
pān yán zhě
  • rock-climber
攀岩者[pān yán zhě]
  1. 有时攀岩者会在他们攀登的山上留下垃圾。

    Sometimes rock climbers leave rubbish on the mountains where they climb .

  2. freesoloclimber自由单人攀岩者这些活动通常都在晚上进行,因为它们非常危险且违法。

    These activities are usually done at night because it is illegal and dangerous .

  3. 有关他在黎明进行的多项活动的消息传到了国外,包括马特·塞加尔(MattSegal)在内的一些职业攀岩者开始关注。

    Word of his efforts in Liming spread abroad , and professional climbers , including Matt Segal , began to notice .

  4. 在大约十点半时,她们来到了麦克·哥提亚(MikeGauthier)的家。哥提亚是优胜美地的办公室主任,负责公园管理当局和攀岩者之间的沟通。

    At about 10:30 , they showed up at the door of Mike Gauthier , Yosemite 's chief of staff , a conduit between park bureaucracy and the climbing community .

  5. 这里很安全,因为总有经验老到的攀岩者在场。

    They are safe because experienced climbers are always around .

  6. 但只有少得不可思议的少数攀岩者采取预防伤害的运动。

    But one secret that ridiculously few climbers use is preventative exercise .

  7. 这三个攀岩者在4个小时内攀到顶点又下来。

    These three climbers made it to the top and down in four hours .

  8. 有的固定保护绳装置协助保护者保护上面或下面的攀岩者。

    Many belay devices aid the belayer in protecting the climber above or below .

  9. 攀岩者的绳索非常牢固。

    The rock climber 's rope was secure .

  10. 莫雷诺冰河吸引了大量的游客、攀岩者和环保主义者。

    The frozen flow is a popular draw for tourists , climbers and environmentalists alike .

  11. 我只有欣赏攀岩者在攀岩时表现出来的力量和毅力。

    I just enjoy the strength and determination that the climbers show during the competition .

  12. 攀岩者倾向选择比正常尺码小一点的鞋码。

    Climbers tend to wear shoes a couple sizes smaller than their normal shoe size .

  13. 格雷厄姆的思维方式就和攀岩者一样。

    Benjamin Graham thinks like a rock climber , or thought like a rock climber .

  14. 攀岩者上攀时,只须将绳子扣在耳片上即可。

    As the climbers went up , they just clipped their ropes onto the bolts .

  15. 在黑岗石林中,攀岩者正从三齿钉尖上往下滑。

    Rock climbers descend the spire of Tricouni Nail in the Needles of South Dakota Black Hills .

  16. 其位置应适于该路线的级数,且不会因相距太近而不利于攀岩者使用。

    Placements should be consistent for the grade and where practicable should not disadvantage climbers with shorter reach .

  17. 岩点摸起来很像岩石,攀岩者可以获得最接近真实的体验。

    The handholds feel like rock , and allow the climber to have as realistic an experience as possible .

  18. 2002的秋天,一大票的攀岩者/定点跳伞者离开法国来到了西非的马里共和国。

    In the fall of 2002 , a big team of climbers / BASE jumpers leaves France for Mali .

  19. 尤其是在几乎毫无农业和商业价值的山区,攀岩者总的来说是受欢迎的。

    So particularly in the mountains , where agricultural and commercial interest is minimal , climbers are generally welcomed .

  20. 麦克拉正在爬岩石。她是一个很棒的攀岩者,因为她是一个安全谨慎的攀岩者。

    Michaela is climbing a rock . She 's a great climber because she 's a safe and careful climber .

  21. 石林遍布被侵蚀过的花岗岩石柱,石塔和尖顶石山,深受游客以及攀岩者的青睐。

    Popular with tourists and climbers , the Needles is full of eroded granite pillars , towers , and spires .

  22. 虽然这种商业驱动的模式在一些西方攀岩者看来不是自然发展,但也有人认为那是下一步的现实步骤。

    While this business-driven model feels unnatural to some western climbers , others see it as the realistic next step .

  23. 我觉得中国会有很多非常好的攀岩者,在中国有攀岩天分的人很多。

    I think there is going to be some really good climbers coming from China because there is a big talent pool .

  24. 凭借着其宛若超人般的敏捷身手以及令人印象深刻的上肢力量,这位26岁的小伙子被盛赞为当代最优秀的攀岩者。

    With his superhuman agility and impressive upper body strength , the 26-year-old has already been hailed the best climber of his generation .

  25. 相反的,对攀岩者来说,为极限的攀岩活动安排足够的完全(意指零运动)休息日非常重要。

    On the contrary , it 's important to have enough complete ( meaning zero activity ) rest days for top climbing performance .

  26. 登上埃尔卡皮坦顶峰的攀岩者会在留名簿上签名,然后在大石堆上扔一块石头。

    Climbers who make it to the top of El Capitan sign a guest book and place a stone on large rock pile .

  27. 有些攀岩者一生都致力于抱石这种艺术,而一些最难的线路是紧贴地面的。

    There are climbers out there who have devoted their life to this art and some of the hardest moves are closest to the ground .

  28. 尽管科学已经证明了定期拉筋的益处,但是攀岩者经常忽视了拉筋可以提高攀岩能力的重要性。

    Despite scientific evidence supporting the benefits of regular stretching , rock climbers often fail to take advantage of stretching to improve their climbing performance .

  29. 当然,希望那种情况不要发生,并且希望这一年回到岩壁上的你是一个更强壮、状况更好的攀岩者。

    Hopefully , of course , that won 't happen and this will be the year you return to the crags a stronger , fitter climber .

  30. 小老鼠注意到有一段粗绳紧扣住整个网子。攀岩者上攀时,只须将绳子扣在耳片上即可。

    He noticed the thick rope that held the trap together . As the climbers went up , they just clipped their ropes onto the bolts .