
  • Tourist Visa;visitor visa;ADS
  1. W:你是旅游签证还是学生签证?

    W : Are you on a tourist visa or a student visa ?

  2. 有了旅游签证,我们就可以玩三个月。

    We can stay for three months on a tourist visa .

  3. 新的限制措施应当不会影响z字工作签证、记者签证或旅游签证的签发,但这些签证的申请处理时间可能超过往常。

    The new curbs should not affect the issuance of permanent " Z " class work visas , journalist visas or tourist visas but these may take longer than usual to process .

  4. 长期关注台湾军事形势的美国《防务新闻》(defensenews)亚洲分社社长温德尔明尼克(wendellminnick)说:“大陆将利用一切机会,在台湾部署更多间谍,包括利用旅游签证。”

    " China will use any and all opportunities to place more spies on the ground in Taiwan , " said Wendell Minnick , Asia Bureau Chief of defence news and a long-time observer of the Taiwan military . " This includes using tourist visas . "

  5. 旅游签证的费用将从50英镑增加到63英镑。

    A visitor visa fee will increase from 50 to 63 .

  6. 我想申请旅游签证。

    I 'd like to apply for a tourist visa .

  7. 速递公司刚刚送来下一个国家的旅游签证,满心喜悦。

    Just got my travel visa to my next destination .

  8. 下面老师换了一个句子,练习用shouldnot也就是shouldn't作反问句,说明鲍勃去中国应该有护照和旅游签证等等.请你跟刚才一样作练习。

    M : Bob should have a passport , shouldn 't he ?

  9. 去年,英国向中国公民发放了逾20万份旅游签证。

    More than 200,000 visitor visas were issued to Chinese nationals last year .

  10. 此外,他们还需备有旅游签证。

    A tourist visa will also be required .

  11. 这是张一天紧急旅游签证。

    This is a one-day emergency travel visa .

  12. 顺便提一句,你的旅游签证什么时候到期?

    And , by the way , when is your visitor 's visa up ?

  13. 如何办理赴德旅游签证

    How to Process Tourist Visa to Germany

  14. 您持的是哪种签证?&旅游签证。

    What type of visa have you got ? & I have a tourist visa .

  15. 这是旅游签证。

    This is a tourist visa .

  16. 我的赴澳旅游签证被拒了,然后我开始教老外中文。

    My tourist visa to Australia was denied and then I had to teach foreigners Chinese .

  17. 英国在那一年向中国公民发放了29.1919万个旅游签证,而比利时只发放了1.4223万个签证。

    The UK issued 291919 Chinese visitor visas that year , compared to Belgium 's 14223 .

  18. 旅游签证费200元人民币;商务签证300元人民币,均以现金支付。

    Visa fee of200 RMB for tourist visa and300 RMB for business visa , payable in cash .

  19. 许多人靠旅游签证到这个国家,然后在那儿非法地居住和工作。

    Many people travel to the country on tourist visas , then stay and work there illegally .

  20. 外国人签证,外国人续签,工作签证,旅游签证,商务签证。

    Alien visa , the renewal of foreigners , working visa , tourist visa , business visa .

  21. 有个外包员工一直在支持香港的项目,他用的是旅游签证。

    There is an outsourcing employee who has been providing support service for our company 's project in HK .

  22. 迪卡普里奥先生持旅游签证游玩印尼,并于周日参观了亚齐省的古农列尤择国家公园。

    Mr DiCaprio entered Indonesia on a tourist visa and on Sunday visited Gunung Leuser National Park in Aceh .

  23. 有关部门同时暂停持有来自受病毒影响国家的旅游签证的游客入境。

    Authorities also suspended entry to the kingdom to those with tourist visas from nations affected by the new virus .

  24. 如果打算参加毕业典礼,一些中国学生必须申请英国旅游签证。

    Some Chinese students have to apply for a tourist visa to UK if they plan to attend their graduation ceremony .

  25. 他补充称,唯一的阻碍在于,中国游客获得英国旅游签证需要花费很长时间。

    The only hindrance , he adds , is the time it takes Chinese visitors to obtain a UK tourist visa .

  26. 你不享有庇护权,难民身份权,临时保护权,人道主义特许入境,或者工作旅游签证。

    You don 't qualify for asylum , refugee status , temporary protective status , humanitarian parole or non-immigration work travel .

  27. 这肯定是一场精彩的体育盛会,但拥有电视机或旅游签证的人都能目睹这一盛事。

    A wonderful sporting spectacle is assured , but that will be available to anyone with a television or a tourist visa .

  28. 三张填写好的旅游签证申请表并附有每位旅行团成员护照个人信息那页的复印件;

    Three copies of completed group tour application form with photocopies of the passport personal information page of each tour group member ;

  29. 我妹妹两年前用旅游签证来到美国但是她们留下了并不断寄钱回去

    My sisters came to america two years ago on travel visas , but they stayed to work and send money home .

  30. 美国已同意将中国学生赴美签证有效期从1年延长至5年,将商务旅游签证有效期延长至10年。

    It has agreed to extend visas for Chinese students to five years from one , and for business travellers to 10 years .