
hài chóng
  • pest;vermin;injurious insect
害虫 [hài chóng]
  • [injurious insect] 凡直接或间接对人类有害的虫类。如苍蝇、蚊子,有的危害农作物,如蝗虫、螟虫、棉蚜

害虫[hài chóng]
  1. 灰飞虱是宁夏粮食作物上的一大害虫。

    The small brown rice planthopper is an injurious insect on food crop of Ningxia .

  2. 根据棉花害虫天敌越冬对树种具有一定选择性,提出本地区单一树种防护林的改造设计方案。

    Overwintering of natural enemies of injurious insect of cotton had some selection , designing plans of protection forest for single tree species in local district was proposed in this paper .

  3. 青蛙吃破坏庄稼、传播疾病的害虫。

    Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases .

  4. 一种叫玉米根虫的害虫每年会让粮食减产10%。

    Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm .

  5. 杨干象是杨树重要的蛀干害虫,为全国性森林植物检疫对象。

    Cryptorrhynchus lapathi is an important trunk borer of poplar and nationwide object of forest plants quarantine .

  6. 白鹳吃蝗虫和其他昆虫,这些昆虫如果数量失控就会变成害虫。

    White storks feed on locusts and other insects that can become pests if their numbers get out of hand .

  7. 与此同时海水也杀死了贪婪的巨头苹果蜗牛,这种外来害虫以水稻幼苗为食。

    At the same time , this sea-water also kills off the greedy giant apple snail , an introduced pest that feeds on young rice plants .

  8. 考虑到这种昆虫也可能危害诸如胡椒和土豆等农作物,尼日利亚农业部部长奥杜·奥贝赫警告说,这种害虫可能“对国家的粮食安全造成严重危害”。

    Given the moth 's ability also to attack crops like pepper and potatoes , Audu Ogbeh , Nigeria 's minister of agriculture , has warned that the pest may " create serious problems for food security " in the country .

  9. 沙漠得到了水的灌溉,农作物也不会被害虫吃掉。

    The deserts are irrigated with water and crops are no longer eaten by pests .

  10. 啄木鸟能消灭躲在树里的害虫。

    Woodpeckers can exterminate insect pests hiding in trees .

  11. 许多害虫对这种杀虫剂有抵抗力。

    Many pests are resistant to the insecticide .

  12. 长久以来,飞蛾被看作是扑棱着翅膀、在衣服上钻洞的害虫,但现在科学家们说,我们严重地错判了这些不起眼的飞蛾。

    Long seen as fluttering pests that make holes in your clothes , scientists now say we have badly misjudged the humble1 moth2 .

  13. HELP(害迩匍)在温室白粉虱等害虫化学治理中的增效作用

    Synergism of help in the chemical control of greenhouse whitefly and other insect pests

  14. 本文主要针对害虫对苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)的抗性机理和防治对策方面进行综述。

    Recent progress on biochemical and genetic mechanisms of pest resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) was reviewed .

  15. 将传统昆虫分类方法与Web技术、网络编程相结合,设计了基于Web的蔬菜害虫远程诊断系统。

    A web-based remote diagnosis system combining insect taxonomy , web technology and network programming for vegetable insect pests was developed .

  16. 本文首次应用GIS技术研究沈阳市区主要绿地害虫的地理区划与分布规律。

    The urban pest distribution and geographic division of Shenyang green space were studied using GIS technology .

  17. 延缓害虫对Bt毒蛋白耐受性的育种策略

    Breeding Strategies for Delaying Insect Resistance to Bt Toxic Protein

  18. 添加物对Bt制剂杀灭鳞翅目害虫的增效作用

    Synergism of additives of Bt preparation against Lepidoptera pests

  19. 玉米对几种主要害虫的抗性QTL分析

    QTLs for Resistance to the Main Pests in Different Maize Germplasms

  20. Bt水稻对田间非靶标害虫种群动态的影响

    Effects of transgenic Bt rice on population dynamics of non-target insect pests in rice field

  21. 根据计算数据以及GIS示意图,从三个角度分析了沈阳市区害虫的分布区系。

    Pests distribution pattern of town centre in Shenyang were analyzed from three points according to the calculated data and a diagram of GIS .

  22. 模糊数学中的FUZZYISODATA聚类分析法在害虫预测预报中具有特别广阔的前景。

    The Fuzzy ISODATA cluster analysis method is introduced to the pest forecast for the first time .

  23. 结果表明,ZXX-65真空循环熏蒸设备可以在2h内杀死各种仓储害虫。

    The results show that the equipment can kill all the storage pests successfully in 2h .

  24. 同时总结了诱杀林果害虫的最佳布灯高度为15m。

    The optimum height to place lamps for trapping was 1 5m .

  25. 1999和2000年的试验结果表明,Bt转基因水稻对鳞翅目害虫(稻纵卷叶螟、二化螟和三化螟等)具有良好的抗性。

    Results of field trials of 1999 and 2000 showed that resistance of the Bt transgenic rice plant to Lepidoptera pests was well .

  26. 棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera(Hübner)是一种广泛分布的世界性害虫,在我国各省均有分布。

    As a world-wide pest , the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera ( Hiibner ) is undoubtedly an important cotton pest in China .

  27. 烟草甲(Lasiodermaserricorne)是一种世界性的重要仓储害虫。

    Lasioderma serricorne is an important storage pest in the world .

  28. 吸虫塔(SuctionTrap)是长期监测小型迁飞性昆虫时空动态的大型植保设备,用于迁飞性害虫种群的监控和生态学研究。

    Suction Trap is a large-scale plant protection equipment for a long-term monitoring spatial and temporal dynamics of small migratory insects , it usually be use for monitoring migratory pest population and doing ecological studies .

  29. 在鲁北豆田,棉铃虫Heliothisarmigera(Hubner)已上升为主要食叶害虫。

    The cotton bollworm , Heliothis armigera ( Hubner ), has become the main leaf-eating pest in north of Shandong province .

  30. 虽然到目前为止,尚未有确凿证据证明靶标害虫自然种群已对Bt植物产生抗性,但已有多个实验室获得了抗Bt植物的害虫品系。

    Although there are no irrefutable evidence to prove field population of target insect pests to develop resistance to Bt crops , many laboratories have get the strain of pest to Bt crops .