
  • Utah
  1. 自1992年以来,已经有很多被放归野外,现在有超过150只生活在加州和附近的亚利桑那州、犹他州和墨西哥的下加利福尼亚州。

    Since 1992 , there have been multiple reintroductions to the wild , and there are now more than 150 flying over California and nearby Arizona , Utah and Baja in Mexico .

  2. 这次,在美国犹他州南部发现的遗址再次表明,霸王龙是在同一地点死亡的。

    This one in southern Utah again shows that tyrannosaurs died in the same place .

  3. 犹他州不信任美联储(federalreserve)。

    The state does not trust the US Federal Reserve .

  4. 那快速的景象,惊人的MonumentValley全景(犹他州的纪念谷地)

    The sweeping vision , the amazing panoramas of Monument Valley .

  5. 自从由当地女孩组成的“4-H俱乐部”改善了MainStreet后,犹他州的法明顿变成了一个更美好的社区。

    Farmington , Utah , is a more pleasant community since a local girls ' 4-H club improved Main Street .

  6. 目前IMFlash公司旗下仅在犹他州拥有一间300mm芯片厂。

    At present , the venture has a300-mm fab running in Lehi , Utah .

  7. SusanMayer说,她给了你去犹他州的钱。

    Susan Mayer told me she gave you some money to go to Utah .

  8. JaneDearGirls组合由来自犹他州的SusieBrown与德克萨斯州的本土人DanelleLeverett。

    The JaneDear Girls are Susie Brown from Utah and Texas native Danelle Leverett .

  9. 犹他州参议员CHRISBUTTARS:应该能够节约许多资金。

    SEN. CHRIS BUTTARS , UTAH STATE SENATOR : Well , there is a lot of money to be saved .

  10. 来自犹他州的阿雅娜·古尔丁在她的个人Facebook主页(阿雅娜·古尔丁-辫子与弓)上收到了死亡威胁以及网友愤怒的评论。

    Aryanna Gourdin , from Cove , Utah , has received death threats and angry comments on her public Facebook page : Aryanna Gourdin - Braids and Bows .

  11. 犹他州共和党参议员奥林·哈奇(OrrinHatch)认为这是有可能的。

    That is a possibility , according to Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah .

  12. 据他父亲所说,Peek周六在犹他州的家中心脏病发,享年58岁。

    According to his father , Peek suffered a heart attack Saturday at his home in Murray , Utah . He was 58 .

  13. 据外部专家透露,犹他州在建的一个新存储中心最终的存储能力将超过美国国会图书馆(LibraryofCongress)所有印刷材料内容的10万倍。

    A new storage center being built in Utah will eventually be able to hold more than 100,000 times as much as the contents of printed materials in the Library of Congress , according to outside experts .

  14. 犹他州Ogden市韦伯州立大学(WeberStateUniversity)传媒学教授苏珊•;哈芬(SusanHafen)说,抑制流言蜚语的努力似乎有些天真和片面。

    Efforts to stifle gossip may be naive and limiting , says Susan Hafen , a professor of communication at Weber State University in Ogden , Utah .

  15. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)近日解密了一批文件,其中详细记录了美国犹他州不明飞行物(UFO)爆炸事件,以及新墨西哥州外星人着陆的“罗兹威尔”事件。

    Secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw aUFO explode over Utah – and aliens land near Roswell in New Mexico .

  16. 总部位于美国犹他州的初创企业OakleyNetworks等公司选择从人的方面入手,以求解决内部威胁问题。

    Oakley Networks , a Utah-based start-up , is one of several companies that have sprung up to combat insider threats by addressing the human side of the equation .

  17. 你认为Zach去哪了?犹他州,哦,上帝,我为什么要那样做?

    So , where do you think Zach went ? Utah . Oh lord . Why did I do this ?

  18. 刊登在英国《皇家学会学报B刊》的这篇文章以19世纪美国犹他州“自然受孕”的妇女为研究的主体,所以它的研究成果在现代这个体外受精盛行的社会或许并不太适用。

    The research , published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B , focused on a " natural fertility " population of women in 1800s Utah , so the results may not apply in today 's in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) world .

  19. 犹他州的海威斯特向莎士比亚致意,将自己受欢迎的“约会黑麦威士忌”(RendezvousRye)放在甜肉和法国干橡木酒桶中陈化。

    In a nod to Shakespeare , Utah 's High West has rested its popular Rendezvous Rye whiskey in a combination of sweet port and dry French oak barrels .

  20. 这家公司位于犹他州,名叫TCN。TCN在他们的云服务中加入了特色功能,从而让企业可以雇佣视力低下的人担任客户支持工作。

    Utah-based company TCN has added features to its cloud-based service that allow businesses to include visually impaired agents in customer support roles .

  21. 同时,力拓在美国犹他州的宾厄姆峡谷(BinghamCanyon)铜矿今年将因修复性工作而减产,该铜矿运营已超过一个世纪。

    Meanwhile , Bingham Canyon , Rio 's mine in Utah that has produced copper for more than a century , will cut output this year amid rehabilitation work .

  22. 在犹他州法明顿,自从一个当地女子俱乐部4-H提高了其主街的形象后,这个城市变得更舒适宜人了。

    Farmington , Utah , is a more pleasant community since a local girls 4-H club improved Main Street .

  23. 来自犹他州的共和党员参议院议员OrrinHatch认为,避险基金是美国金融疆域里“(无法无天的)蛮荒的西方”。

    Orrin Hatch , a Republican senator from Utah , called hedge funds the " Wild West " of America 's financial system .

  24. 最后作为该模型的一个实用性试验,选择了美国犹他州EastCanyon水库,利用该模型探讨了温跃层对风、人流及出流变化的响应情况。

    Finally , as a example of its application , this model was applied in East Canyon reservoir , Utah , USA. The efficiency of the prediction of thermocline corresponding to the wind forcings and inflow and outflow has been discussed .

  25. 私募股权投资巨头黑石集团Blackstone最近出资收购了美国犹他州普若佛市一间专事安装家庭保全系统的公司的股权并为其估值20亿美元。

    The powerhouse private equity firm Blackstone recently invested in an Provo , Utah company that installs home security systems in an equity deal that valued it at $ 2 billion .

  26. 这些由独立评审单位颁发的奖项,例如「犹他州全州之冠」足以向外界证明,USANA致力生产高质素、以科学为本的营养产品。

    Third-party accolades such as Best of State show USANA is committed to providing only the highest quality , science-based products .

  27. 犹他州高等教育专员WilliamSederburg和首次提出这个想法的立法者,参议员ChrisButtars,他们都在盐湖城加入了我们的节目。

    William Sederburg is Utah 's commissioner of higher education and the lawmaker who put that idea out there in the first place , Senator Chris Buttars . They 're joining us both live from Salt Lake City .

  28. 谢莉刚结婚时,住在犹他州的小镇赫尔普(Helper)。她有时会遇到吉姆和他的家人,她曾经与他们关系很亲密。

    In the early years of her marriage , living in the small town of Helper , Utah , Ms. Mills would sometimes run into Jim and his family , with whom she had once been close .

  29. 不,我不在创办者RobertRedford的厨房,而是在CNN的一个工作地点,犹他州帕克城的财富山旅馆。

    And no , I 'm not in founder Robert Redford 's kitchen . I 'm actually in one of CNN 's workspaces here at the Treasure Mountain Inn in Park City , Utah .

  30. LeeRedmond,一名来自美国犹他州的妇女,自从1979年起就一直留着指甲并精心修剪,最终使指甲总长度达到8.65米。

    Lee Redmond , a woman from Utah who has not cut her nails since 1979 , had grown and carefully manicured them to reach a total length of 8.65 m ( 28 ft 4.5 in ) .