
  • 网络Tehran Metro
  1. 伊朗德黑兰地铁1&2号线列车自动防护(ATP)系统

    ATP System of Tehran Metro Line 1 & 2

  2. 德黑兰地铁环境控制软件EnCs的研究与改进

    Study and Improvement of Tehran Metro Environment Control Software EnCs

  3. 德黑兰地铁1、2号线工程车&地通信TWC系统

    TWC system of Teheran Metro Line 1 & 2 Project

  4. 本文对德黑兰地铁1、2号线TWC系统的主要设备构成、系统功能、系统接口和可靠性及可用性进行了简要介绍。

    The paper gives a brief introduction on structures of the main equipment , system functions , system interface , reliability and availability of TWC system of Teheran Metro Line 1 & 2 .

  5. 根据前人研究所得利用HDR指标计算全年地铁车站允许温度范围的方法,计算给出德黑兰地铁全年各时间段的车站控制温度范围。

    According to the method concluded by predecessor that uses HDR index to calculate permitted temperature range of subway station in all year , the temperature control range of Tehran subway station in all year is presented .

  6. 伊朗德黑兰地铁轨道施工方法

    Research and Application of Rail Construction Method for Iron Teheran Subway

  7. 德黑兰地铁转向架横移车的关键设计

    Key Design of the Car for Moving Bogies Laterally for Teheran Metro

  8. 出口伊朗德黑兰地铁1、2号线转向架

    Bogies for No. 1 , 2 Lines of Teheran Metro Exported to Iran

  9. 叙述了伊朗德黑兰地铁洗车机的原理、组成及特点。

    The compose and specific features and principle of Metro cars washing machine are described .

  10. 德黑兰地铁车辆电气系统

    Teheran Metro Vehicle Electrical System

  11. 出口德黑兰地铁1号线北延长线转向架设计与研制

    Design and Development of Bogies Exported to Teheran for the Northern Extension Line of No.1 Metro Line

  12. 介绍了出口伊朗德黑兰地铁转向架的结构、技术参数及性能。

    Described are the structure , technical parameters and performance of metro bogies exported to Teheran of Iran .

  13. 与此同时,数十家中国公司也在渴望获得投资的伊朗参与了基础设施项目,其中包括德黑兰地铁项目。

    Dozens of Chinese companies , meanwhile , are also involved in infrastructure projects in investment-hungry Iran , including the Tehran Metro .

  14. 本文对伊朗德黑兰地铁1&2号线列车自动防护系统结构、主要设备和系统功能进行简要介绍。

    The paper gives a brief introduction of configuration , main equipment and system functions of ATP system of Tehran Metro Line 1 & 2 .