
  • 网络radix auricularia;Radixauriculata;R.auricularia;Radiu auricularia
  1. 中间宿主为耳萝卜螺,螺的尾蚴平均感染率为021%。

    Intermediate host was Radix auricularia , average infectious rate was 0 21 % .

  2. 耳萝卜螺Radixauricularia3月上旬开始产卵(水温8-12℃),繁殖高峰期在3、4月份,5月份以后产卵量和产卵次数均下降。

    Radix auricularia begins to spawn from the beginning of March ( water temperature 8 ~ 12 ℃), and the peak appears in March or April . After May , both the fecundity and the frequency of spawning decline .

  3. 大运河徐州段不同水质对耳萝卜螺CHE、GST和GPx酶的影响

    Effect of the Water Quality in Different Parts of the Grand Canal in the Xuzhou Region on the Enzyme of CHE , GST and GPx of Radix auricularia

  4. 结果椭圆萝卜螺和耳萝卜螺是生活在该地区毛毕吸虫的中间宿主,其自然感染率分别为0.51%和0.65%。

    The eggs and imagoes were separated from infected ducklings . Results Radix swinhoei and Radix auricularia were found as the intermediate host of Trichobilharzia in the basin and the natural infection rates , were 0.65 % , 0.51 % , respectively , which varied with seasons .