
chǎn chū
  • output
  • production
  1. 有那么多的研究探索了同事关系如何帮助人们克服一系列影响工作效率和工作产出质量的职场问题,比如在团队中产生的冲突、嫉妒、破坏、愤怒等等。

    So much research has explored the way in which collegial ties can help overcome a range of workplace issues affecting productivity and the quality of work output such as team-based conflict , jealousy , undermining , anger , and more .

  2. 它们来自投入和产出之间的平衡。

    They come from weighing between input and output .

  3. 工业产出的增长有助于驱除人们对于经济正再次陷入衰退的挥之不去的担忧。

    The rise in industrial production helped chase away lingering fears that the economy is slipping into a new recession .

  4. 为了产出多、产量产值增长速度快,而不管投入多少,就是所谓只求速度不讲效益。

    To yield value of output of much , crop increases rate fast , and no matter how much throw , it is alleged beg speed not to say beneficial result only .

  5. 当你用更少的时间聊天和社交时,你就有更多的时间工作和产出。

    Less time chatting and socializing means more time working and churning .

  6. 美国大学尽管在教学方面享有全球性声誉,但也只是刚开始证明自身在真实世界学习中的产出。

    American universities , despite their global reputation for excellence in teaching , have only begun to demonstrate what they can produce in real-world learning .

  7. 如果越来越多的人成为“产消合一者”,自己随时产出并消费能源,那些曾花费数十年和上百亿美金建造的中央电网该怎么办呢?

    What happens to the centralized electric grid , which took decades and billions of dollars to build , as more and more people become " prosumers , " who produce and consume their own energy onsite ?

  8. 达拉斯为艺术规划与设施投入1美元,达拉斯的艺术和基于艺术运营的企业就能产出298美元。

    Further , Dallas arts and arts-based businesses produce $ 298 for every dollar the city spends on arts programming and facilities .

  9. 成年科学家可能已经采用了同样的认知系统,它能让幼儿在产出某个想法的时候感觉良好。

    The same cognitive systems that make young children feel good about figuring something out may have been adopted by adult scientists .

  10. 在这项由韩国首尔的研究人员进行的研究中,他们给老鼠喂用白天和晚上产出的牛奶所制的奶粉。

    The study , by researchers from Seoul , South Korea , involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night .

  11. 根据发表在《药物强化性食品杂志》上的研究,夜间产出的牛奶含有10倍的褪黑素,而喝白天产出的牛奶的人则比喝那种牛奶的更活跃、更焦虑。

    Those given night milk , which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin , were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime , according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food .

  12. 根据发表在《医药食品杂志》上的研究,夜间产出的牛奶中褪黑素含量是日间的10倍,喝下它的人会变得不那么活跃,也不大焦虑,而和日间牛奶的人则相反。

    Those given night milk , which had 10 times the amount of melatonin , were less active and less worried than those fed with the milk collected during daytime , according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food .

  13. 在另一些情况下,比如存货,其投入和产出都是持续不断的。

    In other cases , such as inventories , inputs and outputs are both continuous .

  14. 年时,发展中国家只占全世界经济产出的37%(以消费力平价计算)。

    In 2000 developing countries accounted for 37 % of world output ( at purchasing power parities ) . 2000

  15. 报告表示,尽管出现复苏,但到今年年底全球产出将比疫情前预测低2%左右。

    Despite the recovery , global output will be about 2 percent below pre-pandemic projections by the end of this year , the report showed .

  16. 1958~1975年期间,能源消费的强度变化和GDP的产出呈现不对称性;

    And the changes of energy intensity and GDP were different ;

  17. 首先是产出缺口理论、总需求总供给(ADAS)模型这两种工具的综合分析;

    The first is the comprehensive analysis of some tools such as the theory of GNP gap , AD-AS model .

  18. 该委员会在确定经济是否衰退时会考虑GDP、就业等经济数据,它并不将产出连续两个季度下滑作为经济衰退的必要条件。

    The panel considers GDP , employment and other economic data , and doesn 't require two consecutive quarters of declining output .

  19. 政府的科技激励政策对大中型工业企业RD投入及其专利产出的影响上海市的实证研究

    On The Impact of Government 's S T Incentive Policy on the R D input and its patent output of large and medium-sized Industrial enterprises in Shanghai

  20. 研究公司凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)整理的19个大型新兴经济体的数据显示,8月工业产出和第二季度消费者支出双双跌至2009年以来最低水平。

    Data from 19 large emerging economies collated by research firm Capital Economics show that industrial output in August and consumer spending in the second quarter fell to their lowest levels since 2009 .

  21. 经济研究已表明,专利产出主要与RD投入以及知识存量有关。

    It is proved by past studies that patent creating is related to the input of RD and knowledge stock .

  22. IMF估计,油价下跌的全部效应将使2016年全球产出增加0.5%至1%。

    It estimated that the full effect of falling oil prices would increase global output by 0.5 per cent to 1 per cent in 2016 .

  23. 从1995年到2004年生态系统服务功能上升9.9%。宜春和崇明所享有的人均生态系统服务功能价值均大于人均GDP产出。

    There is a 9.9 % net increase in value of ecosystem services in period 1995-2004 . The per capita ecosystem services value is more than per capita GDP in Yichun and Chongming .

  24. 投入产出中的Leontief闭模型分析

    Analysis of the closed Leontief Model in input-output

  25. 应用数据包络分析(DEA)法,采用实际产量与实际产值2个产出因子和技术、资金等多种要素投入进行计量。

    The study using DEA method and 2 output factors , which are actual catch value of input factors , and technology fund etc. to calculate their fishing integrative capacity .

  26. SIMILE是麻省理工学院(MIT)和W3C合作的联合项目,它已经产出了很多真正的宝物。

    SIMILE is a joint project of Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) and the W3C , and it has produced some real gems .

  27. 研究发现:通过创造适当的语言交际环境,EFL学习者在交际活动中把语言知识不断地内化成自己的语用能力,从而实现对他们产出性技能的培养。

    It concludes : the creation of quasi environment contributes to the cultivation of learners ' producing skills in the course of using language rules , consequently nurturing their competence in communication .

  28. 但技术冲击对产出波动的影响不如RBC类模型那样大,而持久的正向消费偏好冲击对稳定经济增长非常重要。

    But the impact of technology shocks on economic fluctuation is smaller than that in RBC models . The persistent shock of consumption preference is important for stable economic growth .

  29. 采用瓶颈模型对G公司生产流程的瓶颈进行了分析,并提出改进措施,数据分析表明,所提出的改进方案对提高企业有效产出率有效。

    This paper uses bottleneck model to carry on the analysis in the production process bottleneck of G Corporation , and improving approaches are proposed . The data shows that the approach proposed has a effect on enhancing enterprise effective throughput .

  30. 投入产出分析方法是由美国著名经济学家WassilyLeontief创立的,他于1936年发表了投入产出分析的第一篇论文《美国经济制度中投入产出的数量关系》。

    Input-output analysis was established by Prof. Wassily Leontief , who is the famous economist in America .