
  • 网络Deformation tool;Transform Tool;Warp;FFD;Reshape Tool;Ctrl T
  1. 作者在本文中结合大量亲身实践来探讨液化(电脑软件Photoshop的变形工具)与平面美术相结合的可能性和可行性。

    In this thesis , with the rich personal experience , the author probes into the possibility and feasibility of applying the liquefaction , the deforming tool of Photoshop , to the creation of planar arts .

  2. 您可以用符号和创新的切割选项制作精美的网页图形,还可以用即时变形工具探索独特的创意。

    Produce superb Web graphics using symbols and innovative slicing options .

  3. 这可以用自由变换里面的变形工具来增加图像的动感。

    This is done by using the Warp tool in transform mode and adds movement to the image .

  4. 滚珠旋压作为一种采用滚珠作为变形工具的强力旋压工艺,成为加工制造高强度、高精度薄壁管的新型工艺,在航空航天工业、汽车工业和民用工业中有着举足轻重的地位。

    As a power spinning process which uses balls as deformation tools , ball-spinning has become the new process for manufacturing high-strength , high-precision thin-walled tube .

  5. 芯棒是限动芯棒连轧钢管机组中最重要的热变形工具,其使用效果决定着钢管生产成本的高低。

    Since the mandrel is the most critical thermal deformation operation tool for the retained mandrel pipe mill ( MPM ) process , its operation efficiency is decisive to steel tube operational cost .

  6. 限动芯棒连轧管机组采用芯棒做为内变形工具,穿孔后的毛管尾端产生“铁耳子”,损伤芯棒表面和荒管内表面。

    As an internal deformation tool of multi - stand pipe mill , the mandrel will make the ' steel chip ' at the end of a billet and that will damage the mandrel and the pipe internal surfaces .

  7. 芯棒是限动芯棒连轧管机组的主要变形工具之一,限动速度的合理设定有助于减小芯棒磨损,提高产品质量,降低生产成本。

    Since the mandrel acts as one of the key process tools for material deformation of the MPM , its re-taining speed has to be properly determined so as to lessen wear , enhance tube quality and cut down operation cost .

  8. 冶金轧辊是使金属产生塑性变形的工具,是决定轧机效率和轧材质量的重要大型消耗性部件。

    Rolls are the main consumptive parts which can deform the metals and determine the efficiency of the rolling mills and the quality of the mill bars .

  9. 支承辊轧辊是利用一对或一组轧辊滚动时产生的压力来轧碾钢材,使金属产生塑性变形的工具。

    The pressure which the support roll roller is uses pair or a group of roller rolls when produces to come the millstone steel products , causes the metal to produce the plastic deformation tool .

  10. 钢管斜轧延伸变形区中工具三维运动速度场计算机模拟

    Computer simulation of three dimensional velocity fields in seamless tube cross rolling process

  11. 管制:好斗。喜欢发射电子射线。攻击力很强。变形为运输工具,电影里最大的反派之一。

    Blackout - Takes out ability to fight back . Likes to pulse blast electronics . First tier attacker . Transport , one of the biggest decepticons in the movie .

  12. 套管内弯曲变形油杆打捞工具的应用

    Application of fishing tool for deformed sucker rod in casing

  13. 实体可膨胀管变形力与膨胀工具模角关系研究

    On the relationship between the deformation force of solid expandable tubular and model angle of expandable tool

  14. 文章介绍的套管内弯曲变形油杆打捞工具和方法,有效地解决了套管内弯曲变形的油杆打捞难题,为井下作业增添了一项新的打捞工具和工艺技术。

    In this article , research and application of the fishing tool for deformed sucker rod have solved the difficult problem of savaging the deformed sucked rod inside the casing pipe , and it has been a new fishing tool and technology for the downhole operaion .

  15. 多臂井径测井仪是获得油水井套管变形程度的重要工具,利用最优化方法对井径仪所获得的数据进行解释,给出了套管变形截面的近似偏心圆的圆心、最大通径和有效通经。

    The multifinger logging tool is an important tool acquiring casing deformation degree of water-oil well , The data that logging tool acquiring is interpreted by optimization method , circular center , maximum diameter and efficient diameter of approximate eccentric circle for deformation section are given .

  16. 提出了按变形区分曲面进行工具网格划分的方法,分析得出针对后边梁的具体计算时间步长和单点约束方式,提出了数值模拟回弹分析的分段法。

    Propose the method of dividing grids of tools according to the distinguish surfaces of deformation zone . Through analysis , the method of concrete calculating time step and single point constraint according to behind beam is obtained , and put forward the segmentation method of numerical simulation on springback .

  17. 皮肤变形:主要的肌肉变形工具可以让你建立肌肉和皮肤的变形,但也可以使用独立的变形器。

    Skin deformation : The main Muscle deformer lets you set up muscle and skin deformation , but it can also be used as a standalone deformer .

  18. 轧制过程中变形量沿宏观变形区长度上的分配,影响金属在变形工作锥上的硬化过程、轧制力参数以及变形工具的使用寿命。

    The distribution of the deformation over the reduction zone has influence on the working har-dening of metal , the rolling pressure and service life of the deformation tools .