
  • 网络torque curve
  1. 为此,本文还分别给出了相应的密封力矩曲线图。

    So , we gave the seal torque curves respectively .

  2. 将solidworks中的几何模型导入到Adams中,对其运动副准确地添加约束、移动驱动、载荷,最后主要分析仿真结果中的驱动油缸加速度及驱动力矩曲线。

    Import the geometric model from Solid Works into Adams . And then add constraint , removable drives , load accurately for its deputy campaign . Finally , Analysis Primarily the acceleration and driving torque curve of driving fuel tank from the simulation results .

  3. 水洞实验中,来流速度为20cms、粗糙高度为0.8mm时流态随攻角的变化规律可用来解释风洞实验结果中力矩曲线的分散性。

    In this water tunnel experiments , the results obtained at 20 ? cm / s for the roughness height 0.8 ? mm can be used to explained the scatter of the pitching moment curves obtained in the wind tunnel measurements .

  4. 塔式起重机起重力矩曲线的确定

    Determination of lifting torque curve for tower crane with double-suspension jib

  5. 同时描述了速滑运动员髋关节、膝关节和踝关节的力矩曲线特性,进行深入探讨。

    Meanwhile , it describes the moment characteristics of the three joints .

  6. 双绳抓斗合宜的闭合力矩曲线及实现这种曲线的抓斗

    Rational grab moment curve of dual scoop grab and fulfilment of such curve

  7. 通过电算,得出了内燃机曲柄上的平衡力矩曲线图,为进一步完成内燃机的飞轮设计提供了重要的计算数据。

    By means of computation a trimming moment for the crank was given .

  8. 每英寸纵倾力矩曲线

    Curve of moment to change trim one inch

  9. 俯仰力矩曲线的勺形对飞机稳定性的影响

    The effect of reversal slope of pitch moment curve to the stability of aircrafts

  10. 另外还设计了求解的程序并给出了动水力矩曲线。

    In addition , the program for evaluation is designed and hydro-dynamic moment curves are given , also .

  11. 通过仿真得到的关节力矩曲线、着地脚的地面反力曲线等仿真结果验证了机器人步行和步行方式转换的能力。

    By the simulation , the curves of joints drive torque and ground reaction force for landing-foot were gained .

  12. 绘制给定失速扭矩和空载速度时的力矩曲线和功率曲线,不含负荷转速。

    Plots the torque speed curve and power curves for given values of stall torque and no load speed .

  13. 借助于平衡力矩曲线能够直观地看出不同传动方案的增力效果。

    According to counterpoise torque curve , effect of magnifying force of several transmission schemes can be obviously viewed .

  14. 试验结果表明,刹车力矩曲线中的前峰随着材料的制备工艺和外界条件变化;

    It is found that the fore - top of curve diagram of brake moment varies with manufacturing technologies of materials and the outside condition ;

  15. 结果表明:C/C复合材料在不同能载水平下均具有高达0.31~0.32的摩擦因数,刹车力矩曲线均较平稳,磨损随能载水平的增加而增大;

    The results show this C / C composite has high friction coefficients between 0.31 ~ 0.32 and stable brake torque curve in different energy conditions .

  16. 为验证模型有效性,将其应用于某三轴稳定对地定向卫星姿态动力学仿真中,得到了相应的太阳光压干扰力矩曲线。

    As illustration , these models are applied to an attitude control dynamics simulation of a three-axis stability satellite and the corresponding toques were plotted in curves .

  17. 通过实验对比了基于数学模型和基于混合模型的制动力矩曲线的逼近效果,结果表明混合模型更为有效。

    The capabilities of the mathematical model and the hybrid model were compared , with the experimental results showing that the hybrid braking torque model was more accurate .

  18. 初步认为,力矩曲线异常具有功能诊断参考价值,并可用于选拔运动员时及时发现伤情。

    The results indicated that the abnormal torque curve may be a good indicater of hnee inju-ries and may also be used to find latent injuries in selecting athletes .

  19. 此外,在选择电机容量时,还必须考虑电机的确切工作制、工作环境和实际的舵杆阻力矩曲线。

    Besides , in selecting the capacity of electrical machine , the correct duty rating of electrical machine , working environment and practical resistance-torque curve of the rudder-stock should be taken into consideration .

  20. 结果表明:具有粗糙层热解炭结构的炭/炭复合材料在不同能载条件下具有较高的摩擦系数,刹车力矩曲线较为平稳,磨损表面形成较为连续、致密的磨屑层;

    As the results , the C / C composite with rough laminar ( RL ) pyrocarbon structure had high friction coefficient and stable brake torque curve at different energy conditions , on its worn surface was formed a continuous and compact debris layer .

  21. 具有光滑层热解炭结构的炭/炭复合材料在正常着陆条件下刹车力矩曲线波动很大,磨损较小,摩损表面形成较为粗糙的磨屑层;

    Contrary to the above , the brake torque curve of the C / C composite with smooth laminar ( SL ) pyrocarbon structure showed large fluctuation and small dimension loss , on its worn surface was generated rougher debris layer at normal landing condition .

  22. 极化磁系统永磁力矩特性曲线形状的分析与研究

    Research and Analysis on the shape of the permanent magnet torque characteristic curve of polarized magnetic system

  23. 对主动轮和从动轮同步旋转进行计算,得出从动轮力矩变化曲线,分析了力矩波动与两齿轮相对磁极轴线夹角关系。

    By calculating the fields of a magnetic gear during synchronous rotation , the relationship between torque fluctuation and angle was studied .

  24. 以往对如何改变永磁力矩特性曲线的形状及如何描述其凹凸程度一直是继电器设计人员难以解决的问题。

    In the past , it was very hard to change the shape of the permanent magnet torque characteristic and describe its concave and convex extent .

  25. 根据已知的力矩特性曲线,分析了利用双三次曲面拟合来创建传动系统所有工况点数据的原理和方法。

    According to known torque curves , the principles and methods for establishing all data in each operation of the driving system was discussed by the theory of 3-dimension fitting .

  26. 本文通过对文献[1]中的数控变量泵实测和理论分析得出了调节力矩特性曲线、函数关系及其影响因素。

    This paper obtained torque - adjusting characteristic curves , function relations and its influence factors by test and theory analysis for digital control variable displacement pump in literature [ 1 ] .

  27. 按输出力(力矩)特性曲线设计凸轮机构

    Cam mechanism design based on output force moment characteristics

  28. 具有良好的低风速旋转力矩和功率曲线。

    It Has good driving distance of low wind speed and the power trace .

  29. 矿山载重卡车力矩速度特性曲线的应用

    Torque-speed Performance Application about Heavy-duty Mine Truck

  30. 从制动器制动力矩的变化曲线得出:磁流变液不同,制动力矩变化很大;

    Conclusions can be drawn from the graph of brake torque change of the MRP brake : Using different MRP , the brake torque varied very much ;