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  • Utah Jazz
  1. 作为2006年犹他爵士队的第二轮选秀,米尔萨普在他的前三个赛季的合同为210万美元。

    As a 2006 second-round draft pick of the Utah Jazz , Millsap made $ 2.1 million for his first three seasons .

  2. 例如“犹他爵士队”前锋卡尔。马龙和“洛杉矶湖人队”的明星中锋沙奎尔-奥尼尔在内的篮球普及活动名将。

    Players such as then Utah Jazz forward Karl Malone and Los Angeles Lakers star center Shaquille O'Neal were involved in the promotional activities .

  3. 两天后,林书豪获得NBA的第一次首发机会,在对阵犹他爵士队的比赛中砍下28分8助攻。

    Two nights later , he made his first N.B.A. start and produced 28 points and 8 assists in a 99-88 win over the Utah Jazz .

  4. 20世纪70年代,皮特·马拉维奇曾效力犹他爵士队(UtahJazz)和亚特兰大老鹰队(AtlantaHawks),被认为是史上最优秀的篮球运动员之一。

    Pete Maravich played basketball for both the Utah Jazz and Atlanta Hawks throughout the 1970s , and he 's commonly regarded as one of the best basketball players of all time .

  5. 你看犹他爵士队对火箭队呢?

    Now , what do you think about Jazz against the Rockets ?

  6. 里得为球队拿到了17分,他带领雄鹿在第四节以18-9得分超过犹他爵士队。

    Michael Redd scored 17 points for the Bucks , who outscored Utah 18-9 in the fourth quarter .

  7. 星期五的晚上,湖人主教练弗兰克.沃格尔将戴维斯从4号位调到5号位。随着位置的调整,湖人当即以95-86拿下了犹他爵士队。

    Lakers coach Frank Vogel moved Davis from the 4 to the 5 at halftime on Friday night , sparking a 95-86 win over the Utah Jazz .

  8. 在此前的比赛中,23岁的林书豪上演了自己的处子秀:在对阵华盛顿奇才队时斩获23分,对阵新泽西网队时斩获25分,对阵犹他爵士队斩获28分。

    In his previous games , Lin , 23 , had 23 points against the Washington , 25 points against New Jersey and 28 more against Utah in his first start .

  9. 在大批球星纷纷离开东部涌向西部的同时,犹他爵士队却见证了球队当家球星戈登-海沃德(一次全明星)反其道而行之,加盟东部的凯尔特人。

    While an influx of talent went from East to West , the Utah Jazz saw their first-time All-Star Gordon Hayward go the other way and head East to sign with Boston .

  10. 威斯布鲁克曾与一名犹他爵士队的球迷发生过激烈的争吵,幸运的是,争吵并没有升级到超出言语的程度,但这名球迷却被终身禁止参加能源方案球馆的所有活动。

    Westbrook had a heated exchange with a fan at a Utah Jazz fan that , fortunately , never escalated beyond words but saw the fan banned for life from all events at Vivint Smart Home Arena .

  11. 周一的这个晚上。史蒂芬·库里在第四节的最后6分20秒内拿下了整场26分中的10分,率领金州勇士以106比103险胜犹他爵士队。勇士队也从而继续保持着开赛19连胜的纪录。

    Stephen Curry scored 10 of his 26 points in the final 6:20 , and the Golden State Warriors held on for their NBA-record 19th consecutive win to start the season with a 106-103 victory over the Utah Jazz on Monday night .