
  • 网络Taixi
  1. 刺激健康青年太溪穴和假穴的功能磁共振研究

    Study of Acupuncture at Taixi and Sham Acupoint on Function MRI

  2. 针刺太溪穴治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture at Point Taixi in Treating Poststroke Dysphagia

  3. 捻转和非捻转刺激太溪穴后脑激活状态的功能磁共振成像研究

    Magnetic resonance imaging study of twisting or untwisting Taixi acupoint ( KI3 ) on brain function

  4. 正常人与冠心病患者太溪穴红外辐射光谱研究

    Study on the Infrared Radiation Spectrums of Taixi between Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Healthy People

  5. 针刺百会太溪穴对血管性痴呆模型大鼠认知功能的影响

    Effect of Needling " Baihui " and " Taixi " on Cognitive Function of Rat Model with Vascular Dementia

  6. 介绍太溪穴的针灸操作方法、适应症及其治疗鼻衄、便秘、牙痛验案三则。

    This paper presents the needling techniques and indications of Taixi ( KI3 ) and its three proven cases of nasal bleeding , constipation and toothache .

  7. 研究中采用随机、对照的方法,以古法针刺太溪穴、曲泉穴治疗为实验组,口服西药双氯芬酸钠治疗作为对照组,每组48例。

    The research uses the stochastic and comparative ways , arranging two experimental groups . The patients of first group is treated by the Chinese traditional method of acupuncture , the patients of the contrast group take Diclofenac Sodium orally .

  8. 治疗组在中药治疗的基础上给予针刺,主穴选肾俞、三阴交、太溪。配穴:血瘀者配内关、膈俞;气虚配足三里、关元;生殖道炎症配丰隆。

    The treatment group also take acupuncture , the main points are Shenshu , Sanyinjiao , Taixi , add-subtract : blood stasis , add Geshu ; if partial deficiency , add Zusanli , Guanyuan ; genital tract inflammation , add Fenglong .