
  • 网络special responsibility;special duty
  1. 不过,法国肩负着决定德国道路的特殊责任。

    However , France has a special responsibility in determining that German approach .

  2. 安全理事会对维护国际和平与安全负有特殊责任。

    The Security Council has special responsibility for maintaining international peace and security .

  3. 我肩负特殊责任,必须确保自己作出的决定是正确的。

    I have a particular responsibility to ensure I make the right decision

  4. 是我和你们一样作为一名黑人的特殊责任感.

    The special obligation I felt as a black man like you .

  5. 特别的;独特的我肩负特殊责任,必须确保自己作出的决定是正确的。

    I have a particular responsibility to ensure I make the right decision .

  6. 我认为这是印度妇女的特殊责任。

    I think this is the special responsibility of the women of India .

  7. 中国作为一个强大的国家具有表现出克制力的特殊责任。

    China as a large and powerful nation has a special responsibility to show restraint .

  8. 进来科学下对社区的特殊责任是什么?

    Lastly , what are the special responsibilities , C.if any , of the scientists toward the community ?

  9. 拥有最大、最先进常规和核武库的国家应继续履行其对裁军负有的特殊责任;

    Those countries having the largest and most sophisticated conventional and nuclear arsenals should continue to fulfil their special responsibilities for disarmament ;

  10. 就算被当作欧洲所有问题的罪魁祸首再令人不快,德国的强大地位也决定了它必须承担起特殊责任。

    As irritating as it may be to be blamed for all Europe 's ills , Germany 's position of strength gives it a special responsibility .

  11. 拥有最多和最精良核与常规武库的大国,在实行军控与裁军方面负有特殊责任。

    The big powers , possessors of the largest and most sophisticated nuclear and conventional arsenals , bear a special responsibility in arms control and disarmament .

  12. 该行认为,由于拥有巨大的贸易逆差,美国应该承担一个特殊责任,为全球需求增速放缓至适度水平做出贡献。

    With its large trade deficit , the BIS thinks the US should bear a particular responsibility for contributing to the moderation of global demand growth .

  13. 考虑到保险公司强制保险属于社会法范畴,机动车强制保险承保的保险公司应作为特殊责任主体予以对待。

    Considering that obligatory insurances by insurance companies fall into social law , insurance companies that accept obligatory insurances for motor vehicles shall be regarded as special liability subjects .

  14. 以董事不应当对公司债权人承担直接责任为基础,本文认为证券虚假陈述的性质应当界定为法律规定的特殊责任。

    To the author , director should not bear liability to company creditor directly , so the falsely stating securities should be the special liability prescribed in the law .

  15. 当代条件下一个良好的大国形象的形成,至少包括五个方面的因素,即现代身份、世界贡献、战略意志、特殊责任、有效治理。

    Under contemporary circumstances , positive images of a great power at least include the following five aspects : modern identity , world contributions , strategic will , special responsibility and effective governance .

  16. 新闻媒体几乎一向受具有普遍适用性的法律的制约,这种法律为所有人所一律遵守,不包含对新闻界的特殊责任要求或惩罚规定。

    And the news media are almost always subject to laws of general applicability & that is , laws that apply to everyone but that do not single out the press for special obligations or punishment .

  17. 安全专家表示,每次得悉恶意网页或新的犯罪手段,谷歌都会做出反应。但他们补充称,谷歌也承担了一种特殊责任在犯罪分子和受害者之间扮演了主要的连接者。

    Security professionals say that Google is responsive when it hears about a bad page or new criminal method but they add that the company has a special responsibility as the dominant connector between thugs and victims .

  18. 特殊责任心抽象程度最低,包括学业责任心、家庭责任心、他人责任心、集体责任心、社会责任心五个方面的具体内容,同样反映出任务责任心和过失责任心两个维度。

    And the lowest level of abstraction is represented by special responsibility through five aspects of academic , family , interpersonal , collective and social responsibility , and also reflecting the two aspects of duty and defect as well .

  19. 高等学校作为对社会承担特殊责任的社会组织,对行政法治在高等学校的深入贯彻则应作出积极的回应。

    The institution of higher learning , as a social organization , is responsible for the society to take up special tasks , and should take an active response to the prosecution of the administrative law and regulations in it .

  20. 在维和预算摊派比例表中,安全理事会五个有权否决理事会决定的常任理事国的分摊额较高;大会强调指出,这五个常任理事国对维持和平行动负有“特殊责任”。

    The scale provides for a higher assessment on the five permanent members of the security council , which hold the power to veto Council decisions and , as stressed by the assembly , have " special responsibilities " towards peacekeeping operations .

  21. 缔约过失责任是一种特殊责任制度,其作为一项独立的请求权,与合同、侵权、不当得利和无因管理的请求权一起构成了债权请求权的完整体系。

    Fault Liability of Conclusion of Treaty is a special kind of responsibility system . It is a independent right , which combines with the independent rights of contract , tort , improperly received profit , voluntary service to form the complete system .

  22. 我国《价格法》对价格垄断规定过于原则,缺乏对其表现形式、特殊责任主体等的明确规定,也缺乏严格的法律责任,导致实践中的执法标准不一与价格垄断的频发。

    The stipulations on price monopoly in the Price Law of China are just guidelines , without explicit provisions on its forms and special responsibility subjects or strict legal responsibility . This gives rise to different criteria in enforcement and recurrent price monopoly .

  23. 对于违反强制缔约义务应承担何种法律责任,笔者主张特殊责任说,这里的特殊责任说不是一种独立的归责理论,而仅仅是一种归责方法,是混合型责任的统称。

    The author advocates a special responsibility , which is called a special responsibility here when the body violate the mandatory contractual obligations . it is not an independent attribution theory , but merely a kind of imputation method which is a mixed responsibility collectively .

  24. 论公证赔偿的特殊民事责任性质

    On The Character Of Civil Liability For Special Tort About Notarization Compensation

  25. 美国自命为世界领袖,从而也使该同承担特殊的责任。

    The American claim to leadership imposes a special responsibility on that country .

  26. 特殊侵权责任一般条款化探析

    On General Article of Liability for Special Tort

  27. 这项才能也代表了一份特殊的责任。

    And with that gift comes special responsibility .

  28. 建立特殊举证责任制度,即举证责任倒置制度。

    Establishing special evidential burden system .

  29. 在笔者看来,危险责任是特殊侵权责任中对物责任中的一类特殊形态。

    Author argues that responsibility for risk is a kind of responsibility among liability for special tort .

  30. 在包价旅游合同中,当事人双方还必须承担一些特殊的责任。

    Tourism in the package price in the contract , the parties must also bear some special responsibility .