
  1. 国家公共行政学校总经理罗德里阿索卡尔表示,炼油厂已能源供应问题和结构性损害“了起来迫使生产瘫痪。”

    ENAP general manager Rodrigo Azocar said the refineries had energy supply problems and structural damage that " had together forced production to be paralyzed . "

  2. 冈萨雷斯说,还为时尚早评估的比奥比奥,在国家公共行政学校的三个最大的炼油厂,损害程度,但这种情况应该在周日清楚。

    Gonzalez said it was still too early to assess the level of the damage to Bio Bio , the biggest of ENAP 's three oil refineries , but that the situation should be clear on Sunday .