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  • Xiang;circle in the air
  • 〔~实〕详细而确实。

  • 盘旋地飞而不扇动翅膀:滑~。翱~。


(盘旋地飞) circle in the air:

  • 翱翔

    soar; hover

  1. 我觉得琼是爱上王翔了,她总是找借口和他在一起。

    I think June has fallen for Wang Xiang – She 's always finding2 excuses to spend time with him !

  2. EMBA的系统学习,促使我对本人全面负责的云南中翔实业有限公司的发展战略做了全面的回顾和深入的反思。

    The system study for EMBA prompted me made a comprehensive reviews and deep reflection for the development strategy of Yunnan Zhongxiang Industrial Co. , Ltd in my fully responsible .

  3. 我希望你能够时时刻刻坚强,“翔坚强”!

    I hope you will always be strong ," Xiang firm "!

  4. 事实上,钟本人也是畅翔网的客户。

    In fact , I also Chang Chung Cheung network customers .

  5. 该方案可以确保翔飞集团顺利地度过此次危机。

    This plan can pull it through the crisis smoothly .

  6. 翔过这应山就是约翰森的宿营地了。

    Timothy 's camp is just up over this ridge .

  7. 我像一条小鱼潜翔在波斯湾的珊瑚丛。

    I dived as a fish among the corals of Persia Gulf .

  8. 太阳会因为蚊蚋的习翔而黯淡了它的光辉吗?

    Can the wings of mosquitoes shut out the rays of the sun ?

  9. 西塞山野雁自翔,小桥水泽浸芳园。

    The wild goose cisse , small water extraction .

  10. 三部分以民族演变的特征为历史分期,分别从古代拿翔部族、民族的形成、民族的大迁徙、古代新疆多民族聚居格局定型三个历史时期对宗教文化与民族演变的关系展开具体论述。

    The three sections take the characteristics of national evolution as the historical stages .

  11. 但是分析人士们说交通和蓝翔进入密切监察之下是理所当然的。

    But analysts say Jiaotong and Lanxiang are certain to come under close scrutiny .

  12. 准予原告羊美翔与被告孙勇仁离婚。

    Divorce of the petitioner Yang Meixiang and the respondent sun Yongren is granted .

  13. 所有的一切都展开希望的翅膀,向前习翔,

    all on the wings of hope advancing ,

  14. 房翔:中国人像摄影十杰面发光激光器

    Top - Class Portrait Photographer Area Emitting Lasers

  15. 我们从不能拘泥于课程内容上,而可以任凭思绪遨翔天地。

    We could never stick to the subject . Our speculation ranged the world .

  16. 啊,小翔,你在哪儿?

    Oh Thrush , where are you ?

  17. 食指:灵魂翔舞朝向高贵的歌者

    Forefinger : Noble Singer of Spiritual Dance

  18. 翔子,能让我听听你的琴声么?

    Shoko could you piay for me ?

  19. 翔殷路越江隧道盾构改造

    TBM Renovation of Xiangyin Road Tunnel

  20. 马冲还是一个“翔者”。

    Machong is also a flyer .

  21. 石翔简介石翔,1954年出生于湖南,苗族,现定居美国。

    Shi Xiang , born in Hunan province in1954 , the Miao , settles in America .

  22. 2004年夺金后,在香港的一场庆功会上,刘翔还为“翔迷”一展歌喉。

    On a victory lap through Hong Kong after his2004 win , he sang for adoring fans .

  23. 为此翔实地介绍日本钢铁业在开发无铬表面处理钢板领域的进展。

    The development progress on chromium-free coated steel sheet in Japan iron & steel enterprises was introduced .

  24. 辽宁省盘锦鼎翔集团基于供应链的物流管理信息系统研究

    A Study of Logistics Management Information System under Supply Chain in Dingxiang Group Corporation of Liaoning Province

  25. 高翔塑料模具生产线是全国塑料模具最大的生产基地之一。

    Gaoxiang plastic mould production line is one of the biggest production bases of national plastic mould .

  26. 江苏省常州市江南三翔电机有限公司是生产中小型空调电机的专业厂家。

    Jiangsu Province the South , city of Changzhou , three circle in the air electric Co. , Ltd.

  27. 戴翔的作品将参与连州国际摄影展,展览将持续到12月22日。

    Mr. Dai 's work will be on display at the Lianzhou International Photo Festival through Dec. 22 .

  28. 蓝天上翔着白云的翅膀,野生动物在和平的步伐里驾驭着新鲜的空气。

    The blue sky flies the wings of clouds ; Wild animals ride the fresh air in peaceful pace .

  29. 在这张照片里,你可以看到翔过于向后拉动其引导臂的结果。

    In this photo , you can see the effect of Xiang pulling his lead arm too far back .

  30. 在他的著作中,他同样权威地认为汉森是他那个时代最伟大的远程信鸽作翔者。

    In his writings the same authority believed that Hansenne was the greatest long distance racer of his day .