
  • 网络Minoan;MINOS;King Minos
  1. 笔者沿着这种可能性提出对柏拉图著作《米诺斯》的解读。

    I raised this possibility along the works of Plato , " Minos " interpretation .

  2. 而与宗教、伦理、哲学和诗学等诸般文化形态盘根错节在一起的印度文学和美学更像是克里特岛上的米诺斯迷宫,往往令人望而却步。

    The tangled Indian aesthetics , mixed with so many culture forms as religion , ethics , philosophy and poetry , etc , is just like the Minos Labyrinth that makes one shrink back at the sight of it .

  3. 米诺斯人不是古希腊人,其语言文字至今不明。

    The Minoans were not Greek , and their language remains unknown .

  4. 其中最重要的是米诺斯文明和迈锡尼文明。

    The most significant were the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations .

  5. 米诺斯实验将通过实验测量微中子的速度是否比光速快。

    FAITH LAPIDUS : The MINOS experiment may also measures neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light .

  6. 米诺斯文字和迈锡尼文字

    Minoan and Mycenaean Scripts

  7. 圣托里尼火山喷发时还没有可靠的文字记录,但它似乎启发了许多希腊神话和传说,包括米诺斯文化的失落和亚特兰蒂斯的衰亡。

    This eruption occurred before reliable record-taking was introduced , but seems to have inspired a number of Greek myths and legends , including the loss of the Minoans and the fall of Atlantis .

  8. 其实,真正的源头应是克里特岛上的米诺斯文明。但它并非原生文明,而是在埃及农业文明与西亚商业文明的影响下发展起来的次生文明。

    In fact , it originated from Minoscivilization in Crete , however , it is not the primary one , but a secondary one , which derived from the Egyptian farming culture and west Asian commercial civilization .