
  • 网络Special Identity;Special ID
  1. 由于他有特工的特殊身份,他们甚至轻易逃过了警察的盘查。

    And as his special identity , they even went through policemen 's asking easily .

  2. 司法审查中美国法院特殊身份取得原因解析

    Explanation on the Cause of Achievement of Special Identity for the US Courts in Judicial Review

  3. ‘法国小姐’一定要维护自己的特殊身份。

    Miss France has a certain status that must be defended .

  4. 第十八题导游员对有特殊身份与地位的旅游者应该如何服务?

    How should the guide serve the tourist who have special status ?

  5. 对于特殊身份的顾客,景区应使其享受到与普通游客稍有不同的优质服务。

    For the VIP visitors , scenic spots should provide slightly different quality services .

  6. 加强刑嫌调控的思考对具有特殊身份在押人员管理与教育之浅见

    STRENGTHENING INVESTIGATION AND CONTROL OVER CRIMINAL SUSPECTS Management and Education of special Criminal Suspects

  7. 并且由于上层女性的特殊身份还会左右时局和政治。

    Also the special position of aristocratic women would affect the situation and politics .

  8. 受贿罪是典型的身份犯,行为人必须具有法定的特殊身份。

    Bribery is the typical crime of identity , the actor must have special legal identity .

  9. 企业家代言人区别于其他类型代言人的本质原因在于其领导者特殊身份,它决定了企业家代言人的天然属性。

    The difference between leader and other types of spokesperson owes to the very identity of leader .

  10. 刘安的特殊身份,可以解释《九歌》之系列祭歌的复杂性。

    Lius 's special status can account for the complexity of a series of prayer songs in it .

  11. 动员佛教僧人以特殊身份参与艾滋病防治宣传工作

    Mobilizing the Buddhist members , a special population to participate in campaigning HIV / AIDS prevention and control

  12. 他利用自己是联邦特工的特殊身份,让一名列车员给他们腾出来一间车厢。

    He used his special identity of FBI to ask one trainman to leave one compartment for them .

  13. 配偶权以配偶这一特殊身份关系为基础,随着婚姻关系的缔结而产生,随着婚姻关系的结束而终止。

    Based on the special status relations of spouse , the spouse right lives together with the marriage contract .

  14. 正是这种特殊身份与职业的结合让他们处于城市的社会边缘。

    Due to this combination of special identity and special career made them at the edge of the city society .

  15. 国家工作人员是我国刑法上的特殊身份犯罪主体,在刑法立法与司法中极为重要。

    State functionary with special capacity as criminal body are of great importance both in criminal legislation and in administration of justice .

  16. 唐代是道教发展史上的全盛时期,道教获得了皇室宗教的特殊身份,其宗教职业者&道士的身份地位亦较为特殊,出现了层次不同表现各异的不同类型。

    The Tang Dynasty was the prosperous period on the development of Taoism and the status of Taoist priest was fairly special .

  17. 货币作为在流通中交换的一般等价物,其上的文字也标志了它的特殊身份。

    In the circulation of currency exchange as the universal equivalent , the text is also a sign of its special status .

  18. 由于实习学生的特殊身份,在医疗工作过程中存在着发生医疗纠纷的一些可能因素。

    Because of the special identity of the practice students , there may be possibility of medical tangle during the medical working .

  19. 基于民意机构的特殊身份,美国国会是美国对外军售的真正控制者。

    Based on the specific identity of public opinion , Congress is the actual controller of the United States foreign arms sales .

  20. 近年来,艾滋病人利用自己的特殊身份来逃避行政处罚甚至进行违法犯罪,早已不是什么新鲜事。

    In recent years , AIDS patients use their special status to avoid administrative penalties or even criminal , are nothing new .

  21. 仲裁员是否要对其在仲裁过程中实施的故意或过失行为而给仲裁当事人造成的损失承担仲裁责任,英美法系国家普遍强调仲裁员的准法官的特殊身份,赋予其仲裁责任豁免权;

    Whether , the arbitrator should be responsible for the arbitrate litigant 's loss caused by the arbitrator 's mistakes willfully or not ?

  22. 公众人物基于特殊身份,其名誉权与公共利益密切相关,与一般公民的名誉权具有显著的不同。

    With their special personality , the public figures'reputation is closely relative to public good , which is different from that of common people .

  23. 文人士大夫与僧人等都受到这样的时代思想潮流的影响,从而出现了诗僧这样的特殊身份。

    Such zeitgeist influenced the whole scope of intellectual , officials and literate monk . Therefore , poet-monk , a special status was appeared .

  24. 不具有脱逃罪特殊身份者只能在共同犯罪的情况下构成脱逃罪的教唆犯或者帮助犯,而不能构成共同正犯。

    People who are without the specific identity of Escaping crime can only be abettor or accessory in joint crime but not the group perpetrator .

  25. 言下之意是说:美国一举恢复了它百毒不侵、神明眷顾的特殊身份,至少是恢复了它正确处理事物的天赋。

    The unspoken text was this : the nation had recovered its immunity , its divine favor , or anyway its gift for doing things right .

  26. 一方面,免费师范毕业生的特殊身份决定了他们在对教育的认识、对自己的认识以及对其他一些方面的认识上与非师范毕业生有很大的差别。

    On one hand , the special identity of tuition-free normal graduates decided their differences in cognitions , beliefs and some other aspects from non-normal graduates .

  27. 夫妻关系很复杂,它是血亲和姻亲赖以发生的基础,而就是在这种互有特殊身份的当事人之间产生共同共有的关系。

    Husband-wife relationship is very complex , it is the basis of consanguinity and affinity which occurred in each special status between the parties jointly shared relationship .

  28. 职务犯罪简而言之是指具有特殊身份的人员实施的与其职务相关联的犯罪。

    Duty Crime refers to the crimes committed by the personnel with a special status of duty , in which the crime is associated with their duty .

  29. 挽郎参与帝后丧礼,接受了严格的政治礼教熏陶,这改变了他们的心智结构,挽郎特殊身份深深影响着阶层个体的命运发展。

    The Wan Lang stratum took part in funeral service to obtain the political social morals which was deeply affected everyone 's individual destiny in this stratum .

  30. 农民工的特殊身份体现了工业化、城市化进程加快与严格的户籍制度之间的冲突。农民工的身份和职业是分离的。

    The special status of the migrant workers reflects the conflict between the household registration system to speed up the process of industrialization , urbanization and strict .