
  • 网络Mizhi County
  1. 米脂县黄土滑塌分布及其对流域产沙的影响

    Distribution of Loess Slide and Its Influence on Sediment Yield in Mizhi County

  2. 最后,以生态示范区建设试点县&陕西省米脂县为例,应用所构造的可持续发展度指数对其可持续发展能力及其变化进行了分析。

    According to DSD , taking Mizhi County in Shaanxi Province as an example , the variety and regional sustainability are analyzed .

  3. 特大暴雨对米脂县水保措施的考验及防御对策

    The Test of Heavy Rainstorm on Soil and Water Conservation Measures and Its Control Strategies

  4. 近代以来的社会变革与地方宗族&以陕北米脂县马氏宗族为例

    Local Clan and Social Change in China in the Twentieth Century-A Case of the Ma Family in Mizhi County , Northern Shanxi

  5. 在陕北米脂县无定河谷地沙壤质土壤上进行了灌水量对土壤硝态氮的淋失和作物吸收效应影响的研究(简称淋吸效应)。

    The effect of irrigation on soil nitrate leaching and uptake was conducted with sandy loam soil in the valley of Wudian River .

  6. 目前米脂县园地面积比例仍然偏小,可利用耕地、林地和草地等其他土地大力发展果业。

    Current MiZhi county garden area ratio still partial small , can use farmland , forest land and grassland and other land to develop trade .

  7. 改善和优化土地利用方式和结构是综合治理黄土高原人为加速侵蚀的关键。本文以陕北米脂县泉家沟流域为例。

    To improve and optimize land use pattern and structure is one of the most effective ways to the control of human accelerated erosion in the hilly gully loess region .

  8. 文章最后提出退耕还林政策应在麟游、安塞、米脂县得到稳步持续实施的建议以促进退耕户消费能力的提高和消费结构的优化。

    The article concludes with policy of returning farmland to forests should be linyou , Ansai , Mizhi County , to be steady and sustained implementation of the recommendations in order to promote the improvement of farmland and household spending power and consumption structure optimized .