
  1. 武陵源世界自然遗产地峡谷地貌土壤动物的多样性

    The Diversity of Soil Fauna Communities in the Canyon Landform of Wulingyuan World Natural Heritage

  2. 经定量评价,峡谷地貌、褶皱构造和溶洞是公园导向性的A级地质遗迹景观;

    By quantitative evaluation , canyon landform , fold and Karst caves are A level in geological vestige landscape .

  3. 鄂尔多斯高原东西两侧构造地貌独特,其东侧发育晋陕峡谷地貌,西侧则为六盘山高山地貌。

    The unique tectonic landform including Shanxi-Shaanxi Gorge and Liupan Mountains developed respectively in the eastern and western flank of Ordos Plateau .

  4. 泸定县地处川西高原与四川盆地过渡地带,属于高山峡谷地貌,生态环境脆弱,一旦破坏将很难恢复。

    LuDing County , which is located in the transition zone between western Sichuan plateau and Sichuan Basin , belongs to high canyon landscape .

  5. 大型水电站、水库和水电枢纽工程一般建立在高山峡谷地貌的地区,如澜沧江水系,三峡地区等。

    Large ‐ scale hydropower station , reservoir and hydropower control project is generally building on the area of high mountain canyon topography , such as the Lancang River , Three Gorges area and so on .

  6. 研究区以高山峡谷地貌为主,自然环境条件的水平和垂直变换剧烈,形成的生境类型多种多样,并且时空变化明显,生物种类在空间上具有极大的异质性。

    The main geomorphy was upland and valley . The horizontal and vertical changes of the environment were fierce . Many kinds of habitat were formed and their spatio-temporal changes were obvious . The ecological types had huge heterogeneity in space .

  7. 中间可能要跨越山岭、丛林、沙漠、雪原、溪流、峡谷等地貌的一种户外活动。

    Middle possibly must surmount landform and so on mountain ridge , jungle , desert , snowfield , brook , canyon one kind of outdoor activities .

  8. 研究区属滇西横断山系的南部,地势总体上北高南低,主要山脉和水系呈近南北向延伸,主要地貌类型为怒江峡谷深切地貌和季节性河流侵蚀地貌。

    The main mountain range and the water are of north-south extended and the main landscape types are the Nujiang deep canyon topography and the seasonal river erosion landform .

  9. 湖南凤凰台地峡谷型岩溶地貌初探

    A preliminary discussion on mesa-canyon karst physiognomy in Fenghuang county , Hunan

  10. 台地峡谷型岩溶地貌是湖南凤凰国家地质公园内特有的岩溶地貌。

    Mesa-canyon karst physiognomy is a peculiar one first discovered in Fenghuang National Geopark .

  11. 峡谷属于风景地貌,不仅有着丰富的自然资源,而且具有独特的美学特征,同时拥有科考和旅游价值。

    Canyon scenery landscape , not only are rich natural resources but also breeds unique aesthetic features .

  12. 本文初步研究了台地峡谷型岩溶地貌的发育特征和形成因素,并对其进行了景观价值评估。

    This paper discussed the characteristics of its development , forming conditions and process , then evaluated its landscape worth .

  13. 该地区地形复杂多变,有高原、山原、草原和高山峡谷等多种地貌,以高山峡谷为主,旅游资源丰富多彩,但山高路远,经济落后。

    The tourist resources here are so bountiful and diversified , but it is remote area and the economy is lagging behind .

  14. 弹性半空间中,由于存在可以用半球形峡谷模拟的地貌的存在,地表位移会被放大,这种放大的结果可以作为实际工程的一个考虑因素。

    Since the existence of physiognomy that can be simulated by hemispherical canyon , the displacement of the ground will be magnified , which can be used as a factor in practical project .