
ēn cì
  • bestow;favour;charity;bestow (favors,charity,etc.)
恩赐 [ēn cì]
  • [bestow (favors,charity,etc.);favour;charity] 原指帝王赏赐臣下,现泛指因怜悯而施舍

恩赐[ēn cì]
  1. 他觉得是总统的恩赐,情不可却,又吃了下去,不料总统又请他吃第三块。

    He feels is a president bestow , affection cannot however , ate to go down again , unexpectedly the president asks him to eat the3rd again .

  2. 圣灵本身就是,按照上帝的阿加比定义的,他指的就是上帝对世界纯粹的恩赐。

    The point about the Holy Spirit is that it itself is defined in terms of God 's agape , it itself is the purity of his bestow upon the world .

  3. 中国人将谷物奉为上天的恩赐。

    The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven

  4. 河流对于一个农业国家来说是一种恩赐。

    Rivers are a blessing for an agricultural country .

  5. 他们俩都很虔诚,感觉这是上帝的恩赐。

    They are both very religious and felt it was a gift from God .

  6. 正如《圣经》所说,给我恩赐太多了,我的杯子已经满满当当了。说到杯子,我得去给你倒杯茶来。

    As it says in the Bible , my cup is running over . Talking of which , I must get you a cup of tea .

  7. 中国政府从来不把对外援助看作是单方面的恩赐,而认为援助是相互的。

    The Chinese Government never regards aid to other countries as a kind of unilateral alms but as sth. mutual .

  8. 他恳求国王恩赐。

    He craved favour of the king .

  9. 独立是被压迫民族斗争得来的,不是什么人恩赐的。

    Independence is won by the oppressed nations through struggle ; it is not bestowed as a favour .

  10. 中国人将谷物奉为上天的恩赐

    The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven .

  11. 她要的并不是男人们的额外恩赐,而是合法正当地得到的工作

    She looked for nothing save what might come legitimately and without the appearance of special favour .

  12. 汉水以南各国知道后,都说:“商汤对禽兽也这样恩赐,这样宽恕,真是个仁慈的人。”

    When the people of the states south of the Han River heard of it , they all said : " King Tang of Shang bestows6 favour even upon birds and animals . He is so lenient7 that he is truly a benevolent8 man . "

  13. 了解自己在属灵恩赐、心性、才能、个性和经验的组合(即你的特色SHAPE),什么是你在神家里最适合的角色?

    Knowing your combination of spiritual gifts , heart , abilities , personality , and experiences ( SHAPE ), what would be your best role in the family of God ?

  14. 上一章,我们讲座了前两项:你的属灵恩赐与你的心(兴趣),现在就让我们看看你用来服事神的其他特色(shape)。

    In the last chapter we looked at the first two of these : your spiritual gifts and your heart . Now we will look at the rest of your shape for serving God .

  15. 新创企业Lytro的发明对全世界学艺不精的摄影师来说就宛如上帝的恩赐一般。

    It could be a godsend for awful photographers around the world .

  16. 5Oh,Lord,wethankyouforthismealandforallyourbounty.祷告前说的一句话,主啊,感谢您赐予我们晚餐及您所有的恩赐。

    HOWARD : Oh , yeah . MARY : Okay . All right , everybody , it 's time to eat . Oh , Lord , we thank you for this meal and for all your bounty . And we pray that you help Sheldon get back on his rocker .

  17. 可能是桥梁的构造,为什么肖恩-康纳利(SeanConnery)是扮演邦德的最佳演员,或者越位规则的复杂性,就算是恩赐,也要给他自己表演的时间,然后他会闭嘴,让你一个人享受一段充满深爱的爱情的宁静。

    Be it the mechanics of bridges , why Sean Connery 's the best Bond , or the complexities of the offside rule , even if he 's being patronising allow him his airtime , and he will then shut up , leaving you to enjoy the peace and quiet of a loving and giving relationship .

  18. 有些时候,他也以恩赐的神情同他们谈谈话。

    At times he might even deign to speak to them .

  19. 属灵恩赐与天赋才能往往需要别人来加以认定。

    Spiritual gifts and natural abilities are always confirmed by others .

  20. 或许这对我们某些人是恩赐。

    Maybe this 'll be a blessing for some of us .

  21. 何必白白浪费上帝的恩赐呢!

    Why should this good gift of God go to waste ?

  22. 你是我遇到最好的恩赐。

    You 're the best thing that ever happened to me .

  23. 要不是上帝恩赐,我非走不可。

    There , but for the grace of God , go I.

  24. 即使那是一种伤害,也要把伤痛当成一种恩赐。

    Take pain as a blessing , even it is hurtful .

  25. 当上天慷慨恩赐时,它常常也会带来单调。

    When heaven sends bounty , it too often sends monotony .

  26. 举个例子,师母对于记忆颜色很有恩赐。

    For instance my wife has the gift of color memory .

  27. 因为神的恩赐和选召,是没有后悔的。

    For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance .

  28. 爸爸,我所有的为父之道都来自于您的恩赐。

    I owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad .

  29. 我要让您知道您是一位美好的上帝恩赐。

    We want to tell you what a wonderful blessing you are .

  30. 神给每个信徒属灵恩赐好用在事工上。

    God gives every believer spiritual gifts to be used in ministry .