
  • Order;Knight;Chivalric order
  1. 四大骑士团象徵著诸神用来创造世界的四大元素。

    The four knight orders represent the four elements that God used to create the world from .

  2. 红色骑士团希望曼联球迷们表明态度支持俱乐部所有权发生变化。

    Initially the Red Knight Group has effectively set a challenge to Manchester United supporters to demonstrate they wish to see an alternative ownership proposal developed .

  3. 在梅林的建议下,亚瑟王创建了圆桌骑士团。

    At Merlin 's instigation , Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table .

  4. 神圣秩序骑士团知道你所有的事。

    The Knights of the holy order know all about you .

  5. 我是远东骑士团的首领。

    I was the leader of the far east side riders .

  6. 这一组织不同于劳动骑士团,它只吸收靠工资为生的人。

    Unlike the Knights of Labor , it included only wage earners .

  7. 条顿骑士团衰落的原因是多方面的。

    There were many reasons why the Teutonic Order declined .

  8. 他骄傲地站在我的身旁,看着我加入骑士团。

    He stands proudly at my side as Iam inducted into the Order .

  9. 骑士团将它命名为“马里恩堡”,字面意思即“玛丽的城堡”。

    The Order named it Marienburg , literally " Mary 's Castle . "

  10. 最早的全国性劳工组织名叫劳动骑士团。

    The first significant national labor movement was called the Knights of Labor .

  11. 骑士团是卡梅洛特的基石。

    The knighthood is the very foundation of Camelot .

  12. 有一天骑士团突然停止了寻找活动。

    One day the Templars simply stopped searching .

  13. 这是骑士团黑暗的日子。

    These are dark days for the order .

  14. 而是卡梅洛特的骑士团。

    It 'll be the kinghts of Camelot .

  15. 这座城堡如今位于波兰的马尔堡,当年由条顿骑士团建于普鲁士。

    The Castle in Malbork was built in Prussia by the Teutonic Order as an Ordensburg .

  16. 大主教法奥带领剩下的牧师,组建了银手骑士团。

    Archbishop Faol takes the remaining clerics with him and forms the Order of the Silver Hand .

  17. 条顿骑士团是为对抗异教徒而成立的德意志骑士团体。

    The Teutonic Knights are a German crusading order of knights committed to fighting infidels and pagans .

  18. 然而骑士团内部的不同集团之间经常发生利害冲突。

    But the interests of the various groups within the Knights were often in conflict with each other .

  19. 西吉斯蒙德在波斯尼亚取得决定性胜利之后,国王决定组建自己的世俗骑士团。

    After Sigismund 's decisive victory in Bosnia , the king decided to found his own secular order .

  20. 毫无疑问,圣殿骑士团是整个基督世界中最有实力的骑士团体。

    The Templars'Order House is the home to arguably the most powerful knightly orders within all of Christendom .

  21. 骑士团成员的宗旨是把所有工人都组织起来,以争取普遍改善他们的生活。

    The Knights were dedicated to organizing all workers for the general betterment of their lot in life .

  22. 6个可选派系-条顿骑士团,立陶宛,丹麦,诺夫哥罗德,波兰和神圣罗马帝国。

    Playable factions ? Teutonic Order , Lithuania , Denmark , Novgorod , Poland and the Holy Roman Empire .

  23. 十字军运动的衰落特别是1291年阿克的陷落,使得圣殿骑士团在基督教世界中陷入了严重的危机之中。

    The decline of Crusade and the fall of Acre in 1291 , make templars brought to a serious crisis .

  24. 1410年,波兰和立陶宛的军队联合起来在格林瓦尔德会战中击败了条顿骑士团。

    In 1410 , the armies of Poland and Lithuania together defeated the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunewald .

  25. 这是该骑士团首次在香港举行公开的册封仪式。

    It was the first time the association has held a public investiture Mass for its postulants in Hong Kong .

  26. 1466年条顿骑士团再次被波兰人打败,并被迫向波兰割让土地,成为波兰国王的附庸。

    Another Polish victory in 1466 forced the knights to cede lands to Poland and become vassals of the Polish king .

  27. 乌瑟尔?光明使者和白银之手骑士团试图阻止疾病的蔓延,但是没有成功。

    Uther Lightbringer and his Knights of the silver hand try to stem the tide of the disease , but fail .

  28. 在约翰国王的时代,他们其中有一部分相当富有,曾经向救护骑士团赠送过一份封地。

    In the reign of King John one of them was rich enough to give a manor to the Knights hospitallers ;

  29. 圣殿骑士团,是作战勇猛手段强硬的骑士团体,第一次十字军东征后为护卫朝圣者而组建。

    The Knights Templar , a fearsome and uncompromising order , were formed shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims .

  30. 医护骑士团一直坚持在地中海地区活动,并且持续了几百年的时间。

    The Hospitallers persists continuously activities in the area of the Mediterranean Sea , and has continued several hundred years in there .