
  • 网络Tehran University;University of Tehran
  1. 在德黑兰大学,政府正在美国的帮助下建造一座核研究堆,这是艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)总统原子能为和平服务(AtomsforPeace)计划的一部分。

    At the University of Tehran , the government was building a nuclear research reactor with US assistance through Eisenhower 's Atoms for Peace programme .

  2. 在德黑兰大学留学的张梦晗因波斯语流利,在2014年被该校的一位老师推荐进入剧组,在《首都》第三季开拍之前成为了剧组中的一员。

    Zhang Menghan , a fluent Persian-speaking student at the University of Tehran , was recommended by one of her teachers in 2014 to be a crew member before shooting the third season .

  3. 但伊朗最高宗教领袖阿亚图拉·艾哈迈德·贾纳提(AyatollahAhmadJannati)在德黑兰大学一次祈祷活动上对祷告者表示,处死这两人并无必要。

    But a top Iranian religious leader told a prayer service at Tehran University that execution was needless .

  4. 周一下午,主要由学生组成的抗议者身穿绿衣,在几乎完全的沉默中沿着革命街走过德黑兰大学,只是不时呼喊“真主至大”(allahuakbar)。

    The protesters , mainly students , wearing green , walked along revolution Street past Tehran University on Monday afternoon in almost complete silence , chanting only " Allahu Akbar " ( God is great ) intermittently .

  5. 这是德黑兰大学一名学生的经历。

    The experiences of one student at Tehran University .

  6. 但是伊朗一名高级宗教领袖告诉德黑兰大学的祈祷者,执行死刑是没有必要的。

    But a top Iranian religious leader told a prayer service at Tehran University that was .

  7. 德黑兰大学的专家们研究对比了300名食道癌患者与570名来自相同地域的普通人的饮茶习惯。

    Tea drinking , however , is widespread . The University of Tehran researchers studied tea drinking habits among 300 people diagnosed with OSCC and compared them with a group of 570 people from the same area .