
  • 网络Japanese clothing;Japan costume
  1. 阿迪达斯(Adidas)选择了在淘宝开设店面,而日本服饰零售商优衣库(Uniqlo)去年在中国推出了自己的网上商店,其竞争对手Gap将于下月跟进。

    While Adidas opted for a shopfront on Taobao , Uniqlo , the Japanese clothing retailer , launched its own Chinese online store last year , and its rival Gap is set to follow next month .

  2. 讨论了日本服饰、饮食、文身、尚武、鸟兽信仰等风俗在中国古代文献中的描述和变化,随着科学技术的发展,文学作品中风俗描写呈现出被淡化的趋势。

    Descriptions of and about the changes of Japanese clothing , diets , tattoos , love for martial arts , religious beliefs in birds and beasts etc. in ancient Chinese works are expounded , however , they tend to dilute due to the development of science and technology .

  3. 随着日本人开始用售价23美元一件的抓绒外套来搭配他们价值2000美元的手表,日本休闲服饰零售商FastRetailing就通过旗下廉价但时尚的服装,把握这一变化带来的商机。

    Japan 's Fast Retailing , with its cheap-but-chic clothing , has been cashing in , as people match $ 2,000 watches with $ 23 fleece jackets .

  4. 日本古代服饰与中国的关系

    The Relationship between Japanese Ancient Dressing and China

  5. 艺术节观众,身着日本皇朝服饰巡游,通过东京的购物区。

    Festival goers dressed in Japanese imperial dynasty costumes parade through Tokyo 's shopping districts .

  6. 和服是一种日本传统服饰,男人、女人和小孩都可以穿着。

    The kimono is a traditional Japanese garment worn by women , men and children .

  7. 不过,如果工薪族穿着T恤上班的话,就像武士没带佩刀一样别扭,何况日本的商务服饰礼仪已经有150年的历史,还从来没有遇到大的挑战。

    But a salaryman in a T-shirt would be like a samurai without his sword , and there has been no serious challenge to Japan 's business dress code for150 years .

  8. 人们往往以为和服源于日本,是日本本土服饰,有着其本身完整的产生、发展体系。

    People used to considered kimono as native Japanesedress , which had its own complete system of evolvement and development .