
qí shì jīnɡ shen
  • chivalry;knighthood spirit
  1. 实际上,骑士精神chivalry一词来源于古法语中的马(cheval)。

    In fact , the word chivalry comes from cheval in Old French , which meant horse .

  2. 玛丽·卡特兰佐(MaryKatrantzou)说,骑士精神开始流行。她把王室的纹章图案融入自己的秋季系列中(上排中左)。

    Chivalry reigns on , according to Mary Katrantzou , who incorporated regal , heraldic motifs in her fall collection ( top center-left ) .

  3. 现在有许多科学家相信在外太空的某些星球上有生物存在。n.骑士精神骑士精神包括了勇敢,忠贞,荣誉感,礼貌,尊敬妇女,保护弱小和慷慨。

    Many scientists now believe that there are some worlds in outer space having animate beings chivalry Chivalry includes bravery , loyalty , honor , courtesy , respect for woman , protection of the weak , and generosity .

  4. 骑士精神的黄金时代乃是很久以前的事了。

    The golden age of knighthood was a long time ago .

  5. 亚瑟王的传说代表骑士精神的顶峰。

    The legends of King Arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry .

  6. 那么,我们是不是应该呼唤骑士精神的回归呢?

    So , should the ideals of chivalry be brought back ?

  7. 骑士精神在欧美文学中的衍变

    The Development of The Cavaliers Spirit in Literature of Europe and America

  8. 塞万提斯浪漫故事主人公;有骑士精神却不实际。

    The hero of a romance by Cervantes ; chivalrous but impractical .

  9. 骑士精神这个说法很值得怀疑。

    " The ideas of chivalry are very suspicious ," he says .

  10. 试论十字军东征对骑士精神品质的塑造与影响

    On the Influence of Crusade on the Spirit of Knight

  11. 他们的传统是骑士精神和所有骑士所具有的品质。

    Their traditions include chivalry and all the knightly things .

  12. 史密斯认为,骑士精神正慢慢回归,而且必将回归。

    Slowly but surely , says Smith , chivalry is making a comeback .

  13. 带着骑士精神的爱,会带你走出迷雾森林。

    With the love of chivalry , You will leave foggy forest behind .

  14. 我们并不会被海参骑士精神所感动。

    We are not impressed by sea cucumber chivalry .

  15. 在性别平等的时代,我们是不是要和骑士精神说再见?

    Should we say goodbye to chivalry in the age of gender equality ?

  16. 这就是所谓的骑士精神法典。

    It was called the code of chivalry .

  17. 这就是荣耀所在,这就是骑士精神。

    This is where the glory , and this is the spirit of Knight .

  18. 品质如何获得骑士精神和令人恐惧?

    How do characters develop chivalry and dread ?

  19. 骑士精神和令人恐惧什么效果?

    What effects do chivalry and dread have ?

  20. 我既没有骑士精神也没有运动精神。

    I will be neither chivalrous nor sporting .

  21. 从《罗兰之歌》看骑士精神

    Analysis on the Chivalry from Song of Roland

  22. 他是骑士精神的典。

    He was an apotheosis of chivalry .

  23. 但是,骑士精神并未完全消失。

    But chivalry is not dead yet .

  24. 试论欧洲文学中的骑士精神

    On Knight 's Spirit of European Literature

  25. 整个骑士精神的概念就是把它包装起来,使它令人尊敬。

    The whole notion of chivalry was about dressing it up to make it respectable .

  26. 中世纪欧洲的骑士精神与宫廷爱情

    Chivalry and Courtly Love in Medieval Europe

  27. 对,可是违反了骑士精神的时候呢?玛丽是一名有献身精神的护士。

    Yes , and when it runs up against chivalry ? Mary 's a committed nurse .

  28. 史密斯说,普通人也开始认识到骑士精神对于健康和谐人际关系的意义。

    Ordinary people are beginning to see that chivalry contributes to healthy relationships , says Smith .

  29. 中国侠义与西方骑士精神之比较

    Chinese Chivalry and Western Knight Spirit

  30. 中世纪西欧宫廷文化对骑士精神的影响

    The Influence of the Court Culture of West Europe on the Knight Spirit in Middle Ages