
  • 网络National Security Advisor
  1. 这次总统明确地约请他担任总统的国家安全事务顾问。

    This time he was offered , unequivocally , the job of National Security Adviser to the President .

  2. 美国国家安全事务顾问、退休将军琼斯在会上表示,北约联军必须在阿富汗取得胜利。

    U.S. National Security Adviser retired General James Jones told the conference that the NATO alliance must succeed in Afghanistan .

  3. 前美国国家安全事务顾问斯考克罗夫特说,美国当选总统奥巴马愿意同朋友和敌人都进行谈判的态度让他受到鼓舞。

    Former National Security Adviser General Brent Scowcroft says he is encouraged by President-elect Barack Obama 's willingness to discuss issues with friends and foes alike .

  4. 前国家安全事务顾问斯考克罗夫特认为,要想在中东问题上取得进展,美国必须同哈马斯谈判。哈马斯是巴勒斯坦最大、最有影响力的激进组织,目前控制着加沙地区。他说:

    Former National Security Advisor Scowcroft believes that for progress to be made in the Middle East , the United States must talk to Hamas , the largest and most influential Palestinian militant movement , which controls the Gaza strip .

  5. 美国国家安全事务副助理顾问托尼·布林肯做客CBS电视台的《FacetheNation》节目时表示,美国有欧洲同盟的支持。

    Speaking on CBS of its Face the Nation , deputy national security advisor Tony Blinken says the US has the backing of the European allies .