
  • 网络special guest
  1. 现在有请我们的特别来宾猪猪们

    Now we would like to welcome our special guests , the pigs !

  2. 此次电影试映会的特别来宾,包括演员和工作人员,千万不要错过这个独家抢先看。

    Featuring special guests from the cast and crew , don 't miss this exclusive first look .

  3. 让我们向今天的特别来宾表达我们的感激。

    Let 's show our appreciation to our special guest here today .

  4. 星期五有一个特别来宾来学校。

    On Friday there is a special guest coming to the school .

  5. 今早咱们有位特别来宾。

    We have a special guest with us this morning .

  6. 我跟我的特别来宾一起。

    I 'm out here with my special lady friend .

  7. 我们今天有一位特别来宾

    We 've got a special guest with us today .

  8. 让我们用掌声欢迎我们的特别来宾!

    Let 's hear it for our special guest !

  9. 第七课特别来宾

    Unit 7 A Special Guest

  10. 女士们先生们有请我们的特别来宾他是翡翠色的航海达人

    Ladies and gentlemen , we have a very special guest for you ! He 's a green marine sailing machine .

  11. 与会者将包括来自加拉格尔安全管理系统和加拉格尔动物管理系统会议加上特别来宾和贵宾的代表。

    Attendees will include the delegates from the Gallagher Security Management Systems and Gallagher Animal Management Systems conferences plus special guests and dignitaries .

  12. 这堂课将由授课的特别来宾讲解近似误差原理及其一般特性。

    This class , taught by the guest speaker , is devoted to the study of the approximation error , and some of its general properties .

  13. 在牛津大学,毕业典礼通常是由老师或者特别来宾的演讲开场,有学生出席和音乐伴奏。

    In Oxford University , the graduation commencement ceremonies usually start with speeches from faculty or special speakers , which could consist of the actual students and music .

  14. 接着上来的是一位非常特别的来宾。

    And brought on someone very special indeed .

  15. 杰夫:早晨好,我是杰夫,今天我们有一位特别的来宾,雪利。

    Jeff : Good morning and my name is Jeff , and I have a special guest today , Shirley .