
  • 网络To the king;opposition
  1. 对于缺乏缓存机制的无组织P2P系统,已有的分布式路由算法缺乏全局导航能力,属于无序搜索.该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    Most unstructured peer-to-peer systems with existing distributed routing algorithms can only run blind search , but not global search due to the lack of cache scheme .

  2. 假如NBA各队对王何时能加盟NBA知之更详的话,他的名次会高许多。

    He would have been selected much higher if NBA teams knew more about which year he would be available to come to the NBA .

  3. 分析了在集成式CAPP环境下建立分布式制造资源管理系统的意义,详细阐述建立制造资源管理系统的技术原理和实施方法;该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    This paper presents the meaning of building distributed process management in integration CAPP , particular set forth the technology principle and implement method of process resources management system , then puts forward the function need and concrete implement scheme .

  4. 由于CLS采用针对每个交易货币轧差清算进行实际支付的新方式,所以在一定程度上解决了现行清算方式本身所固有的清算风险问题。该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    As a new method that makes actual payment against position-balanced clearing of each transaction currency , it has , to some extent , solved the problem of settlement risk inherent to the current clearing scheme .

  5. Mbuf是TCP/IP缓冲区管理最广泛的实现方式。该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    This paper describes an efficient and simplified scheme for TCP / IP buffer management which is based on small-size embedded system .

  6. 对王先生的帮助,我非常感谢。

    I owe many thanks to Mr Wang for his help .

  7. 示每对王说,这话甚好。

    Shimei answered the king , 'What you say is good .

  8. 论王襞的思想渊源及其对王学的贡献

    On Thought Origin of Wang Bi and His Contribution to Wang Theory

  9. 耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅对王说,阿们。

    Benaiah son of Jehoiada answered the king , 'Amen !

  10. (对王)这位是来自哥伦比亚大学的马丁先生。

    ( To Wang ) This is Mr. Martin from Columbia university .

  11. 中草药对王鸽繁殖性能的影响

    Effects of medicinal herbs on reproductive performance of pigeons On WANG Hong

  12. 该结果比用非共振光电离方法,灵敏度提高20倍。该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    This result is 20 times better than that by nonresonance photoionization scheme .

  13. 施肥水平和不同株高刈割对王草产量和品质的影响

    The influence of fertilization and mowing height on King grass yield and quality

  14. 该文对王等方案进行了分析.通过试验,验证了平台自主定向方案的正确性。

    The test has been carried out to prove the scheme is correct .

  15. 湖平面变化对王58地区浊积扇形成与演化的控制作用研究

    Effect of Lake Level Fluctuations on Turbidite Fan Development in Wang 58 Block

  16. 对王某、肖某杀妻案的法律分析

    Analysis of Wang and Xiao Killing Wife Cases

  17. 又对王说,愿耶和华你的神悦纳你。

    And Araunah said unto the king , The LORD thy God accept thee .

  18. 拔示巴说,好,我必为你对王提说。

    And bath-sheba said , good ! I will make your request to the king .

  19. 便哈达对王说,我父从你父那里所夺的城邑,我必归还。

    I will return the cities my father took from your father , 'Ben-Hadad offered .

  20. 分析比较计算成果,选出合理的施工方案。该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    Through the analysis and comparison of the results . reasonable construction scheme is selected .

  21. 但以理对王说,愿王万岁。

    Then Daniel said to the king , o king , have life for ever .

  22. 新取代论阐述&对王路观点的赞同与异议

    Exposition of New View of Placement & Arguments Against and for WANG Lu 's Position

  23. 是啊,对王音来说,是到了“怀旧”的时候了。

    Yes , for Wang Yin , it " s time to be " reminiscent .

  24. 以伯米勒就从王宫里出来,对王说

    Ebedmelech went forth out of the king 's house , and spake to the king , saying

  25. 优化混凝土浇筑方案;该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    Optimize concrete pouring scheme ;

  26. 书记沙番又对王说,祭司希勒家递给我一卷书。

    Then Shaphan the secretary informed the king , 'Hilkiah the priest has given me a book .

  27. 中小自然科学教育及昆虫展示之参考。该文对王等方案进行了分析。

    The studies above could referenced to the purpose of nature science education and the insect exhibition scheme .

  28. 对王冠盖封口气密性进行了分析,为保证足够的气密性提出了相应的调试方法。

    This paper analyses the airtightness of crown cap closures and suggests some adjustements to en-sure enough airtightness .

  29. 文章主要从三个方面探讨了王先生有关对偶与对仗的论述和运用:对王先生在对偶、对仗方面的理论进行阐述;

    The paper is focused on ( 1 ) WANG Li 's theories about Chinese antithesis and couplet ;

  30. 地热开发对王3、王4井水化学动态的影响及其原因分析

    Analysis on effect and cause of water chemistry behavior in WANG-3 and WANG-4 wells due to geothermal exploitation