
  1. 它们不同的风格和工艺回顾了十五世纪以来的西班牙骑士文化。

    Different styles and technique retrospect the Spanish chivalry culture since 15th century .

  2. 武侠文化与骑士文化之比较

    The Comparison between the Knight-errant Culture and Knight Culture

  3. 两种文学根植于不同的文化:侠文化和骑士文化。

    The two literatures are derived from different cultures : chivalrous culture and knights ' culture .

  4. 武侠文化与骑士文化作为东西方文化中的瑰宝在历史的长河中曾经各放异彩,它们都是尚武的、英雄的、利他的文化,同时却各有不同。

    As the gems of the east and west cultures , the Knight-errant culture and knight culture had their own flourishing histories .

  5. 展览分为七部分,展示了西班牙十五到20世纪历史发展中的骑士文化。

    Divided into seven sections , the exhibition unfolds the culture of chivalry in spain 's historical development from the15th to the20th centuries .

  6. 这首先是由于骑士文化已经不适应历史的发展,其次是由于它的世俗化倾向。

    This first was as a result of the knight culture already the unsuitable historical development , next was as a result of its secularization tendency .