- flea

[flea] 一种节肢动物,体小,深褐色或棕黄色,有吸吮的口器,脚长善跳跃,寄生在人或哺乳动物身体上,吸血液,能传染鼠疫、斑疹伤寒等病。通称虼蚤( gè zao)
He finds material at auctions , antique shops and flea markets .
Collectors of Fifties kitsch should pop over to Brussels for the flea market .
The dog has fleas .
He headed back towards the flea market and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd
The arena livens up only on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there .
[ 谚 ] Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas .
(贪得无厌) Flay a flea for the hide and tallow [ skin a flea for its hide ] .
Search for books in a flea market
A flea1 and a fly flew up in a flue .
Hunter has an interest in prowling around a flea market .
Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas .
Said the flea , " Let us fly ! " Said the fly , " Let us flee ! " So they flew through a flaw in the flue .
Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea ridden ; the food simply local cheese accompanied were by bread often twelve months old , all washed down with coarse wine .
They then compared the actual spread to three computer-simulated outbreaks : One where the disease was transmitted by rat fleas1 , one where it was airborne and another that modelled the transmission by fleas and lice that live on humans and their clothes .
Even though the chimps spend more than half the day in bed , the scientists also found hardly any fleas2 or lice in their nests , whereas our homes have been found to have hundreds of these parasites3 including some specially4 adapted to living indoors with humans .
flea market A : I want to sell my CD collection .
For instance , a used hard drive that was returned to Best Buy for destruction ended up being sold intact at a Chicago flea market .
Donahoe has been quoted saying he wants to rid of eBay of the flea market look , says Baughman .
The Iranian-born cameraman Darius Khondji made the flea market sparkle in Woody Allen 's 2011 crowd-pleaser , " Midnight in Paris . "
TAF / the Art Foundation and six d.o.g.s. organizations that combine gallery spaces with food , drink and live entertainment have come to Athens 's former flea-market district .
TAF / the Art Foundation and six d.o.g.s. -- organizations that combine gallery spaces with food , drink and live entertainment -- have come to Athens 's former flea-market district .
Alibaba offers a number of options for sellers , including the free eBay-like platform Taobao , which is basically an online flea market .
So I preferred to take visitors to Puces de Vanves , the small , messy , open-air flea market on the opposite end of town , where bargains were still to be had .
Frederic has a website called " Look At Me " dedicated to collecting old photos left behind in streets , lanes , flea markets and any other small and obscure corner .
She and her colleagues have also begun selling furniture and other items on Craigslist or in yard sales .
This study was carried out in two seasons including July-August , 1973 and April-September , 1974 on a grassland in Huang Chen region of Su Nan County , southern Gansu in North-west China by labelling marmot Marmota himalayana with 32P and determining the dispersal of fleas with autoradiograph technique .
We collected five species of fleas , among which Callopsylla dolabris and Oropsylla silantiewi were the most important .
If the tiny 500 is a glamorous flea of a city car , our pale-yellow 500L test car looked a bit like an overinflated canary .
Antolin says that warming alone is unlikely to increase the risk of plague outbreaks , because the bacterium cannot tolerate excessively warm or dry conditions .
Dogs also were at higher risk of lymphoma if their owners used self-applied insect growth regulators on their yards , such as Nylar , Precor and gentrol , which control cockroaches , fleas and other pests .