
  1. 拓展对台贸易若干问题探索

    Certain issues connected to the development of trade with Taiwan

  2. 我对台贸易及台商在大陆投资迄今已取得突破性进展。

    Trade with Taiwan and Taiwan investments in the Mainland have effec .

  3. 虽然具有闽台交流优势,但种子行业的地方性法律法规还不够完善,未能充分发挥对台种子贸易优势。

    Although Xiamen had the advantage of Fujian and Taiwan exchange , the local laws and regulations of the seed industry was still not perfect , which failed to give full play the advantages to Taiwan seed trade .

  4. 福建在对台农产品贸易上不仅政策优先,而且先行先试,使闽台农产品贸易一直走在祖国的前列,现已步入良性发展阶段。

    Toward Taiwan agricultural trade Fujian is not only priority in policy but also a pilot , so that agricultural trade between Fujian and Taiwan has been at the forefront of the motherland and has entered a positive phase of development .