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  • 网络Fish Noodle;Fish Face
  1. 真空包装、充CO2包装可有效抑制鱼面中细菌生长,在4℃贮藏时的货架期60天,比普通包装、充N2包装鱼面的货架期分别延长30天和20天。

    The vacuum package and CO2 package may effectively inhibit bacterium growths of fish noodle , when stored in 4 ℃, the shelf life was up to 60 days , which lengthened for 30 days and 20 days compared with that of ordinary package and N2 package .

  2. 减菌处理可明显减少包装前鱼面的初始菌数,采用O3杀菌后包装并于4℃贮藏的鱼面的货架期比对照延长10天。

    Reducing bacterium processing could obviously reduce the initial bacterium number of unpacked fish noodle . The shelf life of fish noodle packed and stored in 4 ℃ after using the O3 sterilization lengthened for 10 days compared to the control .

  3. 鱼面适宜的干燥条件为:前期干燥温度80℃、相对湿度60%、干燥时间30min,随后转入降温降湿干燥阶段,干燥时间约40min,产品最终含水量10.7%。

    The optimum drying conditions were temperature 80 ℃, relative humidity 60 % , drying time 30 minutes , followed by the low temperature and low humidity drying for 40 minutes . The final moisture content of product is 10.7 % .

  4. 鱼面的高温高湿干燥工艺研究

    Study on high temperature and high humidity drying of fish meat noodle

  5. 鱼面生产新工艺

    New processing method of fish noodle

  6. 这家历史悠久的餐馆成立于1904年,该店的蒸刀鱼和刀鱼面在上海一直都是非常出名的。

    The historic eatery , which was founded in 1904 , has long been famous for its steamed knife fish and knife fish with noodle soup in Shanghai and beyond .

  7. 三十年后,我已经攒起了一大笔钱,但是我已经厌倦每天做鳝鱼面,所以我决定投资。

    After thirty years , I had saved quite a bit of money , but I was getting pretty sick of cooking noodles day in and day out , so I decided to invest .

  8. 它不仅提高了当地传统食品&鱼面的品质,促进了传统食品的生产,也说明入世后,食品行业有相当一部分商业机会是隐藏于传统食品的改造创新中。

    It is not only improves the quality and production of fish noodle & which is traditional food in the local area , but also has a partial chance in the reform of traditional food .

  9. 本论文将淡水鱼糜与面条结合,利用双螺杆挤压机生产鱼面,能极好的利用淡水鱼资源,增加面条营养,拓展了鱼糜食品的加工途径,具有较大的意义。

    The noodle is combined with freshwater fish in this paper , and the fresh-noodle is produced by twin-screw extrusion . It is excellent use of freshwater fish resource , and it can improve the nutrition of noodle and expand the routine of surimi-food .