
  • 网络auricular region;otic region
  1. 方法:给予16只豚鼠耳区一次50Gy的60Coγ-射线照射,采用耳蜗动作电位(AP)、眼震电流描记术和电镜技术进行研究。

    Methods : The ear regions of 16 guinea pigs were radiated by 50 Gy / 1fx 60 Co γ ray .

  2. 目的:报告一种应用耳区皮瓣和颞浅筋膜神经岛状瓣的一期耳再造方法。

    Objective : To report a technique of one stage ear reconstruction by using the auricular skin flap and a neurovascular island flap of superficial temporal fascia .

  3. 结论:电针耳区穴和前肢穴均能减轻噪声暴露所致的听力损伤,并促进听力的恢复。

    Conclusion : Electroacupuncture of points on ear area and forefoot can reduce the hearing impairment caused by noise exposure and promote the recovery of the impaired hearing .

  4. 结论:耳颞区断面标本与CT图像进行对照研究,其结果对耳科疾病的影像诊断及手术治疗具有参考价值。

    Conclusions : Comparing sectional anatomy and CT image of auriculotemporal portion of temporal bone is valuable for diagnosis and treatment of otopathy .

  5. 结论耳颞区火棉胶薄层断面标本能良好显示圆窗区及其周围结构的解剖位置和毗邻关系,可直接与高分辨率CT扫描图像进行对照研究,其结果对耳科疾病的影像诊断及手术治疗有?

    Conclusions Temporal bone transection specimen had a clear picture of anatomical position between round window area and its related structure . Versus CT , the result contributed to image diagnosis and operation on auris diseases .

  6. 穿过拉丁区弯弯曲曲的鹅卵石小巷,或者在圣日耳曼德佩区的梧桐树大道上漫步,你会不止一次感觉自己置身于罗伯特·杜瓦诺(RobertDoisneau)的黑白照片中。

    Walk through the Latin Quarter 's crooked cobblestone corridors or down the grand plane-tree-lined boulevards of St. - Germain-des-Pr é s and , more than once , you 'll think you 're inside a black-and-white Robert Doisneau photo .

  7. 人们私下里认为,圣日耳曼德佩区是巴黎这个巧克力王国的中心,这里至少有十几家著名巧克力制造店。最后扫荡一遍这一地区的美味,在皮埃尔·克鲁泽尔(PierreCluizel)的巴黎星期天巧克力店(UnDimancheàParis)收尾。

    And , seeing as St. Germain is the unofficial center of the chocolate universe , counting at least a dozen renowned chocolatiers , make a final sweep of the neighborhood 's offerings , winding up in a cobblestone alley at Pierre Cluizel 's Un Dimanche à Paris .

  8. 逆行性额部耳颞区反流轴型皮瓣的临床解剖

    Clinical Anatomic Research on the Auricular-temporal Area Reversal Flow Axial Flap Pedicled with Supraorbital Artery or Supratrochlear Artery

  9. 针刺耳甲区对自发性高血压及正常大鼠血压的影响及其机理探讨

    Effect of Acupuncture of Auricular Concha Area on Blood Pressure in Spontaneous Hypertension and Normal Rats and Analysis on Its Mechanism

  10. 目的观察支配耳甲区迷走神经在延髓水平中枢的投射情况,探讨耳针作用机理。

    ObjectiveTo observe projections of nervus auricularis vagi in brain stem of oblongata level , and to study the mechanism of auricular acupuncture .

  11. 方法:用玻璃微电极记录到自发或诱发孤束核和迷走神经背核神经元放电后,选用对针刺双侧耳甲区有反应的神经元放电信号进行观察。

    Methods Acupuncture on both auricular concha , record the spontaneous and evoked discharge of nucleus of solitary tract and by glass microelectrode .

  12. 目的:探讨针刺耳甲区耳穴的降压作用及降压机制。

    Objective : To observe the effect of acupuncture of auricular concha area on blood pressure ( BP ) and to explore its mechanism in lowering BP .

  13. 结论耳甲区迷走神经分支与迷走初级中枢有神经联系,耳甲穴位针刺效应很可能是通过耳-迷走反射途径实现的。

    ConclusionThere exists neural projection to NTS and DMV from the terminal of auricular vagus branch , maybe effect of auricular acupuncture is completed through auricular-vagal reflexes .

  14. 结论:耳甲区针刺能有效降低动物的血压,这种降压作用与迷走神经结构和功能的完整性密切相关。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture of auricular concha has a definite hypotensive effect in both SHR and normal rats , which depends on the integrity of the vagus in both function and structure .

  15. 平补平泻手法针刺内关穴也有降压效果(P<0.05),但与耳甲区针刺结果相比有显著性差异(P<0.001)。

    Manual acupuncture stimulation of " Neiguan "( PC 6 ) could also significantly lower BP , but the effect was remarkably weaker than that of stimulation of auricular concha ( P < 0.001 ) .

  16. 结果:第一鳃裂囊肿表现为耳前区反复感染或瘘,其特征为瘘道与外耳道平行;

    The cysts of the first branchial cleft usually presented as recurrent inflammation and fistulas ( sinus tract ) around the ear . The fistula was characteristically found medial to the concha of the ear and parallel to the external auditory canal .

  17. 以颞浅血管为蒂的耳后乳突区皮瓣的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of posterior auricular flap based upon the superficial temporal vessels

  18. 应用耳后乳突区皮瓣早期修复外伤性部分耳廓缺损

    Part absence of auricle early restoration with temporal flap of mastoid area

  19. 改进的耳后乳突区皮瓣修复耳垂缺损

    Improved skin flap on post aurem and mastoid region to restore the defect of ear lobe

  20. 方法用耳后乳突区皮瓣整复耳廓部分缺损及其它类型的畸形。

    Methods Using ear back and mastoid skin flap to repair the external ear defected and relateld deformities .

  21. 不得修补外壳的关键部位或受力部位,特别是安装小耳或轴承区。

    No repairs are to be made to critical or stress areas of housings , especially mounting ears or bearing areas .

  22. 方法:在耳后乳突区设计一个以耳后动脉为蒂的扇形乳突筋膜瓣,用于术中包裹耳支架,行外耳再造术。

    Methods The fascial flaps in mastoid area were designed , which including the posterior auricular artery , to reconstruct the external ear .

  23. 扩张完毕后,取出扩张器,以颞浅动静脉为蒂,掀起耳后乳突区预制岛状筋膜皮瓣,用于面部皮肤缺损的修复。

    When the expanding process has been finished , the expander was removed and the expanded induced prefabricated skin flap of the retroauricular and mastoid process region pedicled on the superficial temporal vascular bundle was elevated and transferred to repair the facial skin defect .

  24. 在1个疗程(14d)输液治疗结束时,左右两侧额区、内眦区、眶上区、枕区、耳后区或面颊区的温差均明显小于首日输液治疗前。

    After a course ( 14 days ) of transfusion treatment , the temperature difference between the corresponding parts as inner canthus , frontal area , supraorbital region , cheek regions , occipital region and postauricular region reduced apparently compared with that measured before transfusion of the last day .

  25. 上颈受侵者28例,接受耳前淋巴结区预防照射8例。

    Twenty eight patients had upper neck lymph node involvement , and 8 of them received prophylactic irradiation in the preauricular region .

  26. 方法:采集日本大耳白兔自体腹股沟区浅层带血管的淋巴结-脂肪组织,经显微外科技术吻合滋养血管,移植于已行淋巴结清扫术的腋窝区。

    Methods : Japanese White Rabbits were used for the study . Autologous lymph node-adipose tissue from inguinal region with blood vessels of the animals were collected and transplanted into the homolateral axillary fossa region where lymph nodes were dissected and blood supply was rebuilt using microsurgery anastomosis .