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biàn wēn dòng wù
  • poikilotherm;allotherm;heterothermic animal;poikilothermal animal
变温动物[biàn wēn dòng wù]
  1. 温度是影响变温动物生理活动的重要因素之一。

    Temperature is an important factor affecting physiological activity of ectotherm .

  2. 四种变温动物松果眼的比较形态学观察

    Comparative morphological observation of the pineal eyes in four poikilotherms

  3. 4种变温动物松果腺复合体的形态结构比较

    Comparative Morphology of Pineal Complex of Four Poikilothermic Animals

  4. 昆虫是变温动物,气候变化是造成种群季节消长的基本原因之一。

    Climate change will often lead to the fluctuation of insect populations , because insect is poikilothermic animals .

  5. 鱼类是变温动物,环境温度对鱼类的生理机能产生极其深刻的影响,研究鱼类对温度的适应性对鱼类的驯化与培育具有重要的意义。

    Fishes live in water , and therefore the temperature of water has great influence on the physiological function of the fish .

  6. 因为恐龙属于爬行动物,而现代的爬行动物都不属于恒温动物,所以长期以来恐龙都被当作是变温动物。

    Because dinosaurs were reptiles , and modern reptiles are not endotherms , it was long assumed that dinosaurs were not endotherms .

  7. 水蛭是变温动物&即是不能依靠自身而必须靠周围环境来维持恒定体温的冷血动物。

    Leeches are ectotherms & cold-blooded animals that cannot regulate their own temperature and depend on their environment to do it for them .

  8. 因此又出现了恒温动物(即保持恒定体温的动物)和变温动物(即体温随外界环境的变化而改变的动物)这一区分方式。

    Therefore the next distinction was made between animals that maintain a constant body temperature , called homeotherms , and those whose body temperature varies with their environment , called poikilotherms .

  9. 由于鱼类属于变温动物,与哺乳动物胶原相比拥有独特的氨基酸组成,因此鱼皮胶原蛋白有若干特殊性质。

    Fish , a typical kind of poikilotherms , has the unique collagen which is different from that of terrestrial animals . The fish collagen has unique amino acid composition as well as some special properties .