
chǎn pǐn mínɡ chēnɡ
  • product name
  1. 例如,products实体可能包含一些诸如产品名称、产品编号和标价之类的信息,这些信息和公司生产的每个产品都相关。

    For example , a products entity might contain information , such as product name , product number , and list price , related to each of the products that your company manufactures .

  2. 在文档中,我们将使用非托管ras或托管ras,而不是产品名称。

    In the documentation we will refer to unmanaged Ras or managed Ras instead of the product name .

  3. 请写明如下信息:产品名称、类型、购买日期和价格。

    Write down the following information : name of product , type , date purchased and price

  4. 您还可以通过单击Myproductlist中的产品名称旁的垃圾桶图标删除一个产品。

    You can also remove an active product by clicking on the trash can icon next to the product name in the My products list .

  5. 联想同时在北京和北卡罗来纳设有总部,并从产品名称中除去IBM的名字。

    And Lenovo which splits its headquarters between Beijing and North Carolina , is dropping the IBM name from its products .

  6. 将多种生产的产品名称或ID作为输入,并发布一个工作指令来生产该产品。

    Take the name or ID of a large-variety item as input and issue a work order to produce the item .

  7. 这些产品名称前尽管都带了一个“Mc”,但这并不代表它们都是一样的。

    But just because there 's a " Mc " in front of these items doesn 't mean they 're all alike .

  8. 在这个界面上,可以根据产品名称、版本、bug的产生日期和大量其他信息来过滤缺陷。

    This interface allows you to filter defects based on product name , version , bug creation date , and much other information .

  9. 可以不为db2install命令提供任何参数,在这种情况下会提示您输入产品名称和安装路径。

    You may choose not to provide any parameters with the db2_install command , in which case you are prompted for the product name and the installation path .

  10. 产品名称:玻璃纤维拉挤,RTM,模压,层压专用针刺毡。

    Name of Product : Needled glass mat for pultrusion , RTM , molding , sandwich pressing .

  11. AQSIQ允许对印有产品名称和数量(USDA数字)的产品进行检查。

    AQSIQ permit inspection with product name and quantity with USDA number on it .

  12. 然而,F.D.A.官员没有公布具体的产品名称。

    F.D.A. officials did not , however , name the specific products .

  13. 此设计违反了第二范式,因为“产品名称”依赖于“产品id”,但并不依赖于“订单id”,因此并不依赖于整个主键。

    This design violates second normal form , because product name is dependent on product id , but not on order id , so it is not dependent on the entire primary key .

  14. 与SupplierA中列出库存产品名称不同,SupplierB保存了产品信息清单,例如生产日期、库存日期或是重新进货日期等。

    Instead of listing a product as refurbished or not as in Supplier A , Supplier B keeps a list of information for its products such as manufacturing date , inventory date , and restocking date .

  15. 最近几天,苹果的代理律师致函至少两家使用Pod一词的企业,要求它们在其产品名称中放弃使用这个词。

    Lawyers acting for Apple have in recent days written to at least two companies that use the word Pod asking them to drop the word from their product names .

  16. 对于每次getQuote调用,将会产生请求消息传送产品名称,以及响应消息返回来自库存的Product对象。

    For each getQuote invocation , there is a request message that sends the product name and a response message that returns the Product object from the inventory .

  17. 通过创建这些mashup,可以轻松地把具有相同的产品名称、组件名称或缺陷严重程度的缺陷集中在一起。

    These mashups allow you to easily group together the defects that belong to the same product name , component name , or defect severity .

  18. 产品名称中的字母BDL指的是监管期限。

    The letters BDL in the product 's name refer to the regulatory term .

  19. 苹果电脑(Apple)称,该公司对Pod一词拥有法律权利,该公司辩称,其它企业如果将该词用作产品名称的一部分,有可能侵犯其广受欢迎的iPod音乐播放器商标。

    Apple has laid legal claim to the word Pod , arguing that other companies that use the word as part of their product names risk infringing the trademark of its popular iPod music player .

  20. (为了保持简洁,这个系列文章将使用“pureXML”和“DataStage”代替完整的产品名称)。

    To keep things simple , subsequent sections of this article series will refer to " pureXML " and " DataStage " instead of the full product names .

  21. 美国育儿网站BabyCenter的年度报告称,今年取名为Apple产品名称的宝宝大幅增加,取名为Apple,Siri和Mac的宝宝都有增加。

    The number of babies named after Apple products has soared - Apple , Siri and Mac have all risen in popularity as baby names this year , according to parenting advice site BabyCenter 's annual report .

  22. 下面的示例演示两个listview控件,二者显示分组的数据和属于该组的各个产品名称。

    The following example shows two listview controls that display the grouped data and the individual names of products that belong to that group .

  23. 从1月16日起,在所有的销售文件及推广材料中,发行方均须在产品名称后加上号,并附注此基金为一只合成ETF,以标明产品的合成属性。

    From January 16 , issuers will have to flag the synthetic nature of the product in all sales and marketing material by use of an asterisk next to the name and the annotation This is a synthetic ETF .

  24. 新的人名和产品名称也可成为新词。

    The names of people and products can become new words .

  25. 那广告用语与其产品名称一语双关

    The slogan be a pun on the name of the product

  26. 李老板,请确认产品名称和型号。(一旦确认后)

    Pls help to confirm the product & modle name .

  27. 菲尔.沃森:对,产品名称在这儿

    PHIL WATSON : Right , the product title goes here

  28. 产品名称为它们各自所有者的商标或注册商标。

    Product name is trademark or registered trademark of their respective owner .

  29. “任何”指产品名称可以任意。

    " Any " indicates that the product name can be anything .

  30. 百隆的产品名称怎样书写正确?

    What is the correct format for Blum product names ?