射线不能直接测量,必须把它转换成可测量的电信号,然后经过计数器转换成数字量。

    Since X-ray cannot be measured directly , it must be firstly converted into electrical signal able to be measured and then convert into digital signal through counter .

  14. 由相关阵列对MIMO信道容量进行估值,估值结果与直接测量值一致。

    Capacity results from the correlation measurements using a MIMO channel model are closely match the directly measured MIMO capacity for different propagation conditions .

  15. MPR冠状面上可以直接测量骨折劈裂和塌陷的大小。

    The splitting and degree of depression could be directly measured on coronal plane reconstruction with MPR .

  16. 代谢评估法(MAP)测试是利用VO2分析仪,在您进行低强度运动时,直接测量人体的代谢过程。

    Metabolic Assessment Profile ( MAP ) test utilizes a VO2 analyzer to directly measure body processes while you perform a light workout .

  17. 对于近程目标采用K系数分配法会产生测距模糊问题,但近程信噪比较高,相关峰明显,可以较准确地找到峰值的位置,利用直接测量法进行时延估计。

    However , for near targets , K-CDM has the problem of range blurring , then direct measurement method ( DMM ) is used instead the higher SNR and the clear summit .

  18. 本文建议了一种直接测量AX系统多量子弛豫的方法。

    A direct measuring method of multiple quantum relaxation in the AX systems without 2D is proposed .

  19. 介绍与分析目前最新的冷轧薄板物流自动厚度控制(MassFlowAGC)及激光直接测量带钢速度技术,厚度偏差可控制在≤±0.7%;

    The latest technology of mass flow AGC and laser velocity detector are introduced and analyzed . By this technology , strip thickness deviation can be controlled within the range of ± 0.7 % .

  20. GMR传感器直接测量磁场,因此具有良好的频率响应特性。

    GMR sensor detects the magnetic field directly , thus it has a good frequency response characteristic .

  21. 监测呼吸所导致的肿瘤运动主要包括X线透视、CT和MR等直接测量的方法,以及采用数学算法处理采集的图象,求解肿瘤的运动范围等间接的方法。

    The methods of monitoring tumor motion induced by respiration include direct measuring with X-ray fluoroscopy , CT and MR , etc. and indirect method using some algorithms to do image processing and getting moving law of tumors .

  22. 其速度(距离变化率)误差是利用与距离误差△R之间的关系得到,而△R由微波辐射计在电波传播路径上直接测量大气辐射亮度温度得到。

    The error of missile speed was deduced by the distance error . The distance error was obtained by a microwave radiometer directly detecting the atmospheric radiation brightness temperature on the path of radio wave propagation .

  23. 用直接测量法测量了在1.5T磁场下纯Gd和样品的磁热效应。

    The magnetocaloric effects of samples and pure Gd were measured directly at the magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla .

  24. PAMZERO可以直接测量各种聚集现象(不需要荧光标记),绘制实时反应曲线,无需复杂的样品制备。

    The PAM ZERO can directly measure ( with no need for fluorescent tagging ) a variety of aggregation phenomena , plotting reaction curves in real time without any complex sample prep.

  25. 本文介绍了直接测量NTD硅中~(31)P绝对浓度的活性测量原理和实验技术。

    In this papaer , the principles and experimental technique of activity measurement method to determine the absolute concentration of 31P produced by NTD in float zone silicons are described .

  26. 该流量计由传感器和变送器组成,直接测量CNG的质量流量而不受其温度、压力、流量变化的影响。在四川省南充市和遂宁市CNG加气站上使用,效果良好。

    Consisting of sensor and converter , the flowmeter can directly measure CNG quality flow without being influenced by temperature , pressure and flow change .

  27. 本文改进了传统的分离式霍布金森压杆(SHPB)技术,采用夹在透射杆中的PVDF压电计直接测量透射杆中的应力时程。

    The conventional SHPB technique is improved by using PVDF gauges embedded in the transmission bar to measure the weakly transmitted stress profile directly .

  28. 同时简要介绍了能直接测量热电优值的Harman方法的基本原理和操作过程。

    The figure of merit ZT can directly be measured by this method .

  29. 为验证结果的合理性与正确性,用风速计直接测量了对称条件下的速度场,用CFD软件对对称和非对称情况分别进行了流场模拟。

    To validate the measurement results , the symmetric velocity field is measured by a hot-wire anemometer and simulated with a CFD software , and the unsymmetric velocity field is only simulated .

  30. 利用MATLAB进行随机模拟,根据直接测量量的有关信息,对其误差进行仿真,然后求出被测量的估计值,利用统计方法计算合成标准不确定度。

    The software MATLAB is used to carried out stochastic simulation of the error based on measurement information , then the estimate of the measurand can be obtained and the combined standard uncertainty can be calculated using statistical methods .