
  1. 通过对国内外相关贵州藻类区系文献的考证,发现贵州省藻类新记录63种。

    There are 63 species as new records of algae for Guizhou province according to the references of GuiZhou algae flora .

  2. 通过对贵州省蜜粉源植物资源的调查研究,发现贵州蜜粉源植物资源丰富,共有92科、287属、512种、67个变种。

    Through investigation abundant nectar plants were found in Guizhou province . There are 512 species and 67 varieties belonging to 92 families , 287 genera .

  3. 结果:发现贵州菊科药用植物地理分布新记录种5种,药用新资源42种。

    Results 5 species new record species of geographic distribution and 42 species new medicinal resources of medicinal plants of Compositae in Guizhou have been found out .

  4. 结果发现贵州现有山茶科药用植物34种3变种,其中有12种2变种为贵州药用新资源;

    The results show that 34 species and 3 varieties of the medicinal plant of Theaceae , 12 species and 2 varieties of them are new resources of the medicinal plants .

  5. 但通过对贵州旅游经济的调查分析,发现贵州旅游业创造的经济价值与它巨大的资源潜力差距非常大。

    However , based on an investigation and analysis of the tourism economy in Guizhou , it is found the there is extreme disparity between the economic value it has created and the huge potential resources it has .

  6. 通过对数据和有关资料的分析,可以发现贵州省承接外来投资大致有以下特点:1.从整体上来讲,贵州省的外来投资的规模呈逐渐增加的趋势,引资结构进一步优化。

    Through the analysis of data and relevant information , here are the features of external investment in Guizhou : 1 . On the whole , the scale of external investment is gradually growing , and investment structure is further optimized . 2 .

  7. 结果:发现贵州药用植物新资源24种,贵阳市首次药用记录1种,新增补3种,贵州不产5种,1种拉丁学名有误。

    Result : 24 new medicinal species of Gramineae were found in Guizhou , while 5 species were absent in Guizhou . And 1 was first recorded for medicinal uses , 3 species newly added , and the latin name of 1 species was corrected .

  8. 通过对竞赛组织的领导、参赛选手和教师对竞赛的调查访谈,试图发现贵州省化学竞赛中存在的一些问题,从而加深对竞赛的理解,和对初中化学竞赛的指导意义。

    It focuses on organizational leadership contest , participants and teachers to investigate race interviews , trying to find Guizhou Chemical race some of the problems exist , in order to deeply the understanding of the contest , and the middle school chemistry contest guiding significance .

  9. 登革热抗体仅发现于贵州南部及东南部地区;

    Dengue fever antibody only found in east-southern and southern parts of Guizhou ;

  10. 可是科学家发现,贵州的煤炭中砷与氟的含量异常地高。

    But it turns out that the coal contains abnormally high concentrations of arsenic and fluorine .

  11. 通过实证研究我们发现,贵州省的财政收入与经济发展有着密切地正相关关系。

    The evidences obtained in our research shows that there is strongly positive correlation between the economy and fiscal revenue in GuiZhou Province .

  12. 对旅游资源的旅游价值评价后发现,贵州喀斯特文化旅游资源是有深刻的科学含量,丰富的历史文化内涵和在形式和内容上兼备的审美特征。

    Through the evaluation on tourism resources , we find that karst culture as resources have profound scientific components , rich historical culture connotation and the esthetic features in forms and contents .

  13. 2000年由于产于上泥盆统中铅锌矿的陆续发现,贵州省地矿局启动了以铅锌资源评价和成矿规律研究为主的地质工作,目标是总结铅锌矿产出的地质特征和成矿规律。

    As abundant Upper Devonian lead-zinc deposits had been discovered one after another , the Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration & Development started in 2000 the geological work for appraising lead-zinc resources and studying ore-forming regularity .

  14. 调研发现,贵州省课程改革存在理念有待内化、课程改革条件欠缺、资源系统化程度低、管理机制不灵活、改革与教学评价之间相冲突等问题。

    Research found that , the concept of Guizhou Province curriculum reform strategy has been the questions on concept of deepening , the curriculum conditions lack , resource systematic low degree , rigid management mechanism and confliction between the reform and teaching evaluation .

  15. 但是,从1986年到1995年,又有12种和2亚种贵州鸟类新记录分别被发现.从而使贵州的鸟类资源增加为429种和53亚种。

    But , from 1986 to 1995 , another 12 species and 2 subspecies , regarded as new records in Guizhou , have been discovered in succession , thereby , the bird resources of Guizhou increase to 429 species and 53 subspecies .