
  • 网络product quality;Production Quality;Quality of Product
  1. X射线无损检测技术在农产品品质评价中的应用

    Application of X-ray Nondestructive Determination Technologies on Quality Evaluation of Agriculture Products

  2. 而传统的PID控制策略和一些复杂控制系统已经难以满足生产企业对改善产品品质和提高经济效益所提出的要求。

    But the traditional PID control strategy and some complex control system is not able to satisfy enterprise needs of improvement product quality and increase economic profit .

  3. 研究了超临界CO2下AOT/CTAB混合反胶团体系萃取乳酸钙中影响产品品质的杂蛋白质。

    Extraction of protein in calcium lactate by AOT / CTAB mixed reverse microemulsions in supercritical CO2 was studied .

  4. 通过对该装置操作工艺条件的优化研究,旨在提高生产装置的处理量和DMC产品品质。

    Through the optimization study to the operating conditions aimed at improving the product capacity and product quality of DMC .

  5. 综述了硒(Se)在改善农产品品质、保证农产品质量安全(包括增强植物的抗逆性、抵抗某些重金属毒害、降低农产品中硝酸盐含量)、提高农产品保健价值方面的作用。

    Effects of Se on agricultural products quality were reviewed , which included the quality improvement , the quality safety ensured and the value enhancement on health care .

  6. 星空音乐电子厂是以生产各种适合出口的AM/FM带MP3收音机为主,我们的产品品质优良,价格优惠。

    Star Electronic Factory is a production of music suitable for export AM / FM radio with MP3-based , our products quality , price concessions .

  7. 先后为广东、浙江的知名门企做过OEM代工服务,产品品质稳定,款式新颖,在业内享有很高的评价。

    Successively for guangdong , zhejiang 's famous door enterprises do OEM service , the products OEM and stable quality , novel style , in the industry enjoyed a high evaluation .

  8. 紫外光(UV)固化技术是一种新型绿色环保技术,具有节能减排、固化速度快、产品品质高的特点;适用于自动化流水线,广泛应用于涂料、油墨、胶粘剂等领域。

    UV curing is a new green environmental protection technical . It has many advantages , such as low-pollution , fast curing speed , high-performance , high speed and automatic , which was widely used in coatings , inks , adhesives and other fields .

  9. 在大型启闭式防雨棚和移动式防雨棚条件下,采用筒栽和盆栽土培法,以优质冬小麦为试验材料,就RDI对作物经济产品品质性状的影响进行了试验研究。

    Under conditions of large-scale open-closed type rain-proof shelter in plot culture with winter wheat as material , effects of RDI on quality of crop economic product were studied .

  10. 产品品质好,改质后汽油RoN提高30个单位以上,烯烃质量分数小于2%,是汽油降烯烃的优质调合组分;

    The gasoline product also had good quality , which RON enhanced more than 30 units and the olefin content was less than 2 % . It was a good blending component for decreasing the olefin content in gasoline .

  11. PHS需要通过采取战略营销、提升产品品质、采用个性化套餐和渠道整合、提高用户忠诚度、推进品牌建设和企业文化与战略合作等整合营销方式寻求内涵式发展。

    PHS needs to promote product quality by strategic marketing , promote users loyalty by individuality service combination and channel integration and advance integrated marketing mode like brand construction and strategic cooperation so as to seek connotative development .

  12. 所以VANCL从一开始投放,我们的战略就是选择大门户,大位置,用突出产品品质的创意配合降低门槛的68元一件衬衣做促销。

    So VANCL running from the start , our strategy is to select a large door , a large place , with outstanding product quality and creativity with the lower threshold of68 per shirt to do promotions .

  13. 杜马斯燃烧定氮法在农产品品质检测中的应用

    Application of Dumas Combustion Method for Nitrogen Analysis on Agricultural Products

  14. 评定招标成败的两个关键因素-标书标底与产品品质

    Base Bid Price and Product Quality-Two Key Factors of Evaluating Tender

  15. 同时作物产品品质得以改善提高。

    Meanwhile , the products ' quality could be improved .

  16. 硬水对盆栽花卉生长的抑制效果十分突出,严重降低产品品质。

    Hard water significantly inhibits growth and decreases quality of potted flowers .

  17. 贮藏温度对水产品品质影响的研究现状

    Study on quality of aquatic products affected by change of storage temperature

  18. 基于技术标准的农产品品质提升研究

    Research on the Improvement of Agricultural Products Quality Based on Technical Standards

  19. 农产品品质包括内在品质和外在品质两个方面。

    Agri-product quality includes internal quality and external quality .

  20. 有机肥的作用最终体现在提高作物产量和改善作物产品品质上。

    Effect of organic fertilizer was embodied in adding yield and ameliorating quality .

  21. 过量施肥会造成农产品品质下降,降低农产品竞争力。

    Excessive fertilizer would also decrease the quality and competition of agricultural products .

  22. 因此,我们的产品品质使我们在整个竞争市场上非常有信心。

    So with the quality we are very confident in the competitive market .

  23. 新工艺较传统工艺能提高产品品质,延长贮存期。

    New technics can improve product quality much better than the traditional technics .

  24. 不同干燥方式对哈密瓜干燥产品品质的影响

    Effects of Different Drying Methods on Quality of Hami-melon

  25. 为全球的整车整车制造工厂提供共同的产品品质的度量额定方法。

    Provide common product quality measurement ratings for each vehicle assembly center world-wide .

  26. “使用性测试,可用性测试”可靠性测试用作推动设计改善及产品品质。

    Usability testing RT result is used for design improvement & quality improvement .

  27. 长期定位施肥对夏玉米生理特性及产品品质的影响

    Effects of Long-term Fixed Position Fertilization on Physiologic Characteristics and Production of Summer Corn

  28. 有机肥料对改善农产品品质的作用及机理

    Effect of organic manure on qualities of crops

  29. 农产品品质与安全快速检测技术的进展

    New Advances in Fast Detection Techniques for Quality and Security Control of Farm Produce

  30. 农畜产品品质无损检测中高光谱图像技术的应用进展

    Review of Hyperspectral Imaging in Quality and Safety Inspections of Agricultural and Poultry Products