
xiá wān
  • fjord;fiord;forde;sea lock
峡湾 [xiá wān]
  • [fiord] 两个悬崖或两个陡斜坡之间狭窄且常很深的海水进口

峡湾[xiá wān]
  1. 这次出行是为了能驶入冰雪覆盖的峡湾。

    The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord .

  2. 一个不幸的例证是高盛(goldmansachs)网站的新主页:经过重新设计后,展示的是一张冰雪覆盖的峡湾的图片。

    A sorry example of this is the new front page of the Goldman Sachs website , which has been redesigned to show a picture of an icy fjord .

  3. 在一座峡湾穿梭、海象豹横卧、冰川覆蓋的岛上,俄罗斯在一座能俯瞰其研究基地的山丘上建造了南极洲第一座东正教教堂。

    On a glacier-filled island with fjords and elephant seals , Russia has built Antarctica 's first Orthodox church on a bill overlooking its research base .

  4. 今天对于我们所有人员来说是个“准备日”,要为离开帆船去峡湾以及为将在煤炭岛进行的ACT项目整理放置在船舱库房的各种设备。

    They prepared for their departure to the Fiords and packed up the equipment in the boat 's garage for the ACT project that they would be carrying out on Coal Island .

  5. 这个是著名的精灵峡湾一带,一天过后,NRK二号台的高峰值。

    You can see the famous Trollfjord and a day after , all-time high for NRK2 .

  6. 挪威//该国第二大城市卑尔根市(Bergen)最闻名于世的可能是其附近的峡湾与冰川,但它却在文化和建筑领域也建树颇丰。

    NORWAY / / The country 's second-largest city may be best-known for its nearby fjords and glaciers , but Bergen is rich in culture and architecture .

  7. 从塔斯曼海向内陆伸展的MilfordSound峡湾被纯岩壁包围,它属于世界文化遗址、重要旅游目的地的Fiordland国家公园的一部分。

    Milford Sound , which runs inland from the Tasman Sea and is surrounded by sheer rock face , is part of Fiordland National Park , a world heritage site and major travel destination .

  8. 抵达皮克顿(Picton)后,我们下车乘船穿过夏洛特女王峡湾前往千洞湾度假村,这儿既是旅程的起点又是终点。

    At Picton you leave your car and take a boat through Queen Charlotte Sound to the Bay of Many Coves , where this story began and ends .

  9. 智利:位于蒙特港和纳塔雷斯港之间的巴塔哥尼亚峡湾

    Chile : Patagonian Fjords between Puerto Montt and Puerto Natales

  10. 哈丹哥峡湾是挪威最受人欢迎的峡湾之一。

    Hardanger is one of norway 's most popular fjords .

  11. 和一次峡湾上的独木舟漂流

    and a canoe trip down a fjord . What ?

  12. 把峡湾铺上热带沙滩还有暖和的…

    that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm ...

  13. 这里是富春江上的一个小峡湾。

    Here 's a little bend along the Fuchun River .

  14. 在挪威观光的重头戏肯定就在峡湾地区。

    The highlight of a traveling in Norway has to be the Fjords .

  15. 这是离开帆船挺进南岛峡湾之前最后一顿午餐了。

    This would be the last lunch before their departure for the Southland fjords .

  16. 那个像勇士一般穿越峡湾

    Riding across the fjords like a Valiant ,

  17. 昨天当我们航行经过达斯基峡湾时感觉好极了。

    We had a magnificent day yesterday as we sailed through the Dusky Sound .

  18. 这种养殖方式常见于智利海域和挪威峡湾,

    Commonly employed off the coast of Chile and in the fjords of Norway ,

  19. 乌特加德的设计与整个号叫峡湾的设计作为一个整体紧密关联。

    Utgarde 's design ties closely into the creation of Howling Fjord as a whole .

  20. 许多曲曲折折峡湾形成了它的海岸线,大多数的城镇都位于那里。

    Many fjords punctuate its coastline , which is also where most towns are situated .

  21. 拥有20公里长的低浅峡湾的奥塔哥港,拥有丰富的野生动植物资源。

    The 20km long shallow-bottomed fjord , Otago Harbour , is the home of an abundance of wildlife .

  22. 我喜欢在森林里散步,采集野果,在挪威的峡湾处垂钓,他说。

    I like walking in the woods , collecting berries and fishing in the fjords , he says .

  23. 飞机刚好贴着峡湾的水面掠过,直至他们看到了村庄。

    The plane skimmed along just above the surface of the fjord , until they sighted the village .

  24. 我们想让身处峡湾的自己同时出现在电视画面里。

    We wanted this picture of us on the fjord and on the screen at the same time .

  25. 挪威以峡湾闻名,而且不用长途跋涉就能欣赏到。

    Norway is famous for its fjords , and youdon 't have to travel far to see one .

  26. 无论是在冬天还是在夏天,你都会被这一地区泡沫横飞的瀑布和惊人的峡湾风光所震撼。

    Winter or summer , you will be amazed at this region 's foaming waterfalls and stunning fjord scenery .

  27. 我特别推荐途经峡湾和群山地区的奥斯陆&卑尔根列车之旅,另外还要看看北部的罗弗敦群岛。

    I would especially recommend Oslo-Bergen by train via fjords and mountains and seeing the northern archipelago of Lofoten .

  28. 这间研究技工同时还在制造一种机器蝠鲼,以便对不列颠哥伦比亚的峡湾进行研究探测。

    The lab is also building a robot manta ray to study fish stocks in the fjords of British Columbia .

  29. 像镜子一般的峡湾和湖泊点缀在冰川和雄伟的高山中,就这样挪威以其独特的风景而全世界闻名。

    With glaciers and majestic mountains running into the mirroring fjords and lakes , Norway is world-famous for its beautiful scenery .

  30. 多么难得的机会啊我们能在一起去发现福德峡湾的壮丽并去了解这个难以置信的生态系统。

    How privileged we all were to be able to discover the beauty of Fiordland and to learn about this incredible ecosystem .