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  • potato starch
  1. 基于PLC的马铃薯淀粉生产线下位机控制系统

    The Substructure Control System for Potato Starch Production Lines Based on PLC

  2. 马铃薯淀粉、微晶马铃薯淀粉、乙酰化微晶马铃薯淀粉DSC曲线中的峰为吸热峰。

    The peaks in DSC curves of potato starch , microcrystalline potato starch and acetylated microcrystalline potato starch were endothermic peaks .

  3. 马铃薯淀粉合成酶Ⅲ基因cDNA的克隆及RNA干扰载体的构建

    Cloning of Starch Synthase ⅲ cDNA from Potato and Construction of RNA Interference Vector

  4. 脂肪代用品的研究Ⅰ&不同淀粉酶水解马铃薯淀粉制备低DE值麦芽糊精研究

    Studies on the Fat Replacer I & Study on Hydrolysis of Different Enzymes to Produce the Maltdrier of Low DE Value from Potato Flour

  5. 以马铃薯淀粉为原料,采用压热法研制了抗性淀粉的制备条件。分析了淀粉乳浓度、压热时间、pH值以及冷藏时间对抗性淀粉产率的影响。

    Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of concentration of the starch , pH , autoclaving time and incubation time on the yields of potato resistant starch .

  6. 施锌的叶面积较对照增加70%,增产率为37.8%&49.9%,且马铃薯淀粉、维生素C的含量也有所提高。

    Leaf area was increased by 70 % with Zn addition , yield was increased by 37.8-49.9 % and the contents of starch and vitamin C were also increased , compared to the control .

  7. 用AMMI模型分析马铃薯淀粉品质性状的稳定性

    Application of AMMI model on potato starch quality stability analysis

  8. RVA分析碳酸钠对玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉糊化性质的影响

    Effects of sodium carbonate on pasting properties of maize starch and potato starch by RVA analysis

  9. 对转SSⅢ基因马铃薯淀粉颗粒形态、支/直淀粉含量及淀粉中磷含量进行了观察和测定。

    The starch granules morphology of potato transgenic plant was observed , and the amylose , amylopectin - to - amylose ratio of starch and phosphorus content was determined .

  10. 为此,gamrodang用糯米粉和马铃薯淀粉代替面粉,并且尽量避免用油。

    For that reason , GAM ro Dang uses glutinous rice powder and potato starch instead of flour and tries to avoid oil .

  11. 适量增施钾肥能够提高马铃薯淀粉含量,但是随着钾肥用量的增加,淀粉含量呈下降趋势;Vc含量变化范围在80~110mg/kg,总含量非常高。

    The amount of Additional Potassium can improve potato starch content , but with the increase in the amount of potash , starch content decreased ; Vc content is generally80to110mg / kg , the total content is very high .

  12. 糯玉米淀粉、早籼米淀粉和小麦淀粉经过OSA改性之后,其糊的透明度提高,但是马铃薯淀粉糊的透明度却降低。

    After OSA modification , the paste clarity of waxy maize starch , early indica rice starch and wheat starch increased , but that of potato starch decreased .

  13. 同时,对马铃薯淀粉羧甲基化反应动力学、羧甲基淀粉水溶液性质、离子交联的壳聚糖-羧甲基淀粉水凝胶的pH值敏感性及其载药凝胶的释药行为进行了研究。

    Moreover , the kinetics of carboxymethylation on potato starch and solution properties of carboxymethyl starch aqueous solution were studied . In addition , ionic crosslinked chitosan-carboxymethyl starch gel beads were prepared and the drug release behaviors of drug-loaded beads were researched in simulation duodenal fluid .

  14. 以天然高分子马铃薯淀粉为固态碳源,金属铁为催化剂,在Ar/H2气氛下,高温催化裂解制得结构类似于碳炔的物质&碳原子线。

    CAW , similar to carbyne in structure in a sense , were fabricated at high temperature by a pyrolytic process from potato starch as a carbonaceous source in the presence of a catalyst of ferric metals under the stream of Ar / H2 mixture .

  15. 采用挂片失重法、极化曲线与静态阻垢法研究表明,以马铃薯淀粉为原料合成的氧化磷酸化淀粉(OPS),具有良好的缓蚀阻垢性能。

    Oxidized phosphated starch ( OPS ) was synthesized from the potato starch . Its anticorrosion and antiscaling properties were studied by weight loss , polarization curve measurement and static scale inhibition test .

  16. 在同一NaCl浓度下,其凝胶强度为马铃薯淀粉>玉米淀粉>荞麦淀粉,弹性模量为马铃薯淀粉>玉米淀粉>荞麦淀粉,对凝胶弹性的影响不大。

    Under the condition of same NaCl concentration , the gel strength and elastic modulus of starch follow the same trend , the first is potato starch and the last is buckwheat starch ; but it has little effect on gel elasticity .

  17. 酸解时间为4d时,玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉颗粒的结晶最完美,热稳定性最佳,结晶转变温度分别为870℃和935℃。

    In the fourth day , the crystallinity was perfect and thermal stability was the best . The crystalline transition temperature was 87.0 ℃ and 93.5 ℃ for maize starch and potato starch , respectively .

  18. g-1淀粉较合适;5%甲苯及2%乙醇能显著提高βCD的转化率,以14%马铃薯淀粉为底物转化60h转化率较对照分别提高57.18%及28.36%;

    5 % toluene and 2 % ethanol could improve the conversion rate obviously , the conversion rate of 14 % potato starch increased by 57.18 % or 28.36 % for 60 h , respectively .

  19. 板栗淀粉RVA粘度曲线表明:板栗淀粉的峰值粘度介于马铃薯淀粉和玉米淀粉之间,板栗淀粉开始糊化的温度为75.9℃。

    The RVA viscosity curve of Chestnut starch showed that : the peak viscosity of Chestnut starch was between corn starch and potato starch , the pasting temperature of Chestnut starch was 75.9C .

  20. 研究了两株根霉M9和M17复配产生的复合型微生物絮凝剂的絮凝特性,并优化了马铃薯淀粉废水对该复合菌的培养条件。

    M9 and M17 have been studied , and the culture conditions of the two strains using potato starch wastewater as nutrient medium are optimized .

  21. 5%马铃薯淀粉加入10%乙醇转化24hr转化率可达57.97%。

    The β - CD conversion rate of 5 % potato starch was 57.97 % with 10 % ethanol for 24 h.

  22. 结果表明:当木薯淀粉为30g,马铃薯淀粉为20g时,在体视显微镜下,材料的泡孔大而且气泡分散均匀,材料的缓冲性最好。

    The results showed that : At 30 grams tapioca starch , 20 grams potato starch , the products had big and evenly distributed bubble , and best performance of the buffer under the stereomicroscope .

  23. 对玉米淀粉及其衍生物氧化淀粉、两性淀粉、阳离子淀粉,马铃薯淀粉及其衍生物丙烯酰胺接枝马铃薯淀粉的PY-GC/MS研究,获得了玉米淀粉热裂解的特征化合物以及改性淀粉之间热裂解的差异。

    In the PY-GC / MS analysis of cornstarch , oxidized cornstarch , positive ion cornstarch , potato starch and graft polymerization of potato starch and acrylamide , cornstarch 's pyrolytic characteristic products and pyrolytic difference of those modified starch were obtained .

  24. 用含量均为45%的马铃薯淀粉、糊精、葡萄糖和45%马铃薯淀粉+05%Cr2O3为碳水化合物源的4种试验饲料饲喂草鱼,50d后测定消化组织的淀粉酶活性。

    Determination of amylase activity was proceeded after grass carp were raised with diets containing 45 % starch , 45 % glucose , 45 % starch + 0 5 % Cr 2O 3 , respectively .

  25. 借助英国AR-1000流变仪研究了4%、6%、9%浓度的马铃薯淀粉浆液在同一温度(95℃)下,其粘度与剪切速率之间的关系。

    The relationship of viscosity and shear rate of potato starch size in different consistency ( 4 % 、 6 % 、 9 % ) and at same temperature ( 95 ℃) was studied in the article with AR-1000 rheometer used in the test .

  26. 马铃薯淀粉废水的碱式聚合氯化铝处理

    Treatment of potato starch waste water with alkali aggregate aluminium chloride

  27. 基于马铃薯淀粉的环境友好型高吸水树脂研制

    Study on the Environmentally Friendly Superabsorbent Resin Based on Potato Starch

  28. α-淀粉酶水解马铃薯淀粉制备抗性淀粉

    Preparation of resistant starch from potato by α - amylase hydrolysis

  29. 单模聚焦微波辐射对马铃薯淀粉羧甲基化影响因素的研究

    Studies on Carboxymethylation of Potato Starch under Single-Mode Focused Microwave Irradiation

  30. 湿热处理对马铃薯淀粉颗粒特性的影响

    Effects of Heat-Moist Treatment on the Granule Property of Potato Starch