
  • 网络maximinus;Maximinus Daia
  1. 公元235年,马克西米努斯在德国负责统帅新兵团。士兵们极力拥护他称帝,并杀了当时的罗马帝国皇帝亚历山大·塞维鲁(Alexander),从而把这位巨人推向权力的巅峰。

    In 235 AD , when in command of a force of recruits in Germany , the soldiers decided they would prefer Maximinus to be their ruler , killing Alexander and putting the giant into a position of ultimate power .

  2. 马克西米努斯成为了一位独特的罗马皇帝,因为他从来没有去过罗马。

    He carries the distinction of being a Roman emperor who never actually visited Rome .

  3. 只会打仗的马克西米努斯不断侵占或没收所有者阶级的领土,还率军向意大利挺进,意图减少意大利对他皇位的威胁。

    With war being all he knew , he extorted and confiscated lands from the property owning class , finally heading to Italy to suppress his challengers to the throne .

  4. 但公元238年,在尚未抵达罗马之前,马克西米努斯就被部下们杀害了,因为他们意识到光有魁梧的身材是远远不够的,而且他是一位非常糟糕的领袖。

    He never made it to Rome though , as his troops killed him in 238 AD after apparently realizing size isn 't everything , and he was a pretty terrible leader .