
chún hé
  • Homozygous;isozygoty
纯合[chún hé]
纯合[chún hé]
  1. 也可用雌性f1与隐性纯合雄性亲本回交。

    F1 females could be backcrossed to the male homozygous recessive parent .

  2. Pro275Ser纯合突变导致的Ⅱ型遗传性蛋白C缺陷症

    Pro 275 Ser Homozygous Mutation of PROC Gene Causes Type ⅱ Inherited Protein C Deficiency

  3. 以DNA位点纯合率评价小麦品种的一致性和稳定性

    Evaluating Uniformity and Stability of Wheat Cultivars Based on Ratio of Homozygous DNA Locus

  4. 小麦F4代株系DNA位点纯合率及农艺性状变异幅度的研究

    The Homozygous DNA Locus Ratio and the Variation Range of Agronomic Traits of Wheat F_4 Lines

  5. 目前,正结合进行田间分离纯合和DNA分子鉴定,培育去除选择标记基因的转基因抗虫玉米自交系。

    At present , inbred lines of transgenic insect resistant maize with selective marker gene removed are in separating and inbreeding program assisted by DNA marker detection .

  6. 脑梗死组T等位基因频率为58.82%,对照组为36.36%;脑梗死组T/T纯合基因型频率及T等位基因频率明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    The frequency of T allele in cerebral infarction patients was 58.82 % , significantly higher than that of normal individuals which was only 36.36 % ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 转基因纯合单株的筛选经过发芽试验获得,Bt蛋白含量采用ELISA法进行测定。

    Homozygous transgenic plants were produced through seed germination testing . The Bt protein quantification was completed through ELISA .

  8. 甘蓝显性雄性不育显性纯合基因单株AFLP标记的筛选

    Development of AFLP markers for identifying homozygous dominant male sterility plants in cabbage

  9. 经流式细胞仪检测表明,纯合四倍体植株细胞的DNA含量是二倍体的2倍,证明染色体相应的增加了一倍。

    The result showed that the nuclear DNA content in the cells of the homozygous autotetraploid plants was twice of that in diploid plants by flow cytometry determination .

  10. SSR位点的高纯合频率支持富民枳种的地位;

    High frequency of the homozygous SSR locus supported the species status of Fumin trifoliate orange .

  11. 目的:用DNA分型法对HLAB座位抗原纯合型进行分型,探明是否存在HLAB基因发生变异引起结果差异。

    Objective : To find the discrepancies caused by HLA B gene variants in HLA B antigen homozygotes which were typed again by DNA method .

  12. 上海正常人群中谷胱甘肽S-转移酶T1基因纯合缺损

    Homozygous deficiency of human glutathione s transferase T1 gene in normal population in Shanghai

  13. 肝细胞肝癌细胞p53基因第2~3,4,11外显子纯合性缺失、杂合性缺失的分析

    Homozygous deletion and loss of heterozygosity of p53 gene exon 2 ~ 3 , 4 and 11 in human hepatocellular carcinoma

  14. 采用PCR-RFLP技术检测中国人HLA纯合细胞DQ基因多态性

    Analysis of the polymorphic DQ genes of Chinese HLA homozygotes with PCR-RFLP method

  15. 多重PCR法检测喉癌组织中P16基因纯合缺失及异常甲基化

    Using multiple PCR to detect the deletion and aberrant methylation of mst1 / p16gene in laryngeal cancer

  16. 深州杨C型植株的叶、芽、韧皮部、木质部已经检测不到深州杨A型的成分,说明深州杨C型的地上部分已经纯合;

    The leaf , bud , bast and xylem of type C plant had no components of type A , and showing that the above-ground of type C was already pure .

  17. 方法:经血清学鉴定HLAB座位纯合型样本75例,用PCRSSP法进行DNA分型和表达变异筛查。

    Methods : 75 blood samples assigned HLA B homozygotes by serology were typed and detected HLA B expression variants by PCR SSP .

  18. 利用遗传背景相对纯合的染色体片段置换系可以提高QTL定位的精确性。

    The use of genetic background relative homozygous CSSLs can improve the accuracy of QTL mapping .

  19. 对转基因植株后代进行PCR检测、Southernblot检测、发芽试验、表型观察等,共筛选出4个纯合单拷贝的性状良好的转基因家系。

    Through PCR , Southern blot , germination experiment and phenotype examine , we got 4 homozygous transgenic families with single copy . 4 .

  20. 为了鉴定表现型完全相同的AA与Aa,我们用纯合的隐性亲本aa来进行回交。

    To distinguish between the phenotypically identical AA and Aa , these can be backcrossed to the homozygous recessive parent aa .

  21. 当已知QTL完全纯合后,则以后世代只进行PS。

    After homozygosity of favorable alleles has been reached at the known QTLs , only PS is conducted in later generations .

  22. 利用转基因标记NPTⅡ快速、规模化纯合转基因番茄

    Rapid and Large-scale Genetic Analysis of Transgenic Tomato by NPT ⅱ Marker

  23. 中国汉族RhD阴性个体Rh盒子基因的测序及RHD基因的纯合性测定

    Sequencing the Rhesus boxes and determining the homozygosity of RHD gene in Han Chinese with RhD negative

  24. 模型显示患有纯合型alpha型地中海贫血症的儿童需要失去比正常儿童更多的红细胞才能患上急性疟疾性贫血。

    This showed that children with homozygous alpha thalassaemia have to lose more red blood cells than their normal counterparts to get SMA .

  25. 患有特定类型该病的儿童(纯合型的alpha型地中海贫血症)在患疟疾后出现急性疟疾性贫血的可能性要低60%。

    Children with a specific type of the condition homozygous alpha thalassaemia are60 per cent less likely to develop SMA when suffering from malaria .

  26. HLA-B血清学纯合型标本的PCR-SSP基因分型

    PCR-SSP genotyping for the samples of HLA-B homozygotes identified by serological tests

  27. 一个纯合子样品经过PCR扩增之后得到的是同源双链,G:C和A:T之间单个碱基的变化的纯合突变对片段的解链温度有影响。

    A homozygous sample after PCR amplification , contains a homoduplex , G : C and A : T single base changes have an impact in the melting temperature of the fragment .

  28. 通过未授粉子房离体培养途径和辐射花粉授粉诱导雌核发育途径诱导甜瓜单倍体植株,再经染色体加倍迅速获得纯合的双单倍体植株(DoubleHaploid)。

    Unpollinated ovary in vitro culture ways and pollen irradiation induced gynogenesis pathway can induce melon haploid plants . Homozygous double haploids will be obtained via chromosome doubling rapidly .

  29. 目的:探讨p16基因的纯合性丢失和原发性上皮性卵巢癌发生及发展的相关性。

    Purpose : To research the association between homozygous deletion of P16 gene and primary epithelial ovarian neo-plasms .

  30. 转反义蜡质基因纯合株系间直链淀粉含量与RVA谱关系分析

    Analysis of Relationship Between RVA Profile and Amylose Content of the Transgenic Rice with Antisense Waxy Gene