
  • 网络Karst funnel;doline;collapse doline
  1. 遥感影像三维可视化在岩溶漏斗解译中的应用

    Application of 3D visualization of remote sensing images in doline interpretation

  2. 从岩溶地貌景观成因及分类出发,深入分析了岩溶漏斗旅游资源构成,并对国内外岩溶漏斗旅游地进行对比分析,为论文研究做好铺垫。第二,建立岩溶旅游地形象塑造技术程序。

    From the karst landscape causes and classifications , in-depth analysis of the tourism resources of karst doline , and karst doline abroad to conduct comparative analysis , pave the way for the thesis . Secondly , establish karst tourism image and technical procedures .

  3. 矿床成因属岩溶漏斗低温热液充填(交代)型矿床。

    The deposit belongs genetically to epithermal karst funnel - filling ( metasomatic ) type .

  4. 具体地说,本文包括以下3个部分:第一,岩溶漏斗景观特色分析。

    Specifically , this paper includes following 3 parts : Firstly , analysis of the karst landscape features .

  5. 其表现为北东侧和南西侧以地表溶沟和少量漏斗等为主,不发育;场区中部表现为岩溶漏斗、土洞和落水洞等岩溶塌陷数量多,呈串珠状,规模较大,很发育。

    Northeast and southwest are mainly the melting groove on surface and a small amount of funnel with no growth . The central part is mainly the dissolves funnel , soil cave and sinkholes , which are in large scale , bead-like and well developed . 4 .

  6. 在高水头压力作用地段,水力劈裂作用造成导水裂隙进一步扩展,导致本来并不连通的岩溶管道产生水力联系,形成大型岩溶漏斗系统;

    In high water pressure area , the effect of water splitting causes further expansion of water deviating fractures , making karst passages which did not communicate with each other do so hydraulically and forming large karst funnel systems .